“210,000,000 freedom points twice…” Xing Sui continued to sing.

Peerless Immortal Emperor’s face calmed down, 210,000,000 freedom points is also a huge number for his Heavenly Cloud Dao, so many high grade Immortal Crystal, even the entire Heavenly Cloud Dao may not be able to take it out.

However, since things are coming to the head, he doesn’t have much fearful thoughts. He even irritates Di Jiu’s words and is too lazy to say. The cultivator that can grasp his bidding point is definitely not the two samples of the tens of millions of freedom points that the other party shows. He irritated the other person, but he was boring.

As a Great Immortal Emperor, it is also Demon Dressing Immortal Land Five Great Immortal Sect’s Sect Master. Although Immortal Crystal is astronomical, he can change it.

“210,000,000 freedom points three times, congratulations to this friend for the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique for $210 million…” Xing Sui took the auction.

The cultivator participating in the auction is very clear that this price is definitely a problem.

Peerless Immortal Emperor took out a ring and handed it to the cultivator around him. “Get the auction, let them estimate the price of the things inside, and then mortgage the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique.”

“Yes.” This Cultivator picked up the ring and quickly went out.

Peerless Immortal Emperor can’t come up with 210,000,000 freedom points. It doesn’t matter to Xing Sui. She grabs a jade bottle and raises it. “The next thing to bid is a bottle of True A’han Glass Water. Many people don’t even listen. Say True A’han Glass Water. It doesn’t matter, you just need to know that this is a treasure of life.

True A’han Glass Water is different from other life-saving treasures. It is not something that extends your life, but a treasure that restores life force. When a cultivator life force is lost, True A’han Glass Water can complement his life force. Remember, it is a cultivator. Because True A’han Glass Water contains Dao Rhyme Law, especially the life force stripped by the five elements, True A’han Glass Water is 100% effective…”

Di Jiu was listening to the heart, he thought that he would continue to wait for a day or so, I did not expect True A’han Glass Water to come out so early. He has decided to leave immediately after purchasing True A’han Glass Water. Although there are many things he wants behind, he can’t continue to delay.

A vague crisis made him feel extremely uncomfortable, even if he had the Blade Dao divine and Erigeron Immortal Fruit he needed urgently.

“True A’han Glass Water has rarely appeared, and it has not appeared more than three times so far. So missed this opportunity, I don’t know when it’s time to buy True A’han Glass Water next time. The base price of True A’han Glass Water is 12,000,000 freedom points, and the markup must not be less than one million free points each time.” After Xing Sui finished, put the jade bottle in his hand on the auction table in front of him.

After a while, the price on the huge quote display became 20,000,000 freedom points.

Di Jiu sighed, this price is not what he reported, it seems that True A’han Glass Water is not what he wants.

Although he has freedom points, he has to offend someone.

“23,000,000 freedom points !”

“25,000,000 freedom points !”

The price of True A’han Glass Water has skyrocketed, and if no one knows where to bid, Di Jiu intends to slowly increase the price. Di Jiu knows that as soon as he bids, many people will know that he is starting to increase again. He is not as good as the price of the previous temperament.

Sitting around the excited watched Huo Jianqian in Hall, she knew that if Di Jiu came, she would definitely bid for this thing, but unfortunately she didn’t know where Di Jiu was sitting.

The price of True A’han Glass Water is tens of millions of free points, which may be a price for others. For Di Jiu, this price is nothing. Di Jiu does Starry Sky Tea business, some are freedom points ……

When Huo Jianqian thought of it, she was shocked. She suddenly remembered the cultivator that had previously bought the Time Crystal Stone and Great Gathering Divine Iron. This cultivator is most likely Di Jiu, only Di Jiu has so many free points for splurge.

If this person who is threatened by Peerless Immortal Emperor is really Di Jiu, Di Jiu is dangerous this time. Thinking of this, Huo Jianqian is anxious.

Di Jiu is in danger, she can’t help at all.

“Five million freedom points!” Di Jiu increased the price of more than 20 million freedom points.

That person is coming again, this is the only idea for everyone at the auction. Only the expert who ridiculed Peerless Immortal Emperor is the discouragement of this kind of bid.

“I have 51 million free points, friend, count me Peng He ask you once, this bottle of True A’han Glass Water is very useful to me.” A sincere voice, with a tone Guiqiu.

Xing Sui hesitated for a moment. Without waiting for her to talk, Hall gave an expert I tone. “If someone interferes with the auction, please go out directly to the auction venue.”

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation’s markup 60,000,000 freedom points, he was very sorry, but True A’han Glass Water could not let him go out to others.

“100,000,000 freedom points.” What Di Jiu didn’t think was that someone directly increased the price to a hundred million freedom points.

This price is not his plus, he is sure that this price is not the same Peng He added. Is it the Immortal Emperor who competes with him for Burning Spirit Escaping Technique?

Di Jiu thought of it, increased the price to 110,000,000 freedom points, and laughed, “this friend is so discouraged and bids directly for one hundred million. I am not so discouraged, I can only add 10,000,000 freedom points.”

Peerless Immortal Emperor watched on the quote screen of 110 million, he would like to report two hundred million free points, but he really worried that after he reported the price, Di Jiu did not. The previous purchase of the Burning Spirit Escaping Technique almost consumed his accumulation. If he came again, he would have to take out his own treasure chest.

Can make the other party have more than 50 million freedom points, it can be considered to have moved back some places.

“110,000,000 freedom points once, and no one has a higher price…” Xing Sui continued to report.

In fact, Di Jiu really doesn’t matter. If Peerless Immortal Emperor continues to increase the price, he will not increase the price of the slightest hesitation. Knowing that he was pitted by the other side, he did not dare to give up True A’han Glass Water.

Unfortunately, Peerless Immortal Emperor doesn’t know. It’s very ridiculous to sell a bottle of True A’han Glass Water for $110 million. In fact, the real price of True A’han Glass Water should be at 20,000,000 freedom. Points around.

“110,000,000 freedom points twice… 110,000,000 freedom points three times, congratulations to this friend for getting True A’han Glass Water.” With Xing Sui’s words falling, Di Jiu appeared in front of a trading screen.

Di Jiu quickly used the ID card to draw up 110,000,000 freedom points, and True A’han Glass Water appeared in front of him.

Di Jiu excited with draw True A’han Glass Water, stood up, he can leave here.

Huo Jianqian also understood that she must have ridiculed Peerless Immortal Emperor Di Jiu before, and she secretly admired Di Jiu’s at the same time, but did not know how Di Jiu should go. Di Jiu was eyeing whenever he left, and hoped that Di Jiu would know this.

Di Jiu has experienced so many things, can you not know that he is always under the stalk of others? As long as he opened the door of the box, everyone in the next moment clearly understood that he was ready to go.

In fact, Di Jiu really didn’t care about Peerless Immortal Emperor. Although this kind of person is very strong, he is thinking about it. He was worried about Peng He. From Peng He’s mouth, he knew that the other party’s urgent need for True A’han Glass Water would not be weaker than him.

“Haha, this auction will not be a small gain, this Emperor is leaving. The fellow that hangs this Emperor in the mouth, if you want to learn, this Emperor is waiting for you at the entrance of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. If you can’t get the fragrance, you can catch the tail and fuck off.” Di Jiu laughed, grabbed a Splitting Vein Pill and swallowed it, then opened the box door and walked out of the auction without hesitation.

It’s really strong, this is the idea of ​​all cultivators at the auction.

If it is a weak person, dare to leak the news that he is going to leave soon?

Peerless Immortal Emperor coldly snorted, also stood up. “In this case, then this Emperor will see if your means is as powerful as your mouth.”

Di Jiu said this, it is a provocation to him, not to mention that he did not intend to let Di Jiu, even if he intends to let Di Jiu, as the Heavenly Cloud Dao Sect Master, in Di Jiu Under the circumstance, he is not likely to fight.

At this moment, not only Peerless Immortal Emperor stood up, but many Immortal Emperors also stood up and walked out of the auction venue. Di Jiu, such a fat sheep, who doesn’t want to take a bite? If Di Jiu is really strong, if Di Jiu is a blufffelt, then don’t blame everyone for it. At least a little 90% of the work, a lot of people have come out of the auction, but did not come out to Di Jiu hands.

“this Fellow Daoist, this Peng is really in need of True A’han Glass Water, and please Fellow Daoist to stay…” Di Jiu just out of the auction, Peng He eagerly followed.

Di Jiu coldly snorted, “After this Emperor and the ants, let’s talk about True A’han Glass Water.”

After finishing his stature, he rushed directly to the door of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. At this moment, he is like a flame burning. Under the Splitting Vein Pill, the violent fairy Origin Qi Qi is crazy to raise his cultivation base.

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