Great Gathering Divine Iron didn’t have a second offer at all, and it fell directly into Di Jiu’s.

Numerous influences and experts don’t have much doubt about Di Jiu’s words. Most cultivators think that Di Jiu should be a distant Immortal Emperor. Where is the cultivator of the ordinary? The only doubt is, where did this Immortal Emperor pass so many freedom points?

Xing Sui is very excited. She likes the bidders like Di Jiu. The price is higher than the sky. This saves time and makes the auctioneer make a lot of money.

“Congratulations to this bold Fellow Daoist, who got the top grade tool refining magical treasure Great Gathering Divine Iron. The next thing to bid is a Body Refining Cleaning Technique, which has top grade Fleshly Body Nirvana in this Body Refining Cleaning Technique. Means. The base price of this Body Refining Cultivation Technique is 500,000 freedom points, and the price increase must not be less than 10,000…”

After this price was reported, Di Jiu was speechless, and there was still no one to increase the price in a short time. It was not until a few breathing hours that someone raised the price to 550,000 freedom points.

Di Jiu showed the arrogance of Immortal Crystal, and auctioned the two treasures of Time Crystal Stone and Great Gathering Divine Iron in an extremely bold way, letting people habitually think that Di Jiu would increase the price by a few million at a time. I didn’t expect that the expensive senior in this box would not increase the price.

After confirming that Di Jiu did not increase the price, the price of Body Refining Cleaning Technique rose rapidly, and soon it was close to a million freedom points, and finally bought at 95 million free points. The good Body Refining Cultivation Technique is extremely rare, and there are few Nirvana Fleshly Body’s Body Refining Cultivation Techniques.

Everyone knows that the quality of this auction is very high.

For a long time, Di Jiu didn’t take action anymore. Extreme Cloud Cone has been refining him, he can only wait helplessly.

According to Di Jiu’s idea, he wouldn’t want to buy what he wanted right away, and then hurry to say it again. Now that he wants something that doesn’t come out, he can only wait.

Just as Di Jiu was anxious to think about when True A’han Glass Water could come out, Xing Sui took out a broken picture that I don’t know how many years existed. “All that comes here is Starry Sky Supreme. I I believe that any starry sky expert will not think that it is invincible to the whole universe now, so a good Escaping Technique is extremely important. I have an ancient figure in my hand, from the display of the picture, This is an Escaping Technique and the most top grade Escaping Technique…”

Xing Sui’s words caused a sensation in Hall for the second time. If Time Crystal Stone is not what everyone wants, then in the face of this top grade Escaping Technique, the cultivator present is not expected to have one.

What a top grade Escaping Technique means is very clear to everyone.

Time Crystal Stone is purchased, and it is not necessarily insights. This Escaping Technique is a real treasure.

Xing Sui knows that this thing will cause a sensation, still smilingly said, “The name of this top grade Escaping Technique is called Burning Spirit Escaping Technique. With the strength of the cultivator spiritual sense, the distance of one-time ejection can exceed the performer’s spiritual sense. Three levels… If you don’t understand what I mean, then let me explain. If your spiritual sense is Grade 1 Immortal Sense, you can use the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique to escape the Grade 4 Immortal Sense expert. Spiritual sense

Countless people are suck in a cold breath, and Di Jiu is also amazed.

This Burning Spirit Escaping Technique is really terrible. According to this statement, he is now Grade 6 Immortal Sense. If he uses Spiritual Sense Escapee, it is that the experential spiritual sense of Grade 9 Immortal Sense may not be able to sweep him. This is simply the weapon of the escaper.

It’s too much for him to come at this auction, and there are so many treasures.

When Di Jiu was thinking about the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique, more people thought that this Burning Spirit Escaping Technique couldn’t get Di Jiu.

Although Di Jiu calls himself this Emperor, he is very wealthy and speaks arrogantly. But Di Jiu’s cultivation base is his own. Before the confirmation of Di Jiu’s true cultivation base, Di Jiu is the richest, but every Immortal Emperor wants to take it away, not to mention the Peerless with Di Jiu. Immortal Emperor. If Di Jiu got this Escaping Technique, maybe he would learn during the auction.

“Excuse me What are the side effects of this Escaping Technique?” someone asked.

This top grade Escaping Technique, also called Burning Spirit Escaping Technique, would have no one to believe if there were no side effects. As the host of the auction, Xing Sui naturally does not speak out of the Union Lord.

In the unlikely event that this Escaping Technique will cause Sea of ​​Consciousness to collapse, no one will dare to. Sea of ​​Consciousness has collapsed, what is the difference between being killed?

Xing Sui is still full of laughter. “I don’t really know the side effects of this Escaping Technique, because this is a broken Escaping Technique. After buying it, you need to ponder some time, so the price is very cheap… …”

The disappointment of the hall was heard, and it is no wonder that this Escaping Technique will be sold and broken.

This top grade Escaping Technique, if broken, is almost impossible to recover.

“The base price of this Escaping Technique is 500,000 freedom points, and the markup must not be less than 10,000 each time. Now the auction starts.” Xing Sui’s voice sounded.

There is no quotation on the quotation screen, Escaping Technique is good, but unfortunately the purchase of the broken Escaping Technique is a waste of Immortal Crystal.

A top grade Escaping Technique can also find a detection distance higher than the three level expert of its spiritual sense. The price of this Escaping Technique must be a high price. 500,000 freedom points , hehe, it is estimated that you can only buy one corner that’s all.

This kind of top grade big auction will stipulate that as long as there is no one asking price beyond three 10 breaths of time, this item is even a stream.

Just when Xing Sui thought it would be streaming, the price on the quotation screen suddenly appeared 510,000.

“Someone quoted 510,000, is there a higher price?” Xing Sui was delighted that the flow of items was not good for her.

510,000 is the price of Di Jiu. He has the Ninth Dao Principle and can fully complement this Escaping Technique.

Originally, everyone thought that this Escaping Technique would only be taken when 510,000 was taken, and the price jumped to 520,000 freedom points again.

The fifty-two thousand freedom points were from Peerless Immortal Emperor. He said to a cultivator around him at this price. “I will immediately check the price of the 50,000 who is out.”

“Yes.” This cultivator finished, quickly retired.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation increased to a million freedom points, Di Jiu quickly, and Yue Wuliang did not give up, the fare increased to 1.01 million.

When the two men competed for a broken Escaping Technique, they immediately attracted a lot of attention. It stands to reason that this broken Escaping Technique is not worth a few dollars at all. Why is it so fierce?

Di Jiu feels wrong. If this Escaping Technique is really wanted, then no one will bid for a long time. When he bids, someone will ask for the price and keep following up.

10,000,000 freedom points, Di Jiu A suspected malicious price increase, the rate of increase will be greater.

Seeing this fare increase, almost everyone thought of the previously hoarse voice ridiculing Yue Wuliang’s nameless Immortal Emperor, only this talent has such a big increase in price.

Although the results of the investigation have not come back at this time, Peerless Immortal Emperor has determined that the fellow of Escaping Technique is to rob the Time Crystal Stone of him. Does this fellow want Escaping Technique to escape? Peerless Immortal Emperor sneered and added the price to 11 million. It is the broken Escaping Technique that the other party can’t learn, and he will let the other person spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Di Jiu frowned, and he knew that he must have been stared. This person knows 100% of his bid, and he has a hatred, most likely the former Immortal Emperor who competed with him for Time Crystal Stone.

Xing Sui’s excited face was red, she didn’t even think that the broken Escaping Technique had the price of the complete Escaping Technique, and both sides were still in the process of increasing the price.

“100,000,000 freedom points.” Di Jiu added the price to a hundred million freedom points. It is really that Escaping Technique has great use for him.

Looking at the quote of a hundred million freedom points, the whole Hall is silent, how rich is this?

Xing Sui almost couldn’t say anything. It is rumored that the highest price in this auction is just 100,000,000 freedom points. Now a broken Escaping Technique has shot a hundred million freedom points, which is simply unreal.

What makes her feel unreal is that after a hundred million freedom points, there are people who increase the price. The price jumped to 110 million, and some people are increasing their prices.

At this time, she didn’t say a word that she was very interested in. The auction was not an exaggerated rendering every moment. At this time, obviously two people are sighing. Whoever does not serve anyone, if she speaks, it may interrupt the atmosphere and let one of them stop the fare increase.

“Sect Master, already found, is the second floor E character No.307 Box.” The cultivator surveyed at this moment came in.

Di Jiu watched a price of 110 million, and calmly wrote 200 million freedom points.

For him, the freedom points are more, the missing is the top grade Escaping Technique.

After confirming that he was against him, Yue Wuliang sneered at the corner of his mouth, and even wrote a price for 210,000,000 freedom points. He is sure that the next moment Di Jiu will be added to three hundred freedom points.

Let the other party out of three hundred freedom points, it is also reported a little hate. He now has a feeling in his heart that the other party is so openly provocative, and the cultivation base should not be weaker than him.

All the cultivators that came to the shot were stunned, and the price of a broken Escaping Technique soared to 210,000,000 freedom points, which was crazy. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty has never sold such high prices.

Di Jiu didn’t increase the price. He determined that if he increased the price once again, the other party would not bid again. But with so many freedom points buying an Escaping Technique, he is not that stupid. Since the other party wants to hang him, let the other party go.

Di Jiu hasn’t raised the price for a long time, Xing Sui only reacted, excitedly said, “210,000,000 freedom points, this Escaping Technique is definitely a peerless treasure. Both of these seniors have seen that this is a good thing. This is the history of our auction. Since the first high price, there is no one who has a higher price, 200 million once…”

When I heard Xing Sui start to report, the other party still did not raise the price. Yue Wuliang was sinking in his heart, and his heart felt a bad feeling. He is an Immortal Emperor. He doesn’t have Di Jiu, a means of collecting money, with hundreds of millions of freedom points.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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