Di Jiu fired for the third time at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, or Starry Sky Teahouse fired.

After knocking out the legs of Great Fortune Like Inn Shopkeeper Hui, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal City’s Vice City Lord Jie Guangmao also made a special trip to apologize and compensated 2 million freedom points.

Starry Sky Tea’s reputation is even more famous throughout the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, not only because Starry Sky Teahouse has a famous Storekeeper Di Jiu, but also because Starry Sky Tea is really good.

Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty The major influences, including the Sect Masters of the major sects, are all very much like Starry Sky Tea. In this universe, whoever treats you with Starry Sky Tea is really hospitable.

It is a pity that Starry Sky Tea sells a limited amount each day, and it can’t be grabbed. In addition to the opening day, everyone can only buy one box at a time.

As Xie Huang said, Starry Sky Teahouse is spending more money than stealing money.

Everyone knows that Starry Sky Tea is very bullish and even has the reputation of being the first tea, but no one dares to play Starry Sky Tea’s idea. The Storekeeper Hui of Great Fortune Like Inn is a good example.

I have been staring at Di Jiu’s Huang Yetian. After knowing that Di Jiu and Star Demon Palace’s Young Palace Lord Xie Huang are a group, even after playing the face of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Vice City Lord Jie, they sighed quietly and left Great. Cauldron Immortal City. Give him a few guts and he doesn’t dare to think about Xie Huang.

If a daughter is killed, she can only admit that she is unlucky. If she must blame, she can only blame the Great Star Pill Building.

The Great Star Pill Building is just as bad. After knowing that Di Jiu and Xie Huang are a group, Great Star Pill Building’s Cheng Xingren has one more thing. He is worried that one day Di Jiu will know that it was the Great Star Pill Building plot against And then Xie Huang is two in the early days.

“Big Brother, you are so powerful, I couldn’t help but kill that fatty. I didn’t expect you to earn 2,000,000 freedom points.” Xie Huang is admiring Di Jiu’s five-body cast, he has no idea, otherwise he would have It will not be pressed by your own friend.

He felt that Di Jiu took him as a true friend, not because his old man was Star Demon Palace’s Palace Lord. Since there is a friend like Di Jiu, with his brain, you don’t have to be Xie Huang.

When he was in his early days, he went out and snorted. I want to call my dad.

“We don’t have enough strength. Otherwise, there is no 20,000,000 freedom points. I can make that Jie Guangmao better.” Di Jiu snorted.

He got compensation and took a sigh of relief, and he didn’t feel too refreshed. This is not dependent on his own strength, and although he does not have seen Xie Wanleng, he can guess that Xie Wanleng will not see him more.

“Big Brother, I am not saying that I will call my dad? If you want, if the Vice City Lord Jie does not give it, I will call my dad.” Xie Huang said in a hurry.

Di Jiu sneered. “You better not to put your old man in your mouth. I vaguely feel that your guess of your old man is correct.”

“Ah…” Xie Huang stunned.

Di Jiu patted Xie Huang’s shoulder. “If I didn’t guess wrong, you old man knows that you haven’t saved. Otherwise, can you keep your mother locked? And your old man doesn’t care about you cultivating these years. Let me go. If you are an old man, you will naturally not have no successor, so you guessed it is right. You guessed it was a younger brother. Unfortunately, your old man won’t let your brother know you. .

Now you can take your old man to threaten others, as long as your little life is no problem, your old man should not take action. Because of this, I can’t ask Vice City Lord Jie to pay too much. If you get stuck, your old man may not be able to come. ”

It is Di Jiu’s guess that Vice City Lord Jie can’t compensate too much. Xie Huang’s position in his old man’s heart is not high now. At best, it’s just that others are bullying.

Otherwise, Xie Wanleng had long tried to help Xie Huang re-cultivate instead of letting it go. It is even more impossible to allow Xie Huang to come to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. If a Immortal Emperor is held, Xie Huang can still sneak out, it is a joke.

Xie Huang had a bit of pain in his eyes. He was not an idiot. He knew that Di Jiu was right. He was abandoned by his old man. In fact, he knew it himself, but he did not want to really admit it.

“Big Brother, what do I do now?” Xie Huang said slyly.

His age is much larger than Di Jiu, but the experience is worse than Di Jiu, which is a hundred thousand miles.

Di Jiu snorted. “It’s not a bad thing for you. You have been under the care of your old man these years. What have you gained? Learn todining, wining, whoring and gambling. So now you old man wants To set up another heir, you should cheer up, let your old man look in the future, don’t choose Xie Huang as the heir, he is wrong. Moreover, you are so big, and you are mixed all day, even your maiden is being held. You can’t do it, it’s not filial.”

Xie Huang clenched her fist and his mother was detained. At first, he didn’t understand it very well. When he himself knew that he had been recruited, he was just cheating on himself. Now Di Jiu is equal to revealing his scar. Old man wants a new heir, but it is a strange thing to remember that his mother is being held.

“This is not a good thing. Now it is safe. I don’t think anyone can do dare open your eyes. Come here again. I will detoxify you right away. Later, you will follow my words and go to cultivating. I believe that after all, One day, you won’t just say my name is my dad. This is not something to be praised, there is no need to put it on the lips every day.” Di Jiu really thinks Xie Huang as a friend, otherwise he won’t say these words. .

“Big Brother, I listen to you, and I will follow you later,” said Xie Huang without the slightest hesitation.


From the Demon Dressing Immortal Land Star Demon Palace, which is billions of miles away from Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, a middle-aged man in a purple robe sits in a large, dark chair, standing underneath him wearing a black The clothed male cultivator, next to him, sits a blond teenager who looks young.

The middle-aged man gaze on the black clothed male cultivator, indifferently said, “You said that Huang’er opened a shop at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and also dropped the face of Jie Guangmao?”

The black clothed man hurryed and said with a tone of voice, “Yes, Palace Lord, Young Palace Lord and a Di Jiu’s Grade 3 Immortal Pill Master have opened a tea house specializing in the sale of an Immortal Spirit Tea. Young Palace Lord also Calling that Pill Master Di is Big Brother, the relationship is very good.

Very obviously, this man is the father of Xie Huang, Xie Wanleng. Star Demon Palace’s Palace Lord, top grade expert of Immortal Emperor 7th layer.

“Hey, a little Pill Master, it’s a have guts too, dare to be my Big Brother of Xie Wanleng’s son.” Xie Wanleng snorted.

“Do you want to catch it?” The black clothed man asked again and respectfully.

Xie Wanleng waved. “No, you go ahead.”

As for what Immortal Spirit Tea was sold by Xie Huang, the fire was not fired, and Xie Wanleng asked no questions. A small Immortal Pill’s Immortal Spirit Tea is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

“Yes.” The black clothed man stepped back and quickly left Hall.

“Dad, Big Brother is also true, my star Demon Palace’s bloodline is so noble, actually recognize a rogue cultivator for Big Brother, it is…” The blonde teenager frowned and frowned.

Xie Wanleng sighed. “Forget it, Huang’er’s days will not be too much, just follow his wishes.”

After saying Xie Wanleng paused, the tone said softly, “your Big Brother is ruined, Cheng’er, your current cultivation base is higher than your Big Brother. But with your cultivation base, I want to Demon Dressing Immortal Land’s Demon Dressing Mountain Dao Discussion Some achievements are still too far. During this time, you will concentrate on staying in the Star Demon Pond for secluded cultivation, and strive to enter the realm of Immortal King as soon as possible.”

“Dad, I know.” The blonde teenager said very well.


In Di Jiu’s cave mansion on the second floor of Starry Sky Teahouse, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has completely explored Xie Huang’s meridians and sea of ​​consciousness. Xie Huang has no privacy at the moment in front of Di Jiu.

However, Di Jiu has some frowns, and he feels a little tricky. Xie Huang has been poisoning for too long, even if he has the Golden Dao Principle, the research on the foundation law is fairly thorough, and it is impossible to find out where Xie Huang’s desire poison is. In other words, this desire poison is simply shadowless and invisible, and it cannot be found at all.

“Big Brother, is it difficult?” Seeing Di Jiu frowning, Xie Huang asked in a panic.

Di Jiu sighed, but the Golden Dao Principle was not there. If he followed the previous method, the chance of success would not exceed 50%.

“I have a new way to help you remove the desire poison, just…”

Di Jiu didn’t finish talking, Xie Huang said simply and decisively, “As long as I don’t kill me, Big Brother will let go.”

Di Jiu nodded. “The whole death is not dead, but my solution is to burn you a little bit with flames, including your flesh and bones, even the Sea of ​​Consciousness…”

Xie Huang hit a shiver, which is a terrible thing.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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