Di Jiu didn’t think about going straight to the shore, then leaving Moon Immortal Sea. He is sure that Xiling Yuanyi is faster than him. When he arrives at Moon Immortal Sea, Xiling Yuanyi may be waiting for him at Moon Immortal Sea. Even if he wants to go ashore, he also needs to find a place to advancing to Immortal King.

That spiritual sense imprint, Di Jiu did not lose, but placed on another small wooden boat, after painting a self-array on a small wooden boat, placed the small wooden boat on the sea. He himself speeded up his wooden boat in the direction of the small wooden boat, leaving behind a wooden boat with a spiritual sense mark.

Di Jiu took only a few days, and Xiling Yuanyi appeared on the small wooden boat that Di Jiu abandoned, raising his hand and grabbing his spiritual sense mark.

Xiling Yuanyi sneered, his wooden boat under the foot suddenly turned a head and went quickly in the opposite direction of the wooden boat with a spiritual sense mark.

Although Di Jiu killed his son, Xiling Zai, he still admired Di Jiu’s, and he was able to peel off his spiritual sense mark in a few days.

Since his spiritual sense mark was peeled off and opened on a self-propelled wooden boat, Di Jiu would surely escape in the opposite direction of the wooden ship. Even if there is an offset, he believes he can find it. Moon Immortal Sea Last month, you can’t walk much.

After a quick search for about ten days, Xiling Yuanyi suddenly stopped and he felt that he was fooled. Di Jiu was so cunning at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty that it was very likely to follow the direction of the spiritual sense imprinted wooden boat.

Xiling Yuanyi sighed and didn’t keep looking back. Whether Di Jiu follows the direction of the spiritual sense imprinted wooden boat, or a slight deviation from the wooden boat, with Di Jiu’s such deceit, he can’t catch Di Jiu. The only way to do this is to stay on the edge of the Moon Immortal Sea and wait for Di Jiu to come out.

The swindling ants are still cockroaches.

Di Jiu appeared on the Moon Immortal Sea and killed the news of Xiling Yuanyi’s son Xiling Zai, which was passed out in a very short time.

Along the Moon Immortal Sea, there are a lot of mysterious strange experts, all of which are coming around Moon Immortal Sea. Everyone understands what is going on, all for Di Jiu, but no one has said it.


Di Jiu, who was eyeing many experts, was the first to feel anxious. When he was chased by Immortal King, there was no such tension.

Before entering the Moon Immortal Sea, Di Jiu knew that the most terrible thing about the Moon Immortal Sea was not the Moon Immortal Sea Storm and the Moon Immortal Sea, but the Moon Immortal Dense Fog.

It is rumored that once the Moon Immortal Sea meets Moon Immortal Dense Fog, there is almost deaths without life. I haven’t heard of a cultivator that can come back alive after meeting Moon Immortal Dense Fog.

Moon Immortal Dense Fog is regular, and the cultivator of Moon Immortal Sea trials is not likely to meet Moon Immortal Dense Fog as long as it is at a fixed time.

Di Jiu was anxious and he suspected that he had met Moon Immortal Dense Fog.

There was a burst of milky white mist in front of his eyes. These mists merged with the milky white water. It was only half a column of incense time. Di Jiu could no longer tell where the sea was, where it was space, even his under the foot. The boat also began to melt, and then turned into a white mist.

Hurry to the jet…

As soon as this thought came out, Di Jiu knew that he could not do this. After he jumped, he was still Moon Immortal Sea water.

The mist penetrated into the skin, and the meridian of Di Jiu’s body instantly became rigid. Then Di Jiu felt a broad and open road in front of him, and as soon as he stepped into the Grand Dao, he could quickly leave.

Di Jiu rushed through the Heavenly Law Cycle, and soon the corrosive toxins in the mist were stripped away. The broad and open road disappeared and Di Jiu’s mind recovered again. He is shocked inwardly, and this fog is not only the poison of the meidian and Sea of ​​Consciousness, but also the mind and the illusion.

Even if Di Jiu is grade 8 Immortal Sense, it will not penetrate at this time.

Di Jiu rushed to open Dao Eye, and Dao Eye finally saw some scenes of the vague paste. Di Jiu know, this is his Dao Eye too low. Once his Dao Eye level comes up, you can clearly see the surrounding situation clearly.

Although Di Jiu’s Dao Eye is still unable to fully understand the surrounding situation, it can also perceive some. Plus Moon Immortal Dense Fog doesn’t make him lost, at least for a short time he is safe.

I don’t know when the Moon Immortal Dense Fog will disappear. Di Jiu started using Forging Spiritual Sense tempering his own spiritual sense.

The spiritual sense can not be put out of the place Di Jiu see more, basically just let him adapt, his Forging Spiritual Sense can tempering out the spiritual sense.

What puzzled Di Jiu this time is that no matter how he uses Forging Spiritual Sense tempering his own spiritual sense, his spiritual sense is only surrounded by the body, and it can’t penetrate.

After a whole day, Di Jiu calmed down completely. He started running Heavenly Law Cycle and captured Law Aura in the surrounding Moon Immortal Dense Fog.

Originally Di Jiu stripped the poisonous qi from Moon Immortal Dense Fog through his Heavenly Law Cycle, and soon he went to insights to one of the foundation laws.

After Insights went to the first foundation law in Moon Immortal Dense Fog, Di Jiu was more confident in his Grand Dao direction. He was not wrong. Everything in the universe was built with Law.

Insights to the first foundation law of the fog, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense can be infiltrated, then Di Jiu insights to the second, third…

As Di Jiu becomes deeper in the foundation law insights of the fog, the farther his spiritual sense penetrates.

“ka cha!” is like being broken by the shell’s eggs. Di Jiu is suddenly bright and the fog around it disappears.

Di Jiu was relieved that it should be Moon Immortal Dense Fog disappeared.

Soon Di Jiu felt it was wrong, and his wooden boat under the foot stayed next to a large piece of land. He remembers when there was Moon Immortal Dense Fog, there was no land around?

Di Jiu frowned. He didn’t immediately go to the shore to look at it. Instead, he turned the bow and wanted to continue to check the surroundings. Di Jiu’s face is hard to look at, and he is trapped. The boat could not enter the Moon Immortal Sea again. As long as his ship leaves the land more than thehund feet, it will be blocked by an invisible barrier.

With the Di Jiu Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable, it is impossible to see what this barrier is. He can only vaguely guess that this is not a natural great array, or a great array of top grade experts. This great array may exceed the grade 9 Immortal Array category, otherwise he won’t be able to see it at all.

Di Jiu withdraw wooden boat, landed on land.

His spiritual sense swept out, and soon he found that there was no such thing as Moon Immortal Dense Fog, Law Aura and Moon Immortal Sea. Space not only contains invisible corrosive toxins, but also hinders spiritual sense.

This is just for other cultivators. For Di Jiu, which has a Heavenly Law Cycle with the Ninth Dao Principle, there is no difference between this and the ordinary place.

Di Jiu just went out of the way, and the spiritual sense swept into a huge protection array. Di Jiu himself is a Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable, and as long as he is willing to spend time, he can almost step into the ranks of the Grade 9 Immortal Array Emperor at any time.

He looks at this great array and knows that this is a grade 9 Immortal Protection Array. And this protection array seems to be used to isolate the space toxins. It seems that this island has a top grade Array Emperor.

Di Jiu has not yet reached the entrance to the great array, the spiritual sense sweeps into the two cultivators and rushes up from the wooden boat of the Moon Immortal Sea, then madly rushes to the great array. Only when they have a few thousand feet from the entrance to the great array, they are directly on the ground.

Di Jiu Suddenly, he understood what was going on. The two men must have entered Moon Immortal Dense Fog and were brought here. It was only these two people who did not have this kind of skill and were directly eroded by the corrupt aura on the land.

Almost at the same time that the two fell to the ground, two weak men were rushed out of the great array. The two men rushed past at the fastest speed, grabbed the rings of the two men, and then rushed to great again. Array.

Even Di Jiu is only more than 10 zhang from them, because Di Jiu is not coming from the main entrance of the great array, the two still do not see.

Great array The bones outside are far more than two, cultivating is difficult, you can see a corner in this place.

Di Jiu walked to the big Array Gate and didn’t wait for him to talk. The man with a sharp mouthed monkey cheek at the entrance of the great array was stunned. “Hey, come another live?”

Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoist, excuse me, can’t you go out after entering here?”

Thin and weak man coldly snorted, “Know still ask? Hand over the ring first, then go in.”

This thin and weak man spiritual sense can’t be used, the cultivation base is also deteriorating, and Di Jiu can still feel it. This fellow was once an Immortal King late stage.

Di Jiu didn’t have the idea of ​​handing over the ring. He raised his hand and grabbed the thin and weak man and threw it away into the long feet. Then he entered the great array that had not yet been sealed.

This great array has only the use of space fog, and does not have any sleepy function. Di Jiu itself is a Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable, which is simply not afraid of this Immortal Array.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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