Starry Sky Teahouse was very quiet, no one came out and didn’t answer.

Yu Yanzi frowned and shouted again, “Thunder Yang Sect Yu Yanzi came to visit.”

Starry Sky Teahouse is still quiet, no one is coming out.

Yu Yanzi raised her hand on the restriction of Starry Sky Teahouse, and the restrictions trembled.

Many cultivators who have come to buy Starry Sky Tea have not left are very confused. Who is this Yu Yanzi? Dare to beat the restrictions of Starry Sky Teahouse, have you forgotten the end of the Great Fortune Like Inn a few months ago? What is the Sales Director of Starry Sky Teahouse, but Xie Huang, Star Demon Palace’s Young Palace Lord.

“Who knows his origins?” Someone in the crowd whispered.

“That is a Diplomatic Deacon from Thunder Court Immortal Land Thunder Yang Sect. He has been there a few times.” Still someone recognized Yu Yanzi.

After hearing the words Thunder Yang Sect, many people are afraid to say anything more. Thunder Yang Sect’s strength is no weaker than any of Demon Dressing Immortal Land’s Five Great Immortal Sect, which is also one of Thunder Court Immortal Land’s top grade Immortal Sect. There are a lot of Thunder Attribute Spiritual Root disciples in the sect, knowing that the Thunder Spiritual Root cultivator is the strongest.

Starry Sky Teahouse restriction trembles, don’t say people come out, there is no sound. Yu Yanzi panicked, and I am afraid that Di Jiu really left the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Di Jiu can’t go. If he can’t see Di Jiu and bring Di Jiu to Thunder Yang Sect, his Diplomatic Deacon will not be able to eat. Can refine the Great Pill Master of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, which Thunder Yang Sect Sect Master asked him to watch. His Sect Master of Thunder Yang Sect is heading to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Thinking of this, Yu Yanzi no longer worried about it, directly hitting the restrictions at the door of Starry Sky Teahouse. He longed for Di Jiu’s deep seclusion, and did not hear his tapping restrictions.

“Boom!” After several bursts of flame glow, Yu Yanzi did not expect someone to arrange the killing array at his door. He was eager to retreat, but the surrounding space was abruptly thickened. These blade glows passed through Yu Yanzi’s body and brought a few awnings of blood.

This is still Yu Yanzi did not attack into the store, otherwise, it is dangerous to be under the guard.

Yu Yanzi was furious and opened a thunder. Others dare not attack the store restrictions in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. It does not mean that he is not afraid of Thunder Yang Sect.

Just when he wanted to smash the Di Jiu store again, a big hand came over.

“Hey!” Yu Yanzi is like a grasshopper, how far it is shot directly by this hand, his legs are broken, and a few mouthfuls of blood are sprayed out, even the internal organs are sprayed out. Very obviously, the person who took Yu Yanzi did not intend to kill him. If he wanted to kill him, it is estimated that this slap will be Yu Yanzi’s life.

“City Lord Mi, you dare to do it to me…” Yu Yanzi snorted as he landed on the ground, and at the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty could slap him like this, except for Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal City’s City Lord Mi Ji In addition, there is no second person.

The Mi Ji face that just arrived was very ugly. It wasn’t for him just now, but he didn’t dare to talk about this Yu Yanzi. Thunder Yang Sect is not something he can afford. He said it is the City Lord of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. In fact, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is not his decision. A lot of major sect’s Sect Master doesn’t put him in the eye, this is his biggest helplessness.

“It was taken by this Emperor, how? If you are not convinced, you will call your Thunder Yang Sect’s Li Lei, see me Xie Wanleng do not dare and dare to slap you again.” A cold and cold cold voice came.

As the sound fell, a tall man in a linen coat fell to the ground.

Mi Ji has already come forward in the cup one fist in the other hand. “Star Demon Immortal Emperor is in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and Mi Ji is slow.”

Xie Wanleng nodded and talked briefly with Mi Ji.

Mi Ji has only the strength of Immortal Emperor 1st layer, and it is also an Immortal Emperor.

Yu Yanzi’s face is terrified. His Thunder Yang Sect is no fear star Demon Palace, but now Xie Wanleng is going to kill him here. He really has no way.

“Star Demon Immortal Emperor eternal prosperity, has seen City Lord Mi.” The surrounding cultivator was squatting together.

Star Demon Immortal Emperor is one of Five Great Sect’s Sect Masters, and is the Great Immortal Emperor of Immortal Emperor 7th layer. He is greeted by eternal prosperity. For Mi Ji, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Emperor 1st layer, even the City Lord of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, just have to see it.

Yu Yanzi swallowed a few medicinal pill and struggled with a gift. “Thunder Yang Sect Yu Yanzi has seen Star Demon Immortal Emperor Sir.”

“Roll!” Xie Wanleng furiously shouted, and he is actually a little jealous of Li Lei.

Don’t look at Thunder Yang Sect Sect Master Li Lei is just the strength of Immortal Emperor 5th layer, but Li Lei is Thunder Spiritual Root, and the combat power is terrible. The Immortal Emperor late stage that he killed was not one or two.

“Haha, Brother Xie, let me take a step.” Zhou Bujian void crossed, carrying a sword without a sheath behind his back.

Mi Ji quickly greeted him. He didn’t think that Swordless Immortal Emperor came for Xie Huang. Swordless Immortal Emperor must come for that Di Jiu.

“Swordless Immortal Emperor eternal prosperity!” everyone greeted again.

Swordless Immortal Emperor nodded to everyone, his eyes on the words outside Starry Sky Teahouse, and exclaimed, “Good Dao Rhyme, good words!”

Buy my tea leaves ,I’ll give you a world !

a leaf a world !

Xie Wanleng said slyly, “This kid is really vulgar. If you have a good sentence, you have to buy a word.”

He was embarrassed because he said that regardless of Xie Huang, who had just come down from Jade Flower Snow Mountain, he came to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and was caught by Zhou Bujian.

Swordless Immortal Emperor shook his head. “No, buy and give the cause and effect. This Pill Master Di is a man of great wisdom. Virtuous Nephew Xie Huang cultivating is a slower step, he is sincere, so he can make a Pill Master Di This great wisdom.”

Swordless Immortal Emperor also sighed, he came here with his son Zhou Hechen, in fact, wants to let his son Zhou Hechen also make Di Jiu, and told Di Jiu Starry Sky Tea business can not continue to do. Even if it is to be done, it cannot be done by an Immortal Pill such as Di Jiu.

What he didn’t think of was that Di Jiu left Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty first. With his cultivation base, nature knows that Di Jiu has left. Just because Di Jiu left, Swordless Immortal Emperor is even more sure that Di Jiu has great wisdom.

Xie Wanleng doesn’t think Xie Huang is making Di Jiu. What good luck. Di Jiu pill refining is strong and is also a rogue cultivator. Xie Huang is no longer good, and is the son of his Xie Wanleng.

He also does not think that Starry Sky Tea is made by Di Jiu. Even if Di Jiu can make Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, but wants to refine Starry Sky Tea, it is still far behind. That’s not the gap between Dao of Alchemy, but the gap between realm.

He came here because Melting Snow Immortal Emperor praised Xie Huang, thinking that Xie Huang’s life essence is coming, he suddenly started, want to come and see Xie Huang, after all, Xie Huang is his eldest son. In addition to looking at Xie Huang, I also want to ask, what is Starry Sky Tea?

“Pill Master Di is not here, I have to leave Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, will Brother Xie go with me?” Didn’t see Di Jiu, Swordless Immortal Emperor decided to go back.

Xie Wanleng’s spiritual sense moved, and his face changed. Xie Huang didn’t take his spiritual sense image token, so he couldn’t know where Xie Huang went.

“I have to go back to Star Demon Palace, and there will be a period after Brother Zhou.” Xie Wanleng’s face was ugly, and Xie Huang dared to put his spiritual sense image token on Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and ran away. He knows very well what his son is. This kind of thing is definitely not what Xie Huang can think of. It must be Di Jiu. In the future, I will see Di Jiu’s, and Xie Wanleng will let that Di Jiu know and offend his Star Demon Immortal Emperor.


Di Jiu entered the void and let Xie Huang present a high grade Immortal Tool Flying Shuttle.

The highest level of his flight magical treasure is the middle grade Immortal Tool, Xie Huang is the son of Immortal Emperor, and there are two high-quality Immortal Tool flying boats.

Far from the ancient tortoise shell diagram, Di Jiu would like to upgrade his cultivation base during this time.

“Third Brother, this flying shuttle let me control it. When Big Brother cultivating, I used to control the flying boat.” Shudi saw Xie Huang offering a flying shuttle and hurryed over her face.

Xie Huang asked uglyly, “little tree root, I am obviously the Third Brother, why call me Third Brother?”

Shudi chuckled, “Second Brother is called Geng Ji, my Big Brother started with cultivating, followed my Big Brother. You don’t want Third Brother, you can only do Old Fourth in the future.”

“Going to the side, your cultivation base is too bad, or I control it myself.” Xie Huang was very helpless. Who told him that Di Jiu was later than the fellow called Geng Ji.

Hei Huo said on the side, “Shudi, you are cultivating, this is the worst of your cultivation base.”

“And Older Sister Mo.” Shudi snorted.

Hei Huo chuckled, “When Big Brother finds True A’han Glass Water for Older Sister Mo, Older Sister Mo’s cultivation base will be a thousand miles away, and you can’t catch up with the high grade Immortal Tool. Your cultivation base at that time. It must be the worst. When Big Brother takes us out of the waves, you can only look at the store or stay in the ring.”

Shudi shuddered and seemed to see that he was left alone in True Spirit World. It rushed into the flying shuttle and muttered to himself, “I’m going to cultivate.”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night! By the way, ask for a monthly pass.)

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