“Okay, it’s going to be killed again.” Di Jiu walked out in time, preventing Xie Huang from continuing to beat Storekeeper Hui.

Xie Huang listened to Di Jiu and kicked Storekeeper Hui. “It’s good luck, or Grandpa will kill you.”

Di Jiu came to the storekeeper Hui who lost his legs and asked very much in front of him. “Are you still dead?”

“I am the person of Vice City Lord Jie, you hurry to save me…” Storekeeper Hui had to stop and vomit blood.

“You really are the people of Vice City Lord Jie?” Di Jiu asked with amazement.

“Yes, you don’t want to move me any more, there is still a chance to save a life.” Storekeeper Hui finally spit out the blood in his mouth. Di Jiu can save a life is a fake, Storekeeper Hui does not dare to anger Di Jiu, must give Di Jiu hope.

The onlookers are secretly sighed, and it is useless to care about greetings now. Everyone wants to see what happens when the Vice City Lord Jie comes, how to deal with this arrogant shopkeeper.

More people are shaking their heads without words. Is it too late to ask the backstage of Storekeeper Hui? Switching to a slightly bit of a brain will make it clear in advance who the person is and then start again.

No one in the background will come here so idiotic, directly say Starry Sky Tea later?

Di Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. “I will be relieved.”

After saying this, Di Jiu kicked his foot and Storekeeper Hui flew up. When he saw the stone pillar next to the shop, Di Jiu opened an open hand, a long blade flew out of his hand and directly put the Storekeeper Hui Nailed on the stone pillar.

Followed by Di Jiu again to the front of the rescue of the rescue, one foot. Then the second long blade passes through Fuyi and nails it to the stone pillar on the other side.

The onlookers were shocked. What is this operation? Have such an apology? This is a disappointment that Storekeeper Hui is not too fast, not right. It is not fast enough to dislike him.

“Great big guts…” in a roar, followed by a gray robe Deacon and fell in front of Di Jiu.

The scene is quiet, most people know who is coming, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Law Enforcement Palace’s Deacon, Gong Yichi.

Gong Yichi is a Deacon at the Law Enforcement Palace Immortal King level, and he is always on the cusp of a variety of influences. As long as he came forward, the cultivator that he took away, basically did not have the opportunity to show up for the second time. So the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty cultivator is also called this person Gong once.

He looked up and watched the Storekeeper Hui, which was nailed to the stone pillar by Di Jiu. He shivered and his face was iron.

This is the Storekeeper of the Great Fortune Like Inn. Whose industry is the Great Fortune Like Inn? That is the industry of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Vice City Lord Jie Guangmao. Now a storekeeper under Jie Guangmao is actually nailed to the door of a shop by a foreign ant.

Once this kind of thing was known by Jie Guangmao Vice City Lord, his Deacon was also unable to eat.

“have guts, have guts…” Gong Yichi knew that it was beyond his scope.

He raised his hand and threw out a message. This must be handled by Vice City Lord Jie himself, which may also calm down some of the anger of Vice City Lord Jie.

“You give me a slap.” Gong Yichi calmed down, even if he wanted to cut off Di Jiu’s hands and feet, but he didn’t dare. Not worried about the law of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, but worried about the dissatisfaction of Vice City Lord Jie. Vice City Lord Jie How to make this ants, not that he can be the master.

Xie Huang laughed, “How do you do this kind of garbage? If you don’t ask anything after you come, let me take a nap. Are you smearing Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty? Do you know what I want to say? You are also very hauts, dare to call your grandfather.”

Gong Yichi startled, and this bold fellow? This Di Jiu has long been on the blacklist of the Law Enforcement Palace, but it hasn’t had time to deal with it yet. Now a fellow is so arrogant?

Is this looking for death?

Gong Yichi frowned, and he felt that it was not that simple. In front of this pale face, you don’t seem to be an idiot. Why are you looking for death?

No, this pale face is a little familiar…

“hehe, when was the Storekeeper of my Great Fortune Like Inn offended, was it nailed to the stone pillar outside the store?” An unhurried voice came, followed by a golden garment man void.

The golden garment man is not alone. There is a brown-clothed man behind him. The man is on the ground and stares at Di Jiu. “Is it you?”

“It turned out to be Hall Lord Dui, Di Jiu has seen Hall Lord Dui.” Di Jiu to the later brown-clothed man a cup one fist in the other hand.

Hall Lord Dui A cold look of Di Jiu, no words. To be honest, as the Hall Lord of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, if he came out to deal with things so frequently, he would have been exhausted.

It was really because the first time he received a request for his Hall Lord to come out, the order came out, he had to come out and take away the Great Principle Immortal Deacon. Opposite the small Immortal Monarch shop owner, naturally, he is not qualified to give him orders. Until now, he did not know who gave him the order.

This time it was the matter of Vice City Lord Jie, he had to come out. In terms of status, he is comparable to Vice City Lord Jie. He is a little bit worse than Vice City Lord Jie.

Di Jiu took the initiative to cup one fist in the other hand because he didn’t know that he could call the Hall Lord for the first time, not his credit. If you know that the first time this Hall Lord came out, it is not because of his report that he is absolutely impossible to greet cup one fist in the other hand.

“Haha, you guys look so arrogant. The guy is Young Master, he snatched me and Starry Sky Tea in the Big Brother store. Could you not be convinced by Jie Guangmao? Have guts directed at you Young Master, Young Master doesn’t dare to be as arrogant as you, but wrinkles his brow with your last name.” Xie Huang laughed, and pointed to the nose of Jie Guangmao and Hall Lord Dui.

Gong Yichi also remembered who Xie Huang was at this moment, and the cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

Jie Guangmao The violent anger was suddenly ruined in the blink of an eye. Obviously, he also recognized who Xie Huang was, and his heart was cold.

Don’t look at him as the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal City’s Vice City Lord, Star Demon Palace’s Palace Lord Xie Wanleng. To kill him, it is almost like killing an ant.

Hall Lord Dui also woke up, this is Xie Wanleng’s only son. Jie Guangmao’s face is bigger, and it is not a finger of Xie Wanleng. He also finally understood that the first time Di Jiu made trouble, who gave him the order.

“It turned out that the Young Palace Lord came to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, and Jie Guangmao was scorned. It was damn.” Where can Jim Guangmao take care of his doglegs and greet Xie Huang cup one fist in the other hand.

Xie Huang laughed, “Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is not yours. You and I are doing business here. You are talking like you are the master, I am the foreigner, do you want to be shameless?”

Jie Guangmao rushed in his heart, but he did not dare to do anything with Xie Huang. It’s easy to kill Xie Huang, and it’s hard to escape from Xie Wanleng’s pursuit.

Hall Lord Dui hurriedly said, “Young Palace Lord hasn’t been to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty for a long time. I didn’t expect to make such a big business here. It’s really gratifying.”

Xie Huang nodded. “Unfortunately, I just did a few Innates. Someone is screaming at the backstage and wants to grab my money. I have nothing to do. I am bullied and can only be called dad… Hehe ,hehe hehe ……”

If a series of hehe made Jie Guangmao hairy, then Xie Huang took out a jade token with a powerful Dao Rhyme aura to stimulate the action, but also let Jin Guangmao behind the cold sweat.

He is not a fool. This jade token is the Body Protection Token of the Star Demon Palace Palace Lord Xie Wanleng. If it is inspired by Xie Huang and leads to the image of Star Demon Immortal Emperor, he really can’t finish it.

“Young Palace Lord, this is a mistake of the Great Fortune Like Inn Storekeeper. The Great Fortune Like Inn is my property, so I have the greatest responsibility. Regardless of how the Young Palace Lord handles it, my Jie Guangmao is fully committed to the Young Palace Lord. “Jie Guangmao would have liked to mix up and then take the gray away.”

Now that Xie Huang is going to call dad, he has to face it.

Hall Lord Dui did not speak, this time he is best to be silent.

“Big Brother, these people came to snatch our store and grab our business. Now what do you say?” Xie Huang watched Di Jiu asked.

Big Brother? Whether it is Jie Guangmao or Hall Lord Dui surprised watched Di Jiu, what is the origin of Di Jiu, actually Star Demon Palace Young Palace Lord’s big brother ?

The surrounding cultivator fully understands that the lover’s family will not fear what Vice City Lord Jie. Star Demon Palace’s Young Palace Lord, the Storekeeper Hui of the Great Fortune Like Inn is probably eating cockroaches and dare to snatch the business of Star Demon Palace Young Palace Lord. Isn’t that eating and looking for death?

“Since it is the dog of the Vice City Lord, you can lose a few freedom points. Here two people, each pays one million freedom points, and then how far it is.” Di Jiu said unceremoniously.

The reason why he said it is because he is very clear that even if he is polite, he and Jie Guangmao’s hatred are also settled.

It turned out to be the case. Finally, some people understand that Di Jiu hear Storekeeper Hui said that there is a background, saying that I am relieved what it means, it is worried that no one will compensate for freedom points.

Huo Jianqian stayed in the crowd and she was relieved. She knew that Di Jiu was not a fool. It is no wonder that she dared to open Starry Sky Teahouse here. Even Star Demon Palace Young Palace Lord Xie Huang called him Big Brother. This kind of background is to open again. Pill Building is fine.

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