“It’s Fellow Daoist Qu!” Then Ran Zhiren discovered what was going on, and Di Jiu was reinforced in the protection array.

Not only Ran Zhiren, Lou Jia and Xue Jingkong saw Di Jiu in the array, and they were all excited. They thought it was mortal, and I didn’t expect an Array Great Master in the companion.

But at the moment they dare not go to Di Jiu to talk, they worry that any disturbance will affect Di Jiu. At this time, they can only wait quietly, and nothing can be done.

Di Jiu is not an Array Great Master. He is an Immortal Array Venerable. He is not reinforced in the protection array, but is re-arranging the protection array.

Ran Zhiren’s protection array is a Grade 3 Immortal Array. Normally, this protection array is enough. With the Monster Beast sneak attack, the protection array can be the first time to alert the people on board.

In the face of Moon Immortal Sea Storm, this grade 3 protection array is actually no different.

“bang bang bang!” successively seven or eight tall waves rushed over, and the small wooden boats were covered by waves. What surprised Ran Zhiren and others was that no matter how many waves, no matter how many waves, these milky waves could not tear apart the protection array of Di Jiu.

Di Jiu was relieved, he didn’t continue to increase the strength of the protection array, so the grade 6 Immortal Protection Array should now be able to block the Moon Immortal storm.

Moon Immortal The storm is coming fast and walking fast. Only half an hour passed, and the violent storm on the Moon Immortal Sea disappeared.

Di Jiu stopped to continue to reinforce the array, Ran Zhiren three people have long greeted them, and at the same time salute, “Fellow Daoist Qu, this time is not your take action, we are dead.”

“Everyone is a teammate. It is natural to help each other. I guess that Yin Fire Island should be here.” Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept, and after this huge storm, the ship under his spiritual sense except them Beyond this ship, only two of them still exist. More ships were brought under the Moon Immortal Sea by the storm.

It is even more ridiculous for Di Jiu, cultivating to his extent, basically the Immortal in the eyes of mortals. Even Immortal, life is still fragile and egg shells.

Ran Zhiren is said to be resolutely. “It is said that this is true, but our life is indeed saved by Brother Qu. It is just my luck, I did not expect to find the Array Dao expert of Brother Qu.”

Xue Jingkong, who didn’t even talk much, said it was sulking. “Yes, Fellow Daoist Ran is right. Our life is indeed saved by Brother Qu.”

Lou Jia also nodded. “We appeared on the Moon Immortal Sea. The biggest worry is Moon Immortal Fog, followed by the Moon Immortal Sea Storm. It’s not bad, we didn’t meet Sea Storm Whirpool this time.”

When I heard Lou Jia, everyone was in a short silence. This time, Moon Immortal Sea Storm survived because of the Array Great Master, Qu Xiaoshu. If you meet Sea Storm Whirpool, it is estimated that even Qu Xiaoshu’s Array Dao is strong, and everyone has no life.

Or Ran Zhiren broke the silence. “The rest of the journey will take you to Yin Fire Island. Originally, we calculated that it would take no more than three months to go back and forth to Yin Fire Island. According to the law, the most recent Moon Immortal Fog is also in three. It may appear after a month. Unexpectedly, Moon Immortal Fog, we did not encounter it, but encountered the rare Moon Immortal Sea Storm.”

Because Di Jiu’s powerful Array Dao saved everyone’s life, the other three changed their attitude towards Di Jiu’s, even faintly Di Jiu as the master.

In the next few days, there was no danger. Ran Zhiren was right. On the fifth day after Moon Immortal Sea Storm, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept to a huge island. There is a layer of fog floating above the island, and you can’t see the specific scene at all.

“Come on.” The wooden boat quickly crossed the distance of one or two thousand feet and stopped at the edge of a huge reef.

Di Jiu A few people rushed to Yin Fire Island, and Ran Zhiren also took a flying boat.

“Fellow Daoist Ran, there is also a layer of fog on this Yin Fire Island. Will this fog be the mist of Moon Immortal Sea?” Di Jiu got a lot of jade slips that introduced Moon Immortal Sea, and those jade slips are not what Have an introduction.

Ran Zhiren quickly explained, “This fog is completely different from the fog of the Moon Immortal Sea. The mist of the Moon Immortal Sea can be lost and then enter a position you don’t know at all, but the fog is just obstructing the sight and the spirit sense.”

A little further away from Di Jiu, there was also a wooden boat, and five cultivators were washed down on the wooden boat. These cultivators are surprised and look at Di Jiu. It seems that they are wondering why the Moon Immortal Sea Storm was so big, not long ago, Di Jiu can still arrive here safely.

However, these people ignored Di Jiu and others and quickly rushed into the depths of Yin Fire Island and disappeared.

“Brother Qu, which direction should we go in?” Ran Zhiren watched Di Jiu, Di Jiu showed his strength and put him in second place.

Di Jiu As soon as I heard Ran Zhiren, I knew that the other party had no specific position for Yama Light Divine Iron. He had to say, “Let’s go in the direction of the people in front, wait until you enter Yin Fire Island.”

As soon as he left the beach and entered the depths of Yin Fire Island, Di Jiu felt a very strange aura, which made him feel like he walked into a grim catacomb. In this sinister, it is also faintly charged with a kind of sacred flame aura.

No wonder that called Yin Fire Island is really the name of the island.

“The few people are already invisible.” After entering the depths of Yin Fire Island, Lou Jia’s spiritual sense lost the trail of the previous five.

Yin Fire Island’s suppression of spiritual sense is far less than the Moon Immortal Sea, but the Great Principle Immortal initial stage, such as Lou Jia, is only about a mile.

“It doesn’t matter, everyone just follows me.” Di Jiu’s spiritual sense sweeps out nearly a hundred miles, and he can clearly see the traces of the five people in front.

These five people are extremely fast, so they can’t come to Yin Fire Island. They are definitely not like Ran Zhiren. They want to make a fortune without preparation. They must have a clear direction to go so fast in this place.

In the past, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has swept the place where the five people are going. It is a ruin with a radius of at least a few hundred miles. The ruins can still see the shadow of the building.

There is a large flat land on the edge of the ruins, which gathers at least a hundred people.

Di Jiu speeded up, and after half a column of incense, the spiritual sense of Ran Zhiren and Lou Jia also swept here. Lou Jia even more surprised and shouted, “There are a lot of people here.”

A middle grade man was standing on a collapsed column and shouting something, and then Di Jiu saw a group of more than a hundred people divided into four groups.

Di Jiu Four people came over, and the man who spoke also saw it, and said with one hand, “You four finally come to the fourth group.”

Di Jiu frowned slightly, and he didn’t care which group he was in, but before that, he must figure out why it is divided into four groups, and then what is the task of each group. Because they came a little late, so nothing was heard.

It seems that Di Jiu is going to talk, Ran Zhiren hurriedly pulled Di Jiu and whispered, “Brother Qu, this person should be an Immortal King expert, let’s go to the fourth group.”

“Wait…” Di Jiu just said two words, that the middle of the body of the Immortal King’s powerful imposing manner was pressed on the Di Jiu several people, “everyone has been divided into groups, you four later Go to your group and don’t waste everyone’s time.”

One hundred people formed four groups, each of which was separated. Now that Di Jiu is standing in the middle, it is indeed a bit awkward.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand, said, “We didn’t know what the group was doing, so I wanted to excuse me.”

This Immortal King’s face was cold and the tone of ice cold said, “If everybody later explains me, then we still have to do things here? Give you time to go to your own group.”

“Because there is an ancient Market under this, there are a lot of good things in the Market. Now the Market entrance is hard to find, we look for it in groups, and immediately notify other groups to attack the entrance protection array…” has been the fastest Sound transmission was given to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu hear, I want to go back to the group, Dao Fire in the Purple Mansion suddenly jumps.

Feeling the beat of Dao Fire, Di Jiu was ecstatic. He was at Heaven Screen Pit, he found Heavenly Fire Spirit because of Dao Fire’s beating.

Now Dao Fire is beating again, and obviously there are good things coming out.

“Why, do you think I can’t move you a few?” That Immortal King speaking in between and going to Di Jiu, the tone is with Mori Aura.

“Several of you want to join me, or enter the group?” Di Jiu ignored the Immortal King and asked Ran Zhiren.

It was not at all waiting for Ran Zhiren to speak. Lou Jia said on his own initiative, “Our team is coming together, naturally it is together.”

When I heard Lou Jia, Di Jiu clicked and turned to look at the Immortal King coming. The tone was gentlely said. “Yin Fire Island can come in. We don’t want to team up and want to find it ourselves. After we enter here, Do you have to team up with your words?”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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