“Big Brother, are you going now?” cultivating for a few years, Xie Huang is already the Great Limit Immortal 8th layer, and for a while, he can impact the Great Principle Immortal realm.

“No, I have to cultivating for a while and then go.” Di Jiu said watched Xie Huang, “You are now Great Limit Immortal 8th layer, I am cultivating here for about two months. In these two months, you should You can step into the Great Limit Immortal 9th Layer. I will leave you some Immortal Pill. When I come back, you can fight for the Great Principle Immortal realm.”

Di Jiu has long been counted, and now his Great Unity Immortal 8th layer, he can rush into the Great Unity Immortal 9th Layer for a while. Then crossing tribulation into Great Limit Immortal and then to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

In Di Jiu’s opinion, staying in this place for cultivating for two months does not delay time. With his current Grade 5 Immortal Sense, plus the cultivation base of the Great Unity Immortal 8th layer, even if it is to control the high grade Flying Immortal Tool, it will take an estimated four or five months to reach the Great Cauldron Immortal City. If it is a Spiritual Sense Escapee, it will take almost the same amount of time.

There can be no delay in this, and the auction will start half a year later. If something happens to him, it will be completely bad.

Two years cultivating here, Di Jiu is sure he can impact the Great Limit Immortal 1st layer. As long as he rushes into the Great Limit Immortal 1st layer, his physical sense can step into the Grade 6 Immortal Sense.

At Grade 6 Immortal Sense, he only needs to use the Spiritual Sense Escapee to get to the Great Cauldron Immortal City in just two months.

This not only saves time, but also raises the level of your cultivation base.

Xie Huang was overjoyed and quickly handed out a ring to Di Jiu, “Big Brother, this is a high grade Flying Immortal Tool, just give it to you.”

Di Jiu waved his hand. “I don’t need the Flying Immortal Tool. I have a way to go to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty faster. Now everyone is cultivating.”


To speed up the cultivation speed, Di Jiu used a lot of Gathering Unity Immortal Pill. Here is such a strong Immortal Spirit Qi, and with the Ninth Dao Principle, now Di Jiu also uses Gathering Unity Immortal Pill, only a big half a month time, Di Jiu broke through the Great Unity Immortal 8th layer into the Great Unity Immortal 9th Layer.

In less than two months, Di Jiu’s cultivation base came to the Great Unity Immortal 9th Layer perfection.

Di Jiu worried that he had lost time on the road. After leaving a few words with Xie Huang and others, he left the Hall.

In order to prevent others from coming to take Chu Paihuai’s ancient tortoise shell diagram, Di Jiu deliberately spent three days before leaving to relocate the Void Array Gate.

Even if the cultivator that is proficient in Array Dao comes in from the Void Array Gate, it enters another void, and you can’t see the cultivating Hall of Xie Huang et al. Di Jiu does not believe that there will be a Gradu 9 Immortal Array Emperor to get this ancient map.

After doing this, Di Jiu was relieved to leave here, he needed to find a place to cross tribulation.

One day later, Di Jiu landed on a huge meteorite.

There is no broken planet here. If there is no meteorite, he can only be in the void crossing tribulation. The meteorite was fixed by Di Jiu with the void Array Flag, and the millions of Immortal Crystal were thrown on the rock by Di Jiu.

The general cultivator from the Great Unity Immortal into the Great Limit Immortal must have Limit Cloud Pill. Di Jiu is the same as Limit Cloud Pill. Di Jiu is ready to make Limit Cloud Pill, not to shock the Great Limit Immortal, but to supplement the lack of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi after entering Great Limit Immortal.

With the Ninth Dao Principle, with Di Jiu’s clear clear comprehension to the Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth, there is theoretically no bottleneck in cultivating.

Sure enough, just three circulatory cycles passed, Di Jiu touched the Great Limit Immortal cultivation base estrangement, Di Jiu first impacted Great Limit Immortal, Thunder Tribulation slammed down.

Di Jiu Immortal Spirit Body late stage’s Body Refining fleshly body, Great Limit Immortal Thunder Tribulation Although it is many times stronger than the Great Unity Immortal Thunder Tribulation, it is still not enough for him.

“bang bang bang!” Di Jiu broke the Great Limit Immortal cultivation base when the first wave of thunder arc was on Di Jiu, and vaguely felt the Great Limit Immortal’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao. The violent Immortal Spirit Qi was taken away by Di Jiu, and even if Di Jiu dropped a million Immortal Crystal, Immortal Spirit Qi was too thin for him to step into Great Limit Immortal from Great Unity Immortal.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation grabbed a few Limit Cloud Pill swallowed, Limit Cloud Pill terrifying Immortal Spirit Origin Qi rushed into Di Jiu’s vein, Di Jiu officially entered the Great Limit Immortal cultivator, and felt like pushing away A new door.

Sea of ​​Consciousness emits a ka ka crack at the same time, and Di Jiu’s spiritual sense expands in multiples. Di Jiu was overjoyed. He guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. When he entered Great Limit Immortal, his physical sense came to Grade 6 Immortal Sense.

Unfortunately, at Immortal World he did not find the same treasure as Burning Divine Grass, otherwise, with Forging Divine Art, his spiritual sense might go a step further.

Thunder Tribulation has fallen intensively and has no impact on Di Jiu.

Di Jiu under the foot’s meteorite was consolidated by Thunder Tribulation transforming into nothingness, Di Jiu Great Limit Immortal 1st layer’s cultivation base.


Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, more and more people have been in recent months. Fortunately, the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty is not the first time. The entire Immortal City is not crowded.

A person wearing a light Golden Immortal gown came to the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty identity token exchange, took out a thousand high grade Immortal Crystal, and exchanged a new identity token, which went into Immortal City.

This youth has a slightly pale face, a browful qi with a browful qi, and some faint bloody qi on his face. Some faint watermarks remain on his face. When others look at it, they know that this is an expert who is trialing at the seaside all the year round. .

Youth is Di Jiu who just entered the Great Limit Immortal 1st layer. After entering the Great Limit Immortal, he spent about two months and came to the Great Cauldron only Immortal City.

His Appearance Changing Technique was changed by Law, and even a strong expert could not detect that he was easy to accept. Unless the other party’s understanding of Heaven and Earth Foundation Law can be a fight with him, or more powerful than him. This kind of person may have, Di Jiu does not believe that it will appear in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Bloody qi met Di Jiu on the way to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and met a group of Void Beast Herd. After killing many Void Beast, he was contaminated with bloody qi. Di Jiu simply uses this bloody qi, and then through some of the water properties of the Law to simulate the appearance of the sea trials all the year round.

Di Jiu didn’t go to Myriad Void Inn this time, but didn’t go back to her Starry Sky Teahouse. He went straight to Blue Immortal Inn.

Blue Immortal Inn is also ranked above the middle grade in the entire Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Inn. Because the owner of Blue Immortal Inn was originally a Grade 7 Immortal Array King, all of Inn’s protection arrays are Grade 7 Immortal Array. Just because of a protection array, the price of this Inn is nearly double that of the same Inn, so the price/performance ratio here is very poor. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Upcoming big auctions, Blue Immortal Inn, a low-cost Inn, is also overcrowded.

When Di Jiu came, only the most luxurious rooms needed 500 freedom points overnight.

If it is in peacetime, this price is simply impossible to live. Nowadays, when the big auction is about to be held, there are not a few people who live in this room.

For nearly a month at the auction, Di Jiu simply paid a one-month fee with Immortal Crystal.

After entering the room, Di Jiu changed his new identity token to a name, Zimo. Originally Di Zimo, Di Jiu worried that his name was too loud, and some people suspected that he was Di Jiu, simply called Zimo.

After changing the name, Di Jiu transferred all X XXIX freedom points to the identity token of Zimo. These ten 100,000,000 freedom points will be all the homes he attended at the auction.

The protection array of the room is indeed the Grade 7 Immortal Array, and Di Jiu still has a grade 7 Immortal Protection Array in the Grade 5 Immortal Array. He is the Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable. Since this time to buy the most precious True A’han Glass Water, he is still a low-key one.

Grade 5 Immortal Array, no one can sweep in with a spiritual sense.

After confirming that there was no problem with his room, Di Jiu picked up a skin scroll on the table. This skin scroll is available in every high level room and is the auction information that Inn offers to the guests, which is something that may appear in the upcoming auction of Great Cauldron Immortal City.

Di Jiu spiritual sense swept and saw True A’han Glass Water. Di Jiu is relieved, he is for True A’han Glass Water.

After convinced that True A’han Glass Water, Di Jiu began to view the remaining items.

Burning Spirit Escaping Technique, rumored to be a broken Escaping Technique cultivation technique. This squat can burn the Sea of ​​Consciousness Spiritual Sense Escapee, once out of the scope of any artificial sense of the Immortal Emperor expert.

Di Jiu’s gaze can’t be moved immediately. This is the best Spell to escape. It’s a good break, but he doesn’t have fear. He has the Ninth Dao Principle and can completely make up for this Escaping Technique.

This cultivation technique must be obtained.

Great Gathering Divine Iron ……

Di Jiu just confirmed the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique. He had to get it and saw Great Gathering Divine Iron. His eyes could not be moved.

This is the same thing he has to get. His Heaven Dancing Blade is made by Heavenly Blade Metal Essence and Dancing Sand. Especially Dancing Sand, even Immortal World is a levelless treasure that can’t be found. This magical treasure can absorb the heavenly essence Origin Qi and the potential advance.

But there is no shortcoming. The disadvantage is that each advance will be shortened by one inch, and it is difficult to advancing to Immortal Tool.

His Heaven Dancing Blade is now three feet and nine inches. The Heaven Dancing Blade must be advanced. Di Jiu doesn’t want Heaven Dancing Blade to continue to shorten. This requires Great Gathering Divine Iron. This is the grade 9 tool refining immortal material, which not only allows the Heaven Dancing Blade to be promoted to high grade or even the top grade Immortal Tool, and will not let the Heaven Dancing Blade continue to shrink.

This material, he also has to get.

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