After Di Jiu left this Immortal King aside, he was too lazy to take care of himself and walked into the depths of this great array. Trifling Immortal King, even if the cultivation base is not lost, Di Jiu will not care. What’s more, he also knows that this Immortal King can’t escape even if it escapes.

Soon Di Jiu found that there was still a corrosive toxin in the great array, just a lot weaker than the outside.

“Hey, are you new?” A thin man who saw Di Jiu, shocked, immediately shouted, “Xu Gongli, is this person’s ring taken away?”

“Is there another one?” The man did not call Xu Gongli, but he called another thin monkey.

Both of them, Ji Jiu, know that they were two felts who had rushed out of the protection array to grab the ring.

At this moment, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has covered this great array. Except for a place where the spiritual sense does not penetrate, there are only three living people in this great array.

“There are only three of you living here?” Di Jiu asked in amazement.

“Yes, senior, there are only three of us left.” The thin Immortal King eagerly who was thrown aside by Di Jiu ran up, with a charming tone.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has been swept away from these three people. It has been clearly seen that the cultivation bases of these three people are all in one, 2 Immortal Venerable and 1 Immortal King.

“Let’s say, what’s going on?” Di Jiu’s eyes fell on the three thin men.

“For me.” That said another man came forward and took the initiative to Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand.

Just a cup one fist in the other hand, Di Jiu felt the threat of death swept over, and the fellow had to plot against him. An Immortal Venerable late stage, if the cultivation base is still there, it is indeed easy to plot to him. Now that this place is completely under his spiritual sense, this fellow also dared to plot against him, and he simply did not know how to live.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation punched out and dealt with the cultivation base with only one percent of the fellow, and Di Jiu could even kill each other with a slap. Di Jiu was irritated by the sneak attack of this fellow, which was violent to take action. He will never give this garbage a chance to reincarnate.

He and the fellow lacking hatred and enmity, did not even want to kill each other, the other side took the initiative to attack him, there is nothing to keep in hand.

“Boom” ridges and peaks The general fist mountain swept from void, the repressed moment of death, this emaciated Immortal Venerable screamed, “Impossible, how can you perceive…”

According to his thoughts, even if his cultivation base is in vain, he sneaked into a ants like Di Jiu, and his success was as high as 90%.

But now his bee-tail is just being shot, and Di Jiu’s boxing peak has been suppressed.

“Hey!” The black blood mist exploded, this man’s Origin Spirit just overflowed, and was smashed into nothingness by the second boxing peak.

When seeing Di Jiu punching Yuan Bao, the sneak attack, and that Immortal Venerable subconsciously hit a quiver. Quickly said, “Senior, junior never thought that Yuan Bao would attack the senior, and the junior and Yuan Bao had nothing to do with it.”

This Immortal Venerable didn’t even have a defensive idea when talking. Di Jiu This strength, if you want to kill him, he is wary, it is useless.

“Senior, junior is to help them both gatekeepers, and has nothing to do with Yuan Bao.” Immortal King Xu Gongli, who was thrown out by Di Jiu’s neck, quickly came to the ground.

“Say, what is going on here?” Di Jiu indifferently said.

That Immortal Venerable said eagerly, “Junior Hu Hou, because of the magical treasure, so many friends call me Hu Qidao.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, don’t say something important.” Di Jiu said something impatiently.

“Yes, yes…” Hu Hou said a few quickly, and this is more careful. “Junior heard that Heaven Immortal Sea has Heavenly Blade Metal Essence, so come here to find Heavenly Blade Metal Essence and prepare for it. a blade artifact ……”

Looking at this fellow is looking for Heavenly Blade Metal Essence, Di Jiu is too lazy to yell at each other. Heavenly Blade Metal Essence and Purple Dancing Sand are both grade 9 Artifact Materials in Culture World. In fact, both are ungraded Artifact Materials, even at Immortal World.

The reason why it is not graded, so precious, is that because of the combination of Heavenly Blade Metal Essence and Purple Dancing Sand, the refined blade artifact can be upgraded. The Heaven Dancing Blade on his body, the original original materials are Heavenly Blade Metal Essence and Purple Dancing Sand, has now been advanced to the high grade Immortal Tool.

“After I arrived at Moon Immortal Sea, I found Heavenly Blade Metal Essence, but I didn’t wait for me to grab Heavenly Blade Metal Essence, Moon Immortal poison fog got up. I was brought here, I am carrying some poisonous Immortal. Pill, this insisted on entering the Immortal Array. At the time I came in, there were seven people in the Immortal Array. Only the Immortal Array also had poisonous fog eroding in, and the Array Gate could not be closed. This kind of skinny look, everyone else is dead, Yuan Bao and Xu Gongli are latecomers…”

After Hu Hou finished, he was still watched Di Jiu. He is sure that Di Jiu did not enter the Immortal King, and Di Jiu did not enter the Immortal King so much, it was terrible.

Di Jiu frowned, “Why are you still robbing the ring?”

Here he can cultivating, Di Jiu does not believe that Hu Hou can also be cultivating.

Xu Gongli worried that if he didn’t say a word, he would be considered worthless. He quickly said in front of Hu Hou, “They all want to find a newcomer with a detoxification pill in the ring. In fact, senior does not come, we I can’t hold it any longer.”

Xu Gongli This sentence means to tell Di Jiu that Di Jiu doesn’t really kill them.

Di Jiu nodded. “What about the center of this great array?”

Hu Hou rushed in front of Xu Gongli, “senior, this protection array center squareeverever feet no one can go in, I am here for the longest time, I can’t get in.”

Di Jiu asked for a long time, in addition to knowing that this protection array has existed for a long time, there is basically nothing valuable. He rolled up the ring on the floor and waved his hand. “Go to the side, don’t bother me to do things.”

“Yes, yes…” Hu Hou and Xu Gongli, where dared to squat in front of Di Jiu, quickly retired. At this time, they would rather be farther away from Di Jiu.

Di Jiu went to the array core, and the array core didn’t even penetrate his physical sense. I don’t know what it is.

From the age core and the casual feet, Di Jiu suddenly felt a familiar aura, which is Sacred Yin Bead residual aura?

Di Jiu was confirmed soon, and there is indeed a residual aura of Sacred Yin Bead. Now Sacred Yin Bead is in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and since there is a residual aura of Sacred Yin Bead, Sacred Yin Bead has appeared here.

Other people’s spiritual sense can’t penetrate, and they can’t walk in. It doesn’t mean that Di Jiu can’t penetrate.

Di Jiu sits in the middle of the array core and starts running the Heavenly Law Cycle to catch the surrounding Law Aura.

One after another, the mysterious Dao Will was captured by Di Jiu. In just a few days, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has penetrated into the center of this protection array. This is also a restriction, and the level of this restriction is extremely high.

If it weren’t for him that had the Ninth Dao Principle, Di Jiu would never have done this useless work. This restriction definitely exceeds the grade 9 Immortal Array. Not only that, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has an extreme dizziness every time you touch the new base Dao Principle.

Di Jiu knows exactly why, because the Array Dao Law is too high, even if he has the Ninth Dao Principle, but his Array Dao and cultivation base are still too weak.

Immersed in this mysterious and cumbersome pattern, Di Jiu has not caught a foundation law, and his Array Dao is rising sharply.

Just half a year later, Di Jiu’s Array Dao level crossed the Grade 8 Immortal Array Venerable and entered the ranks of the Grade 9 Immortal Array Emperor. At the same time, he caught the first foundation law.

Everything was difficult at the beginning. With the beginning, Di Jiu quickly caught the second foundation law. After catching the first foundation law, Di Jiu was only three days old, and the spiritual sense penetrated into the mysterious restriction and found the array base.

This mysterious restriction is too heaven defying, even if Di Jiu catches the foundation law of the great array, limited to the cultivation base, he can’t crack the restriction in a short time.

Unless he spends a lot of time, he doesn’t have that much time for Di Jiu.

Just let him know where the array base is, he can forcibly smash this restriction. This restriction is stronger, and the surrounding Immortal Spirit Qi is so weak that it can’t last long. Moreover, Di Jiu vaguely felt that the restriction was broken and seemed to have been torn.

Sure enough, in Di Jiu began to force this restriction, just one day, this restriction sent a ka cha, then Di Jiu surprised watched what was in front of him.

There was only a dried blood pool in front of his eyes. In addition to the blood pool, there was a locked bone.

As soon as he saw this bone, Di Jiu knew who the fellow was. This only fleshly body owner with the bones is the Weak Origin Spirit he met when he got Sacred Yin Bead.

(two later)

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