When Im Jiu was so arrogant, that Immortal King stunned. If it is somewhere else, he is naturally without the slightest hesitation to get rid of Di Jiu. But here he is the leader, and he wants to use the power of everyone to find the underground market.

If he kills Di Jiu, it will make the rest of the people feel as if he has been forced and carried. If he does not listen to him, he will immediately kill. This is for him to look for the underground Market, which is absolutely unfavorable.

Be aware that this underground Market must be found in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, there will be more and more cultivators coming here. Waiting for a stronger expert than him, he won’t even drink a soup.

Thinking of this is Moon Immortal Sea, the other party could not send the news of the underground Market. This Immortal King resisted the idea of ​​killing Di Jiu’s and stared at Di Jiu coldly. “I am doing nothing for Hao Ran.” I will never oppress who is doing things. The friends of all the teams here are willing to do it. But not everyone can fish in front of me. It is your freedom to join us. But I have to say ugly in front. If we find a place, you can enjoy it, don’t blame me.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “All the people here who find the place, anyone can go ahead, no one must wait for you Hao Ran, don’t take yourself seriously.”

If the other party does, Di Jiu does not mind giving the other a lesson. When you don’t get yourself looking for something, someone comes to you.

Di Jiu’s words have made many cultivators feel at home. Yes, if they find the entrance, the entrance does not need many people to attack together. Why wait for Hao Ran?

Hao Ran coldly snorted, still did not start, “We go, each team in one direction. Once you find Array Gate, everyone gathers to attack. This big Market defense array gate, definitely not dozens of people can open.”

The last sentence of Hao Ran is to tell those cultivators who have thought carefully. This Market Array Gate is very hard and must be taken together to break.

More than a hundred cultivators quickly rushed into the ruins and quickly disappeared.

Ran Zhiren The three people saw that Hao Ran didn’t do it, and he was relieved. Hao Ran is Immortal King expert. Once they start, they will be a dead end. What’s more, there are more than one hundred people here. Since they have chosen Hao Ran as their head, they can stand by.

Di Jiu has graciousness of life-savings on them, so he drops Di Jiu, and he can’t say it in love. If you are alive at Moon Immortal Sea, you can’t do anything to abandon your teammates. Otherwise, you can only leave here.

“Brother Qu, what do we do?” Lou Jia was relieved and turned to ask Di Jiu.

Di Jiu immediately said, “Let’s go, we must first find these people at the entrance of the Market, and you can follow me.”

Ran Zhiren’s three people did not doubt Di Jiu’s words, Di Jiu’s cultivation base may be similar to them, but Di Jiu’s Array Dao level is definitely far stronger than them.

Di Jiu also quickly rushed into the ruins. He headed in a different direction than the front four cultivators, but in a position on the side.

Although Ran Zhiren would like to remind Di Jiu that if there was an ancient Market here, it must be in the middle of the ruins, and it is absolutely impossible to be on the side of the ruins.

Now Di Jiu is leading the team, even if he wants to say, he has to wait until Di Jiu can’t find it.

Di Jiu is also amazed by the moon. It is reasonable to say that there is a Market here, even if it is not in the middle of the ruins, it is also in the ruins. Now that he has clearly left the ruins, he will take some roads and it is estimated that he will be close to the sea.

“Brother Qu, those people say that the ruins have the ancient Market, should be the message, do we still go to the ruins to find?” Ran Zhiren finally could not help but say it.

Di Jiu waved at Ran Zhiren, but stopped. Dao Fire, his standing position, became more and more fierce.

In front of him is a withered vine root, which is a water-saving vine. There is no Spiritual Qi, not an Immortal Spirit Item, but this vine is very long. As long as the year is sufficient, it is possible to grow to more than 10 zhang.

At the moment, this vine root in front of Di Jiu has at least a hundred feet.

With the Array Dao level of Di Jiu Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable, there is no trace of any layout here. Di Jiu signaled Ran Zhiren that the three men stepped back and he opened Dao Eye.

Under the Dao Eye, some looming Array Dao Law traces appeared, Di Jiu was ecstatic, and he raised his hand and grabbed the Array Flag and lost it.

This array is very high, and if it is not Dao Eye, he really can’t find it. Since Dao Eye found clues, it was not difficult to open the array.

After a dozen Array Flags were dropped, a black sly entrance appeared in front of the four.

Ran Zhiren called out three people, “Star Fire Market…”

It’s indeed Star Fire Market, and above the entrance to this black, there are four characters, it’s Star Fire Market.

“Everyone rushed in.” Di Jiu rushed in first.

Ran Zhiren and others suppressed the ecstasy and rushed in. Di Jiu’s hand, the Array Flag he threw out returned to his hand again, and the entrance to the Market opened by him disappeared.

When a few people walked through the black road, the front of the eyes suddenly brightened.

“This is Bright Light Immortal Array… a lot of bones…” Lou Jia screamed, and then her screams were stuck. She found that in addition to these bones, the things in those shops were actually there. Not only that, but the rings on these bones are also there.

It was only for a moment, and everyone fell into ecstasy. Xue Jingkong couldn’t help but rush to the madness, and then desperately rolled those rings into his arms.

Ran Zhiren and Lou Jia watched Di Jiu, although they also want to go crazy like Xue Jingkong, but they know very well that here Di Jiu brought them. Now Di Jiu hasn’t robbed it yet, nor has he said how to distribute it. It just rushed to snatch it, and it was too much.

Even if they didn’t know that Di Jiu was the captain of the four, it was clear to everyone that Di Jiu vaguely became the captain of the four.

With just a few breathing hours, Xue Jingkong rushed into a big House of Commerce, and the figure disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

Di Jiu sighed and took out two Array Flags and handed out hundreds of mysterious restrictions to Ran Zhiren and Lou Jia. “There are a lot of things in this place, but I suggest you not stay too long. The entrance to this Market is absolutely Not one, I guess those people will soon find the Market entrance from other places. After you find enough cultivation resources, you will immediately escape from this place. Just fire the Array Flag and you can send it out from our incoming Array Gate.”

“many thanks Brother Qu.” Ran Zhiren and Lou Jia were excited to take the Array Flag and did not mention Di Jiu to the Xue Jingkong Array Flag. They did not mention it.

Di Jiu nodded. “Well, everyone is going to make a fortune. This Market is very big. I have to make a fortune. I will see you later.”

After saying this, Di Jiu flanked the side of the Market and rushed to the side of the Market.

There are indeed many treasures in the Market, but Di Jiu looked at it, and many of these treasures were eroded by the years. Even those rings are not useful for every one. The most important thing for him now is to find something that causes Dao Fire to beat. That is the treasure that is most useful to him.

“Fellow Daoist Qu is amazing.” Ran Zhiren watched Di Jiu went in the direction and said softly, then said to Lou Jia, “Hey Junior Sister, let’s also look for treasures, when we meet at the edge of Yin Fire Island. , leave here together.”

“Good.” Lou Jia understood the meaning of Ran Zhiren. Xue Jingkong forgot the kindness when he met good things. He didn’t get Di Jiu’s Array Flag. When he went back, they would not be with Xue Jingkong. As for Qu Xiaoshu, they are sure that Qu Xiaoshu will not go back with them.


Di Jiu’s Spiritual Sense Escapee was very fast, and in just a few minutes, he stopped in front of an inconspicuous stone house.

The restrictions outside the stone house stood, Di Jiu raised his hand and pulled the restriction directly into it, and a violent extreme heat wave came.

Di Jiu didn’t even think about it, it was a punch.

“Boom!” The hot heat wave, followed by a streamer with more than 10 zhang long appeared in front of Di Jiu’s.

This is Starry Sky Fire Essence? Di Jiu was confirmed, this is Starry Sky Fire Essence. He finally understood what Dao Fire was going to do here. It was too difficult for Dao Fire to advance after the grade 8 Immortal Flame. But Starry Sky Fire Essence can solve the problem of Dao Fire advance.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation grabbed Dao Fire and Dao Fire flew out to Starry Sky Fire Essence.

Starry Sky Fire Essence is stronger, just a material for the birth of starry sky. Was caught by Dao Fire and immediately burst into a number of thousand feet of fire waves.

Di Jiu ignored Dao Fire and he was shocked by the pile of things in the center of the room. It was definitely Yama Light Divine Iron. Yama Light Divine Iron This piece of something that is worthy of a city, he saw a hill here.

Next to this pile of Yama Light Divine Iron, there is also a flying shuttle that is about to be refinished.

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