Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty The hottest shop, it is naturally Starry Sky Teahouse.

Starry Sky Teahouse is not just a fire for tea. Every day, there are countless freedom points to enter Starry Sky Teahouse, which is Starry Sky Teahouse’s Storekeeper Di Jiu, which attracts a lot of influences.

The reason was that Di Jiu’s refinement of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill leaked out, major sect Sect Master, Great Cauldron Pill Union, and some got top grade materials to refine Pill Cultivator, and came to visit Di Jiu.

It can be said that if Di Jiu’s little brother Xie Huang is the eldest son of the Star Demon Palace Palace Lord, Di Jiu, the little Starry Sky Teahouse, has long been demolished.

This is the fifth month after Di Jiu and Xie Huang seclusion, and Xie Huang finally stopped cultivating, and his cultivation base dropped from the Great Limit Immortal initial stage to the Great Unity Immortal initial stage.

After Xie Huang stopped cultivating, the first time was to laugh. At the moment, Xie Huang’s heart was only a surprise, and he finally became a normal person.

In addition to surprises, there is also a kind of happiness after the birth. If he didn’t come to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and recognized Di Jiu, Big Brother, where is he today?

Although the cultivation base dropped to Great Unity Immortal, Xie Huang is sure that his strength will not be weaker than when he was at Great Limit Immortal. By the time he advancing to Great Limit Immortal, his strength will rise to several levels.

“Yes, the spiritual sense is on the Grade 3 Immortal Sense. Although it is still weaker, it is much stronger than before.” Xie Huang’s Starry Sky Secret Art is taught by Di Jiu, and even the Star River Vein with the body is Di. Jiu helped to open up, so the bottom of Xie Huang, Di Jiu see clearly.

Xie Huang chuckled, “Big Brother, my Grade 3 Immortal Sense is still weak. You probably don’t even have grade 3? I can almost crush you on the cultivation base.”

Di Jiu’s cultivation base Since entering the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, it has not been upgraded, it has been the Immortal Monarch 1st layer. After several months of seclusion, his Dao of Alchemy level crossed the Grade 5 Immortal Pill, and the cultivation base was still no improvement.

Di Jiu disinclined to answer Xie Huang, Xie Huang is even the Great Unity Immortal 1st layer, even if he is playing with him, he can easily clean up the fellow.

Not only because Xie Huang’s cultivation technique is taught by him, but more importantly, his spiritual sense is stronger than Xie Huang. He is Grade 3 Immortal Sense, and I am afraid that there are very few cultivators with a spiritual sense that exceeds the cultivation base.

“Let’s go, seclusion for more than five months, I went to see how many freedom points Fudu helped me.” Di Jiu speaking in between First opened the restrictions.

“Big Brother…” Shudi saw Di Jiu coming out and greeted him with joy. “We made a profit, it’s really profitable, Big Brother, you see.”

Shudi handed Di Jiu’s identity token to Di Jiu, and Di Jiu took the identity token and saw the above data. It was also shocking.

He didn’t let Shudi open to sell Starry Sky Tea. Even so, in the first half of the year, the freedom points on his identity token had reached 1.1 billion, which is a terrifying data.

If you know this data early, Di Jiu has long dared not do this business. This Freedom Points, I am afraid that Xie Huang’s old man may not be able to cover it.

“Big Brother, our Starry Sky Tea was bought by many people and then the price doubled and sold out, so we suffered.” Shudi didn’t care about his cultivation base and was very concerned about how many freedom points the business earned.

Di Jiu didn’t talk. He tried to learn Dao of Alchemy. He planned to wait for Xie Huang to leave the customs. The two went out to find the cave mansion left by the universe on the turtle shell.

According to Di Jiu’s idea, after he went out, Shudi and Mo Yu would stay in the store. But now, he dare not do this, Shudi and Yu have to take it with him.

“Right, Big Brother, Pill Union’s Vice Union Lord, and Deacon Lin Qing have been looking for you several times. In addition, the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Law Enforcement Palace’s Hall Lord Dui, two Vice City Lords I have been looking for you, and there are several major sect Elders who have come to them. They said that they will give them news as soon as they leave the customs…”

Shudi’s words made Di Jiu cold and sweaty. He immediately called Mo Yu and Hei Huo.

When all the people came down, Di Jiu said solemnly, “We must leave the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty now.”

“Big Brother, we are gone, what about the injury of Older Sister Mo?” Hei Huo knows that Di Jiu came to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty for True A’han Glass Water.

Now that Hei Huo’s strength is close to the Grade 4 Immortal Monster, the progress is really too fast.

Xie Huang saw Hei Huo for the first time. It was amazement that he turned around Hei Huo for a few laps. He didn’t know what Hei Huo was.

“I’m fine.” Mo Yu said in a hurry, she cultivated her heart every day, and her appearance was restored. She also has a vague feeling that Starry Sky Teahouse is in a spurt, and it seems that something bigger will break out at any time.

Di Jiu said solemnly, “We must go now, True A’han Glass Water, I confess to Deacon Huo. Once Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has this treasure, Deacon Huo will give me the first message. At that time, we will come out again.”

“Big Brother, is there any danger?” Xie Huang felt Di Jiu’s worry.

Di Jiu nodded. “Yes, our Starry Sky Tea profits are terrible. These people are estimated to be waiting for me to go out. This should still be on the face of Xie Huang old man. You 4 first enter my True Spirit World, I must leave Great Cauldron right away only Immortal City.”

Di Jiu no longer hesitated, he got a “Easy Bible” from Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect. Although he only looked a part, there is still some hunch in my heart.

Xie Huang wanted to say my dad, and immediately thought of what Di Jiu had told him before, and swallowed the words behind. You can’t rely on dad in the future. There is nothing to do with yourself. Big Brother is right.

“Xie Huang, you take the image jade token from your dad and put it on the second floor.” Di Jiu lets Mo Yu, Hei Huo and Shudi all enter True Spirit World, but let Xie Huang take out Xie Wanleng Jade token.

“Big Brother, although I don’t rely on my dad, I have this brand. If something happens, I can take it out.” Xie Huang asked in a puzzled question.

Di Jiu sneered, “You take your dad’s image jade token, but also practice a fart? Everything has a dependency, and there must be a great image of your cultivation base.”

“Oh, I know.” Xie Huang didn’t dare to refute Di Jiu’s, and had to send the image jade token into the cave mansion.

Di Jiu’s is not wrong, but he lets Xie Huang leave Xie Wanleng’s image jade token not because of the pressure on Xie Huang, but that Di Jiu simply doesn’t believe Xie Wanleng.

He is going to get rich, Xie Huang’s character, he believes that if Xie Huang takes Xie Wanleng’s image card of the old tycoon, he may be exposed at any time.

After sending Xie Huang to True Spirit World, Di Jiu placed a display outside the store, which made it easy for Spiritual Sense Escapee to leave Starry Sky Teahouse.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is grade 4 Immortal Sense and is more condense than the spiritual sense of the general cultivator. When he left Starry Sky Teahouse, Spiritual Sense Escapee saw a few physical senses in his protection array outside Starry Sky Teahouse.

It seems that he really did not guess, Starry Sky Teahouse has long been eyeing, and even the identity of Star Demon Palace Palace Lord is not necessarily enough.

Di Jiu left the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty as quickly as possible, and went away with the Spiritual Sense Escapee, but in a short time, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty was thrown into the void.


Early the next morning, as usual, countless cultivators flocked to Starry Sky Teahouse. Because Starry Sky Teahouse sells a limited number of Starry Sky Teas per day, whoever queues first can get it first. And Starry Sky Teahouse has a rule that queues in advance and deprives them of purchases. You must wait for Starry Sky Teahouse to open the door before you can queue up.

But today, many cultivators are stunned when they rush to the door of Starry Sky Teahouse.

Starry Sky Teahouse didn’t open the door today. There is a huge clear sign at the door. The sign reads, “Starry Sky Tea is sold out. Please wait for the arrival of the next batch of Starry Sky Tea.”

This is shown by Di Jiu’s display array when he left, which shows that the array will show up when he leaves Starry Sky Teahouse.

Starry Sky Teahouse suddenly closed and said that everyone is waiting for the arrival of the next batch of Starry Sky Tea, many people are dumbfounded.

In particular, some businesses that are counting on Starry Sky Tea to be middleman are even more flustered. These middlemans have long had the means to buy Starry Sky Tea, which is waiting around the Starry Sky Teahouse. When Starry Sky Teahouse opens, it will rush to the station.

Now that Starry Sky Teahouse is closed, it doesn’t just mean that their business is gone, it also means that many of their promises can’t be completed.

Starry Sky Teahouse never promises someone else’s Starry Sky Tea. These middlemans make a commitment to win over the guests, or to make a high profit. In the past few months, Starry Sky Teahouse opened every day on time, and they promised nothing. Now that Starry Sky Teahouse suddenly closes, they naturally panic.

Almost at the first time of this news, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty had a lot of influences, including two Vice City Lords, and several Elders rushed to Starry Sky Teahouse.

They were willing to wait for Di Jiu to leave the customs. Except for Xie Wanleng, who is jealous of Star Demon Palace, they also don’t want to get stuck with Di Jiu’s. Who wants to tear a face with a strong man who can refine Starry Sky Tea and refine Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill? Now Di Jiu is closed without a word. If it is good at Starry Sky Teahouse, if you leave the Great Cauldron and only Immortal City, then you can’t.

Many people don’t think Di Jiu left Starry Sky Teahouse. They stared outside Starry Sky Teahouse. Di Jiu left and they will find out the first time.

“Pill Master Di, Thunder Yang Sect Yu Yanzi came to visit.” A man with a thundered face walked to the door of the Starry Sky Teahouse and screamed.

The man’s voice with a trace of Immortal Origin penetrated aura, for the cultivator, this is a forcible visit.

Here is a lot of people looking for Di Jiu’s, so there is no such strong visit. Everyone didn’t talk. Since there is a person in the early days, everyone wants to see if Di Jiu is still not at Starry Sky Teahouse.

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