Xie Huang was a little excited, because he felt the clarity of Heaven and Earth Law again when he was cultivating.

At this time, Xie Huang finally understood that he could feel the clear Law, cultivation base arrogance, not because of Wood Source Origin Qi, but because he was cultivating around Di Jiu.

Xie Huang is very grateful in his heart, he is really wise. When I met, I recognized Di Jiu, a Big Brother. As a result, the Big Brother not only helped him go to the desire poison, but also made his cultivation base so arrogant.

If it is said that for the first time in the Great Cauldron Immortal City’s Starry Sky Teahouse, Di Jiu is the Big Brother, Xie Huang is just because of his personality, and there is not much truth, then Di Jiu will dismiss his Desire Poison Spirit and teach him a few When the top grade cultivation technique was used, he really treated Di Jiu as Big Brother.

Now, Xie Huang has become a Di Jiu’s hardcore younger brother, admiring the five-body cast.

These words he has no time to say now, he needs to improve his strength crazy.

Not only is Xie Huang cultivating like cultivating, Di Jiu, Shudi and Hei Huo.

Immortal Spirit Qi in Hall is the ultimate in strength, and now cultivating, the Immortal Spirit Qi in Hall is a cloud shape.

The only one who did not cultivating was Mo Yu, Di Jiu gave Mo Yu the power to enter and exit True Spirit World, and True Spirit World is now connected with Hall.

The endless Immortal Spirit Qi flows into True Spirit World, and Mo Yu is just a variety of teas, teas, and peace.


Hall Freedom Immortal CIty.

Because Starry Sky Teahouse’s Storekeeper Di Jiu left, the price of Starry Sky Tea Leaves was soaring to the 10,000 freedom points.

Starry Sky Tea is famous, and Di Jiu is as famous. Countless cultivators found Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty from various places, they all came to find Di Jiu’s.

Some are looking for tea, and some are looking for Dan.

However, these are looking for Di Jiu’s cultivator, and without exception, like the original Zhou Bujian, they are all empty.

Most cultivators come to Great Cauldron Free Immortal City’s cultivator and have not left because Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has a super big auction coming soon. This kind of auction is basically difficult once in a hundred years. Even if you can’t buy any treasures, it is good to stay here to see the world.

The Great Star Pill Building, although still in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, is still depressed compared to a few years ago. Great Star Pill Building The calculation of Di Jiu’s has long been known.

Now Di Jiu doesn’t know where it is, and many people guess that it is not over. With Di Jiu, the cultivator that even the Great Fortune Like Inn Storekeeper dared to nail the door, could it be sneaked away by the Great Star Pill Building plot, but sneak away?

Since Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Tea, Huo Jianqian has benefited a lot over the years, it is now the Great Principle Immortal 8th layer. She is very grateful to Di Jiu, without Di Jiu, she wants to enter the Great Principle Immortal late stage and it will take at least a hundred years. Now she has not only entered the Great Principle Immortal late stage, but also came to the eighth floor. I can only say that Starry Sky Tea is really amazing.

Huo Jianqian also knows that there are a lot of people who are staring at Di Jiu’s. She is very worried about Di Jiu. She is also very clear that Di Jiu is not a simple person.

If Di Jiu is simple, it is estimated that the bones dregs that have long been eaten are gone.

“Deacon Huo, this is what the Great Cauldron joint auction might take.” A fellow walked over to the cultivating cave mansion of the Great Star Pill Building Huo Jianqian.

Huo Jianqian’s restriction on the doorway, the jade slip in the fellow’s hand was caught in the cave mansion, and then Huo Jianqian’s voice came. “You go out first.”

After the fellow retreat, Huo Jianqian’s spiritual sense swept it on the jade slip and left the jade slip aside. This Great Cauldron Immortal City auction jade slip, she receives a lot every year. This is what she asked for, and any auction jade slip must collect a copy for her.

However, Huo Jianqian immediately caught the jade slip again, and the spiritual sense fell on it again.

When she saw True A’han Glass Water on the auction item, she stood up straight.

This is the only thing that Di Jiu asked her to help. She also asked someone to inquire about the rest of Immortal Land. Unfortunately, True A’han Glass Water is too precious and there has been no news.

I didn’t expect True A’han Glass Water to appear at the Great Cauldron joint auction, which must be told immediately to Di Jiu.

Huo Jianqian did not dare to send a message to Di Jiu at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, although she had Di Jiu’s communication bead, she never used it.

After checking the Pill Building’s medicinal pill downstairs, Huo Jianqian walked out of the Great Star Pill Building casually and then quickly released Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

After a Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Huo Jianqian sent three messages to Di Jiu and passed the news of True A’han Glass Water.

She didn’t know where Di Jiu went, and now she can only help Di Jiu’s, only these.


“ka cha!” Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Vein once again had a vague star river, and his strength also rushed to the Great Unity Immortal 8th layer.

Just as Di Jiu wanted to step into the Great Unity Immortal 9th Layer, the communication bead around him suddenly lit up.

“Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty held a joint auction six months later, with True A’han Glass Water in the auction.”

The same message was sent three times in succession.

Di Jiu stood up ecstatically and rushed into True Spirit World, who told Mo Yu about the news. Originally, Huo Jianqian didn’t send this message. Di Jiu also planned to go to Demon Dressing Immortal Land after rushing into Great Limit Immortal. Now he hasn’t waited for him to go to Demon Dressing Immortal Land. Great Cauldron Immortal City really has True A. ‘han Glass Water.

“Junior Sister Mo…” Di Jiu just screamed and found that Mo Yu fell to a tree leaves.

Mo Yu had some purple on his neck and his eyebrows were dark. Di Jiu immediately understood what was going on. He grabbed a Seven Colored Immortality Peach and sent it to Mo Yu’s mouth.

Sure enough, after Seven Colored Immortality Peach entered Mo Yu’s mouth, Mo Yu’s face quickly recovered and the life force appeared again on her.

Seeing Di Jiu standing by his side, Mo Yu apologized. “I thought I could hold on for some time, but I didn’t expect to faint.”

There is only the last Seven Colored Immortality Peach left on the Seven Colored Immortality Peach Tree, but Di Jiu is excited. “Junior Sister Mo, I just received the news, Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty appeared True A’han Glass Water “”

Mo Yu is not ecstatic, her watched Di Jiu, after a long while, worried, “Senior Brother Di ……”

Di Jiu obviously know Mo Yu What to say, he waved his hand and stopped Mo Yu’s words,tranly said, “Junior Sister Mo, I know what you mean. True A’han Glass Water does have a lot of expert competition, even Immortal Emperor is competing. But I have to buy True A’han Glass Water, not just for you, but also for my Dao Heart.”

Mo Yu sighed and lowered her head. There is something in her heart that is unspeakable. She is the only disciple of the guarding Immortal Sect at Lesser Central World. She has seen too many abandonment, plunder and selfishness.

She is a woman with a vision, although she is the only disciple of Heaven Cleansing Sect, she is even responsible for guarding. In her heart, she didn’t have much sense of the sect and cultivator of Lesser Central World. The selfishness and competition made her feel sick. Because of this, she is not willing to find her own disciple, leaving Heaven Cleansing Sect with a root to continue guarding Lesser Central World.

She thinks she is not mistaken. In fact, after she arrived at Immortal World, she was plundered and strangled everywhere. As a Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple, she was almost killed several times.

She never thought that life could still meet a cultivator like Di Jiu. She rescued Di Jiu from the burning of Heavenly Fire Spirit’s, precisely because Di Jiu took her away, and she was attached to Di Jiu’s after losing her mind.

Now, how many places did Di Jiu run to save her? The precious Seven Colored Immortality Peach gave her a meal, and changed to the previous Culture World. Some people said that she would only smile, she would not believe it. The ugliness of Cultivation World, she saw too much. If someone else is like this to her, or because she is from Heaven Cleansing Sect, it is a Stainless Spirit Body. But she is certain that Di Jiu is not because of this, just because he has inadvertently saved him once.

Di Jiu is the only one of her has seen a different cultivator.

This time, if she bought True A’han Glass Water at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, she was falling and could not forgive herself. In her heart, she also knew that Di Jiu decided that she could not persuade.

“Senior Brother, let me go with you.” Mo Yu watched Di Jiu’s eyes, with a look in the voice.

Di Jiu This time I went to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, it must be a narrow escape. If it really falls, she can accompany Di Jiu to fall, and the soul will comfort.

Di Jiu shook his head. “No, this time you all stay here cultivating, I go alone, Shudi…”

“Big Brother, I am here.” Shudi eagerly ran over, it has crossed tribulation and is now a Grade 3 Immortal Monster. Di Jiu stopped cultivating, its cultivating speed quickly weakened down, simply no cultivating.

Xie Huang and Hei Huo also came over. For the same reason as Shudi, Di Jiu stopped cultivating and their cultivating speed was as slow.

“After I left, Xie Huang and Hei Huo tried to secluded cultivation, Shudi, look after Older Sister Mo.” Although a Seven Colored Immortality Peach can be used for many years, Di Jiu still worried that Mo Yu would suddenly faint.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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