(When I checked today, I found that there was one less chapter of 360. In fact, the content is not missing, but the number of chapters is one less, so I can only repeat the number of chapters today. Otherwise, it is not right.)

Di Jiu trifling Only the ants of the Immortal Monarch cultivation base killed three experts who offended him in Great Cauldron Immortal City, and one of them was Sect Master of Thousand Maple Sect Huang Yetian’s daughter. This incident spread throughout the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, many people deliberately came to Di Jiu’s residence, want to see the foreign Immortal Monarch in the end of a few arms, why is it so fierce?

So when the Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Tea store was about to open, it was also spread throughout the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Di Jiu is a Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master, and everyone knows about it. Shouldn’t a Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master open a Pill Building? Why do you want to open a Starry Sky Tea shop?

Before Starry Sky Tea was opened, the outside of the store was almost full of cultivators, and even a few cultivators crowded into the roofs of other stores to watch the fun.

Everyone wants to see what kind of Immortal Spirit Tea shop is this fascinating fellow in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty?

“Immortal Spirit Tea is Immortal Spirit Tea, up to Immortal Spirit Qi strong. Can you still make a flower? I really don’t understand, this fellow is a Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master, why open Immortal Spirit Tea shop?”

“hehe, if you are a Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master, do you dare dare to open the Pill Store at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty?”

“Also, this fellow seems to be afraid of it. I thought that this fellow was empty…”

“What is the emptiness? People just do what you dare not do. With someone like you, it is estimated that someone has hit the left face and quickly sent the right face that’s all.”


Di Jiu’s shop is crowded with people in front of it, and the various discussions are mixed.

Xie Huang’s smug open restriction stood at the door of the store, and recently he got Di Jiu’s promise, no longer worried about his body. Coupled with Starry Sky Tea’s great help in the washing of his mental state, now even without Reverend Luan’s medicinal pill, he can stick to it for a day.

“Come out.” Seeing Xie Huang coming out of the store, the crowd outside was quiet.

“Fellow Daoists!” Xie Huang said in a cup one fist in the other hand. “Today is the day when my Starry Sky Teahouse opened, and it’s a happy event for everyone…”

Someone in the crowd laughed. “It has nothing to do with us. Even if it is a happy event, it is Starry Sky Teahouse.”

“Ha ha ha…” Xie Huang laughed, “When you drink my Starry Sky Tea’s Immortal Spirit Tea, you know that you were really pitiful before, why? Because you have never had real tea before, and This real tea is Starry Sky Tea in my restaurant. So I said that the more happy things for everyone.”

When I laughed in the crowd, it was really a joke in Xie Huang’s words.

“So the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty The rest of the restaurant will soon be closed.” Someone in the crowd couldn’t help but make a joke.

Xie Huang waved his hand and said, “I don’t care about closing the door. My Starry Sky Teahouse is doing the most top grade cultivator business. Good things, the price is naturally the highest. So we have limited things, many people even I can’t buy it. Ok, I don’t talk nonsense, this person Xie Huang is a shareholder of Starry Sky Teahouse and a Sales Director of Starry Sky Teahouse…”

“What does Sales Director mean?”

Xie Huang disdainfully said, “Anyone who has no culture at first glance, culture doesn’t understand? I explain to you, that is, the person who has the most business is called Sales Director, do you understand? My Big Brother or Great Sales Director It.”

“Don’t talk about these nonsense, quickly open the store, let’s see what is happening in your mouth of Starry Sky Tea.” Someone in the crowd is impatient with Xie Huang.

Xie Huang is not angry, he is an open hand, and a vaguely abandoned array is uncovered by him.

Starry Sky Tea contains a vast array of starry sky Dao Rhyme characters appearing at the top of the Starry Sky Teahouse, giving you a starry sky feel at a glance.

“Good words, good way…” The crowd is also aware of the goods. When these three words come out, they can’t help but admire.

Xie Huang laughed, “What is this, look at my Starry Sky Teahouse’s advertisement.”

After a wave of waving, in the three words of Starry Sky Tea, there are two lines of words again, the first line of words, “buy my tea leaves, send you a starry sky!”

The second line, “Starry Sky Tea, a leaf a world !”

It’s a big tone, although all the people here want to see who Di Jiu is, but the three words Starry Sky Tea have caught everyone’s interest, and the two lines of advertising are more It is to let everyone have some interest in their hearts.

The shop door was wide open, and the exquisite tea leaves appeared in front of everyone. Every tea leaves shelf was wrapped in a restriction. Shudi had already been wearing a new clothes next to the tea leaves shelf.

That is, Mo Yu also came down to help, she is helping to collect money.

The delicate tea leaves are covered with large and small transparent jade boxes, and you can clearly see the number of tea leaves in the jade box.

When all the people saw the number of tea leaves in the jade box, and the price, they all took a breath.

Some people were angry and laughed. “It’s really have guts, why not rob?”

A small jade box with ten tea leaves, the quote is 10,000 freedom points. If you want to add a cup, you should directly ask for 20,000 freedom points. And a hundred pieces of tea leaves jade box, the price climbed to 100,000 freedom points, this price is to send a cup. As for a specially refining Starry Sky Tea pot plus four Starry Sky Tea cups, the offer is also 50,000 freedom points.

Xie Huang chuckled, “Where is this profitable? I tell you that our TE leaves are limited. The first day of the day is sufficient. If everyone hesitates, when the time comes, I can’t guarantee the goods.”

“Director Xie, I admire your Fellow Daoist Great Director Di Jiu, and want to take care of the business, but your price is too outrageous?” Someone who entered the store said something unhappy, this also Really to support Di Jiu’s.

“Not expensive, not expensive.” Xie Huang kept waved, not to drop the price.

“Can you take a try?” someone asked, they found that the Immortal Spirit Tea is different from the Immortal Spirit Tea elsewhere. Other places Immortal Spirit Tea is a lot of things and tea leaves refining together, and here seems to be only simple tea leaves. After tea leaves are made into Starry Sky Tea, it seems to be tea leaves.

“Let’s go, let’s go, watch it live, everyone should leave.” Most cultivators turned and left after seeing the price.

10,000 freedom points, in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, but can do a lot of things. Not a few cultivators are stupid to buy ten pieces of tea leaves.

“I come to a box of ten-piece Starry Sky Tea.” 10,000 freedom points is a price for most ordinary cultivators, but after all, someone can afford it.

To buy Starry Sky Tea is a male cultivator with a starry sky vicissitudes. He bought the Starry Sky Tea because he saw the words Starry Sky Tea outside.

As a starry sky who wanders in the starry sky all the year round, he is very clear about the three words that contain the starry sky Dao Rhyme aura.

Shudi hurried forward and took out a box of tea leaves and handed it to the male cultivator. He said with a smile, “this noble guest, if you use our teacup to make tea, the effect will be better. Our tea can only use one piece at a time. Tea leaves, oh.”

Male cultivator nodded. “If that’s the case, then help me get another cup.”

In the blink of an eye, the business of 20,000 freedom points is made, and the onlookers of the cultivator are shook their heads. This purchase of the cultivator of the starry sky Immortal Spirit Tea, apparently is a top grade starry sky cultivator, typically rich and self-willed.

When all the people thought that the cultivator was holding the tea leaves, the person opened the jade box with the tea and took the cup out. Then put a piece of tea leaves in the cup, one hand, and a group of rolling Immortal Spirit water polo in the space.

This Cultivator turned over and the hot water fell into the cup…….

A faint starry sky aura fragrance, all people feel that their spirits are clear, everyone’s eyes can not help but fall on the glass of Starry Sky Tea.

In an instant, everyone’s mind is integrated into this cup of Starry Sky Tea.

Where is this a cup of tea? That’s right, this is really a world, it’s a party starry sky.

In this side of the starry sky, they feel a kind of tranquility that penetrates deep into the heart. This serenity is alive, with a strong life force, with a good desire…

Everything is vivid in this cup of tea, everything is perfect in this cup of tea. This is what they need, and this is the world they need.

The cultivator of this tea opened his eyes and took a mouthful of Immortal Spirit Tea in his hand.

Then he made a long sigh of relief, and he had never had such a scene since the stray of starry sky. The cool Dao Rhyme scatters the whole body and mind, giving his Dao Heart a sublimation, a desire, and a feeling that the soul is washed.

Since cultivating, he has never had this kind of awareness, his mental state has improved rapidly, and the cultivation base that has been broken for a long time has begun to loosen. The filthy aura that does not belong to oneself permeates out of the body, and the body and mind become more and more relaxed. .

“Good tea ……” The man screamed and sipped the rest of the tea, even the tea leaves did not let go.

Such a good tea, actually sold so cheaply, “Give me five more pots, one hundred thousand one pot.”

Unfortunately, he only has 500,000 freedom points. Otherwise, he definitely wants to buy more of this Starry Sky Tea.

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