No one thinks that Di Jiu will escape. Di Jiu is now in an imposing manner. It is like a slap in the face, and it is obviously a sign before the Peerless Immortal Emperor. It can be seen that this is a very tempered fellow.

Moreover, an Immortal Emperor fled and will be harmed by his own Dao Heart in the future. This is equivalent to acknowledging that the same as Immortal Emperor, it is not as good as Peerless Immortal Emperor.

So although followed by several Immortal Emperor experts, no one rushed to intercept Di Jiu. Everyone is ready to watch outside the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Only Peng He felt that he was not right. He followed Di Jiu recently and actually felt that Di Jiu wanted to escape. But this is not very likely, Di Jiu is not like to escape from any aspect.

Behind Peng He is Peerless Immortal Emperor, who stares at Di Jiu, Di Jiu’s cultivation base makes him look down, and should not be weaker than him.

Di Jiu wish it was now directly behind grabbed Heaven Dancing Blade Peng He’s come a blade, this son of a bitch closely followed him, let him not be a bit faster. The locking of this aura Domain is very subtle. Once he speeds up again, he is determined to be suspected by this person. Fortunately, he will rush out of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, as long as he is out of town, he can walk away.

Almost at the moment when Di Jiu was going to cross the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Peng He finally felt something wrong.

If Di Jiu is really a top grade expert, he will never be tolerated to lock aura like this. The reason why he locked Di Jiu’s aura is that he can no longer find Di Jiu. This is a subconscious action. It is not really trying to test Di Jiu’s strength or to provoke Di Jiu.

Di Jiu did not resist, and he always speeded up the move to the city gate, but let him test Di Jiu’s wrong. With Di Jiu’s arrogance at the auction, even the people who are not in the eyes of Peerless Immortal Emperor, can you let yourself be rude?

Once suspected, Peng He felt that Di Jiu’s aura was weird. He really can’t see Di Jiu’s cultivation base, but Di Jiu doesn’t have Immortal King Domain, the cultivation base seems to be climbing, but climbing again, also under under Immortal King…

This man has to escape, Peng He is finally sure, he did not guess wrong.

When he knew that Di Jiu was going to flee, Peng He’s imposing manner swollen in an instant, and the demon claws were rolled out to Di Jiu.

At the same time, the more and the other Immortal Emperor’s communication bead lighted up. When they saw the contents of the communication bead, they all changed their faces and then rushed to Di Jiu.

Communication bead There is only one message, Zimo of this 307 box has purchased countless Purple Heavenly Nets at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

What is Purple Heavenly Net, everyone knows, the only use is to refine the Splitting Vein Pill. Splitting Vein Pill, which is taken by under Immortal King cultivator, can forcibly increase the side effects of the cultivation base medicinal pill. Since the other party buys this kind of thing, it means that the fascinating fellow at the auction is a pretense.

This rich cultivator is also a pretense, naturally fat sheep.

Peng He At the moment of the hand, Di Jiu felt the killing intent. He took the Heaven Dancing Blade with the slightest hesitation and a blade strike went on.

“Boom!” Terrifying’s singer Origin Qi Qi swept through, Di Jiu even if he upgraded his strength to the Half-step realm of Immortal King, under this claw is still no way to fight back, squirting a blood Arrow , the whole person rushed to the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Array Gate.

Di Jiu knows that even if he eats Splitting Vein Pill, the cultivation base is still a cockroach compared to these Immortal Emperor experts.

But Peng He can let Di Jiu escape at the moment, his Domain is crazy to lock Di Jiu, and it is another punch. Di Jiu heart big shock. Even if he is now Half-step Immortal King Realm, he is still a hundred thousand miles less than Peng He.

Heaven Dancing Blade is again chopped, and the violent blade momentum is almost to tear the entire void apart, full of an imposing manner, with a windy aura.

The wind is blowing, the river freezes, the warriors will not return. This is a true portrayal of Di Jiu’s blade. If he can’t open Peng He’s Domain, he can only wait to die.

“ka cha!” Desolate Wind Blade rips off Peng’s rushed Domain, “Hey!” Peng He’s Fist Origin is also on the back of Di Jiu’s, and Di Jiu squirts a blood arrow again. He still rushed out without hesitation.

At the moment of the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Di Jiu exhibited the Spiritual Sense Escapee.

A residual image has not yet left, and several attacks have slammed into the afterimage. These attacks were followed by several Immortal Emperors behind Peng He.

“bang bang bang!” The violent Immortal Origin exploded, and Di Jiu’s image was in a shadow mist, and even the spacious void Grand Dao was smashed by this terrible attack.

“Good treacherous ants.” Peerless Immortal Emperor is burning in anger, the shame of his heart is that three rivers and six seas can’t be cleaned. As soon as he was in shape, he rushed directly into the void and disappeared instantly.

He is very clear that Di Jiu has escaped despite several heavy injuries under the joint attack of Immortal Emperor. However, he also knows that an ant like Di Jiu, even if there is an Escaping Technique, can’t escape much.

Don’t say that the other person is seriously injured now, even if it is not hurt at all, in the face of so many Immortal Emperor chasing, if they can escape, then they Immortal Emperor is really too garbage.

Following the Peerless Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor Peng He was naturally chased by the slightest hesitation, and the other attacked Di Jiu’s Immortal Emperor expert, without exception, rushing to the direction of Di Jiu escape.

Di Jiu has too many good things, and no one wants to give up. And some people have vaguely guessed who this escaped ant is, except who used to sell Starry Sky Tea, who is so rich?

To catch up with this ants, you don’t need anything else, just take the means of refining Starry Sky Tea, and it’s enough. Look at the generosity of this escaped ant at the auction and know how much Immortal Crystal Starry Sky Tea can earn.

Di Jiu fell in the moment of the transmission array, and once again exploded a blood mist, he knew that he was almost destroyed in the hands of Peng He. If it wasn’t for Peng He, he wouldn’t even need an injury this time.

Transmission array As Di Jiu falls on it, a white light is rolled up, and the next moment Di Jiu is taken away by this white light. Di Jiu was taken away by white light, the white light had not disappeared, and the big handprint of Peerless Immortal Emperor was caught.

With Di Jiu’s transmission array disappearing, Peerless Immortal Emperor’s face was even more ugly, and he continued to pursue the slightest hesitation. He also ate a loss, this ants also set up a transmission array here, let him fall short.

The next few Immortal Emperors were only a late-looking time than the Peerless Immortal Emperor. See Peerless Immortal Emperor and two Immortal Emperors stopped.

They knew very well that Di Jiu, a sly cockroach, was almost impossible to catch up. Since the other party can arrange the first transmission array, then a second transmission array can be placed.

Immortal Emperor is stronger, even if it can catch up in the first few passes, to the third time, the fourth time can not catch up.

Peerless Immortal Emperor came to the second transmission array, and even when Di Jiu had no shadow, he could only give up and continue to chase Di Jiu’s move.

It’s safe to say that Di Jiu has the third and fourth transmission arrays. Don’t say that he is now Grade 8 Immortal Sense, even if he is a Grade 9 Immortal Sense, don’t want to catch up with each other.

Behind the Peerless Immortal Emperor, three other Immortal Emperors fell. They didn’t have to ask Peerless Immortal Emperor, and they knew that the ants had escaped.

Peng He’s face was the most gloomy. He knew that he not only did not get True A’han Glass Water, but also completely offended the farfel.


After the fifth transmission array was not transmitted, Di Jiu took out several large Raining Purity Pills for the first time. When he first applied Spiritual Sense Escapee, he was jointly injured by several Immortal Emperor taking action. As long as he had another night, there would be no more Di Jiu in the world.

Fortunately, he prepared the escape method in advance, fleshly body advancing to the Immortal Spirit Body late stage, or else this time.

Sure enough, if the cultivation base is low, you don’t want to grab something with others. However, the appearance of these few local places is recorded, and he will find one by one in the future.

Swallowing a few medicinal pill, Di Jiu did not hurry, but grabbed an Array Flag, clearing all the space fluctuations aura, and leaving a very inconspicuous picture array, which sacrificed Extreme Cloud Cone quickly left the place.

Not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid that Di Jiu is the most understandable of various foundation laws. Don’t look at his layout of many transmission arrays, some Immortal Emperor can’t catch up. Once he encounters an expert that is extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations, he is still likely to be caught up, and no mistakes are made.

Sure enough, about a time after Di Jiu walked, a tall hat man was next to Di Jiu’s fifth transmission array.

He grabbed an Array Flag and looked for a long time, and he sighed.

This little cultivator is too deceitful, not only deceitful, but also terrible, even this array of clearing space fluctuations aura is also arranged. This made him wonder if the other person touched the fur of the Law of Space.

In fact, Di Jiu has arranged several transmission arrays. In his eyes, Di Jiu is still in the middle of it. As soon as he catches up with the last transmission array, the trace of Di Jiu’s departure will soon be captured by him. Now with this array of all traces, he can’t know where Di Jiu is going.

This is the first time he has failed to chase an ant.


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