“I also want a box of 10,000 freedom points…”

“I want two boxes too…”

Almost after this male cultivator said that there were five boxes, several cultivators who wanted to go went forward to buy Starry Sky Tea.

No one thought that this male cultivator was a support, and after Starry Sky Tea was soaked, the kind of starry sky world Dao Rhyme, anyone felt it. This is a drink, is it still?

Even if it is an idiot, I know that this Starry Sky Tea is very different from the general Immortal Spirit Tea on the market.

Shudi’s mouth is smiling, and the Starry Sky Tea business is really good.


Because of a shop in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Di Jiu, who killed three people in the street, was on fire again. This time, the fire is different from the first time. For the first time, everyone wants to see what Di Jiu is. Keep on saying that the law of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has pitted the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Law Enforcement Palace. Although it won once, it will definitely be dying. This kind of fellow, the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, is not long-lived.

This time, the Di Jiu fire was due to a new Immortal Spirit Tea, the Immortal Spirit Tea called Starry Sky Tea. Drinking a bite not only washes the mental state, but also stabilizes the foundation, while letting the cultivator completely relax and feel the tranquility of a starry sky, which is what every Dao Cultivator needs.

If one is saying this, maybe everyone will say that this is nonsense. Now every cultivator that has purchased Starry Sky Tea says this, and the late cultivator can’t buy it, so let everyone reflect it, this is true.

Such a big thing, the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty knows that the Great Star Pill Building naturally got news.

At the Great Star Pill Building’s Assembly Hall, there is almost all Deacon and Elder in the Great Cauldron Immortal City, each with an Immortal Spirit Tea.

Assembly Hall is quiet, not only because Starry Sky Tea’s Dao Rhyme is felt by everyone, but more, everyone knows what it means after Starry Sky Tea comes out.

After a long time, Elder Bi sighed and said, “I really can’t live, my Great Star Pill Building should have taken this person away. It’s too late, it’s too late.”

Assembly Hall is still silent, everyone understands what Elder Bi means. Di Jiu publicly sells this terrible Starry Sky Tea, isn’t it what it is to find death?

Di Jiu trifling did not rely on the Immortal Monarch ants, revealing this powerful Immortal Spirit Tea, and countless people want to take him away. The Great Star Pill Building is no better, and is not qualified to snatch it with these people. That’s why Elder Bi said that everything is late.

Unfortunately, the Great Star Pill Building was the first to discover Di Jiu’s heaven defying, and finally did not get any benefits.


“Good tea!” A man who was obese and his eyes smashed into a line took a sip of Starry Sky Tea. After a slap in the coffee table in front of him, the coffee table in front of him was photographed as slag.

“One thousand freedom points, this is to earn all the freedom points of the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, hehe…” After the obese man said it, hehe snorted and then smashed his hand.

If you live in the Great Cauldron Free Immortal City’s cultivator all the year round, see this fat man naturally knows, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is one of the most famous Inns, Shopkeeper Hui of Great Fortune Like Inn.

Don’t look at the name of the Great Fortune Like Inn, which is vulgar and can’t be vulgar, but this Inn can be ranked in the top three throughout the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

The strength of the gray garbage, but the person standing behind the gray is not the same. That is the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal City’s Vice City Lord Jie Guangmao, an Immortal Venerable middle stage expert.

Gray closed his eyes, and after feeling the tea rhyme of Starry Sky Tea, put down the cup in his hand and said to Immortal King behind him, “Fu Yi, come with me to visit Starry Sky Teahouse, I want to Pill Master Di, who has a lot of skill, talks.”

He has already seen the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. Only the Great Fortune Like Inn sells this Starry Sky Tea. Numerous cultivators flock to it. Every day, there are countless freedom points to enter his purse. Great Fortune Like Inn is coming and going. Business is booming.

“Yes.” The red clothed man standing behind the ash sighed with a sigh of relief. He knew that his master was interested in Starry Sky Tea’s business.


“How come out so fast?”

“I have been queued here for a long time, tree Storekeeper, you can’t say anything without a piece of goods.”


The Starry Sky Teahouse door is crowded with people, and this has been happening almost every day since the opening of Starry Sky Teahouse, which is the fifth day.

Shudi had a cup one fist in the other hand. I was very pleased with the many cultivators I didn’t buy from Starry Sky Tea. “Starry Sky Tea is extremely difficult to refine. Our Starry Sky Teahouse can only produce so much every day. If you want to buy, tomorrow. Come early.”

In my heart, Shudi was very depressed. Big Brother gave it a bunch of Starry Sky Tea. He ordered him to sell a certain share every day. After the sale, he would not sell it.

This makes it very difficult to understand why money is not earned? To know how difficult it is to survive in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, and earn more freedom points.

“Everyone let a hand, today does not do business here, what happened to the Great Fortune Like Inn in a few days.” A sudden voice sounded.

Shudi, this should be what it says. Who is such a big guts, dare to say this at Starry Sky Teahouse? Besides, what is the Great Fortune Like Inn?

The crowd is separated and Shudi sees it. The person who came was an obese man and a cultivator wearing red clothed.

The two people’s aura seems to be vast in Shudi, and it is harder than it is to know how many times.

“It’s Storekeeper Hui of Great Fortune Like Inn…” Someone in the crowd recognized this fatty, and the cultivator that originally wanted to defend a few words, no one dared to say anything after recognizing the gray Deacon, and quietly left.

Shopkeeper Hui of Great Fortune Like Inn appears here, even idiots know what’s going on. The tree is big, Starry Sky Teahouse This little tree dares to be so attracted. Isn’t this what it is to find death?

“Today’s Starry Sky Tea has been bought, what’s the need, come back tomorrow.” Shudi saw that this fatty was not easy to provoke, and quickly said it was ahead.

“fuck off.” Gray slaps Shutu on the side, Shudi cultivation base is too bad, even the bones are cracked open more than a dozen.

Di Jiu and Xie Huang rushed to the first floor at the same time.

“Di Jiu, you are not bad. I opened a big restaurant in a blink of an eye. Today I am here to give you a big creation…”

After a word of gray has not been finished, Xie Huang has rushed to the gray.

Xie Huang Great Limit Immortal initial stage strength, gray is also the Great Limit Immortal initial stage strength. Even if Xie Huang’s cultivation base is piled up by medicinal pill, but he is also the only son of Immortal Emperor, the means is not a fatty that only knows how to do business.

A keel was swept up by Xie Huang, and the killing intent of the sky shrouded the ash.

“I am the Storekeeper of the Great Fortune Like Inn, you dare…”

Gray just said a word, a terrifying space constraint fully charged his scope of Spiritual Consciousness. Originally, he was worse than Xie Huang, and now he is tied up, and he can’t compare with Xie Huang.

“Hey!” The gray legs were turned into slag under the white keel of Xie Huang.

The heart is full of fear, and he regrets it. Di Jiu is simply a second product, can kill people in the street, naturally can kill him in this store. Even if someone finally gave him a revenge, what good is it? He may have been killed already.

Why is Fu Yi still not working now?

The one who followed him couldn’t move his hand. He was also locked by a Troping Slaughter Array. Several blade glows passed through his cheekbones and locked him in the Traping Slaughter Array.

Di Jiu was able to kill several Immortal Kings and a bunch of Great Principle Immortal when he was still True Immortal. Now Di Jiu is already Immortal Monarch, and the trifling Immortal King initial stage dares to enter his Traping Slaughter Array and is looking for death.

“Boom!” The two Daoist shadows flew out of the Starry Sky Teahouse. People didn’t have to look at it. They also knew that it should be Starry Sky Teahouse’s Storekeeper Di Jiu and the so-called Sales Director called Xie Huang.

“Hey!” When the two fell on the ground, the people saw it in amazement. It wasn’t Di Jiu and the Sales Director that fell to the ground. It is the Shopkeeper Hui of Great Fortune Like Inn, and there is also a shadow of the gray, the beater.

How is this going?

I haven’t waited for everyone to understand what is going on, and a figure has rushed out. This figure rushed directly to the gray body that had lost both legs and slammed it.

Ash has become obese, and now it has been hit by such a punch and has become a huge blood pig.

“spare the life, I am the person of Vice City Lord Jie…” Gray is still dare to have a little bit of hardship, just ask for mercy.

The onlookers of the cultivators are suck in a cold breath. They thought that Di Jiu was arrogant. Now, I know that Starry Sky Teahouse has no arrogant people, and even a fellow is so arrogant.

If this fellow is not going to kill Storekeeper Hui, the Storekeeper of the Great Fortune Like Inn is probably killed dozens of times?

Gray is the person of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Vice City Lord Jie Guangmao, and there is a good play looked.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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