A group of four had just walked outside the protection array at Brilliant Lake Palace, and the protection array was wide open, with a pale gold staircase leading directly to the hilltop’s Brilliant Lake Palace.

“Welcome to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Di Jiu and his team were invited to Brilliant Lake Palace to participate in Immortal Fruit Banquet!” a boy shouted with a sharp voice.

Di Jiu sneered, and a few of them came, even if Ye was coming to meet him personally. Ye actually let a boy come to greet, this is no problem, this boy is also said to be Di Jiu and his party. Chen Zishun, Yin Wuchang and Zhong Ao are not mentioned at all. Zhong Ao is mysterious, but Chen Zishun and Yin Wuchang, regardless of their status, are higher than Di Jiu, and the other party does not mention it.

Di Jiu is the golden ladder that Yishang does not fear. When he enters the 1 step, it is a Fire Attribute’s Law Array Flag.

Then every step of Di Jiu will build one or two Law Array Flags. Brilliant Lake Palace is also a thing of the past. After that, he did not destroy Brilliant Lake Palace, and he was not feeling well.

The golden ladder passed through Brilliant Lake and landed at a gate at the top of the hill.

After four people walked through this golden ladder, Di Jiu had laid out a Law Exploding Immortal Array of grade 8.

Even if it came to the Hall gate, the ninth is still building the Law Array Flag.

“Haha, I thought Pill Master Di would continue to seclusion. I didn’t expect Pill Master Di to come to Brilliant Lake Palace, amazing, amazing.” Di Jiu and others walked into Hall, and a yin and yang sound came over.

Di Jiu saw the fellow, and it was definitely a Great Immortal Emperor. He didn’t know. Look at this person’s Fire Attribute Law strong, Di Jiu guess that this fellow should be a cultivating Fire Attribute cultivation technique.

“Here is your bathhouse in Dao Companion? Can you only come with Dao Companion and others?” Di Jiu can go back in a word without regard to whether he is a Great Immortal Emperor.

This Immortal Emperor was furious, but after Di Jiu finished the Immortal Emperor that he had discussed, he simply ignored him and he could not do it now.

At this moment, Di Jiu’s eyes fell on a middle-aged man who was not in a hurry. The man was carrying a long-swordless sword and a sword. The cultivation base has clearly surpassed the Immortal Emperor 7th layer, which is another top grade expert.

“Shifting Sword Immortal Sect Zhou Bujian, has seen Pill Emperor Di. I went to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty and visited Pill Emperor Di. Unfortunately, I can see Pill Emperor Di at Brilliant Lake Palace. It is really hi. Not self-satisfied.” Middle-aged man went to Di Jiu in front of a cup one fist in the other hand, very happy to say.

The title of Pill Emperor Di is also passed out by Yin Wuchang. In Yin Wuchang’s words, the credibility is naturally very high. Even though Di Jiu is not a Pill Emperor, most people think that Di Jiu is a real Immortal Pill Emperor.

Di Jiu understood that this person was originally Shifting Sword Immortal Sect’s Sect Master Zhou Bujian, one of the Dewe Dressing Immortal Land’s Five Great Sect.

Not long ago, three major sect Sect Master Xie Wanleng, Yue Wuliang, and Xiling Yuanyi in Demon Dressing Immortal Land Five Great Sect went to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty to find his troubles. He was seriously injured by two and killed one. I did not expect to meet Shifting Sword Immortal Sect’s Sect Master Zhou Bujian, one of Demon Dressing Immortal Land Five Great Immortal Sect.

I haven’t waited for Di Jiu to answer, and a laughter came over. “Haha, Sect Master Zhou fortunately didn’t meet Pill Emperor Di. Before Demon Dressing Immortal Land Star Demon Palace Palace Lord Xie Wanleng, Thoughtless Immortal Sect Sect Master Xiling Yuanyi and Heavenly Cloud Dao’s Yue Wuliang Several Fellow Daoist are looking for Pill Emperor Di, but they are very lost. Fellow Daoist Xie and Fellow Daoist Yue heavy injury, Fellow Daoist Xiling is heaven and man eternal seperation, and Fellow can no longer be seen. The amazing one of Daoist Xiling is spear.”

The speaker is wearing a tall hat and a purple robe.

Di Jiu knew at a glance that this fellow must be Ye. He looked at Ye up and down and asked in confusion. “Are you that someone?”

Ye indifferently said, “this Emperor Ye, for Pill Emperor Di, it is normal to not know.”

Di Jiu nodded. “Oh, it turned out to be this. You are good. I know that I was in a bad mood last time, so I didn’t pass.”

At this moment, Zhou Bujian has already greeted Chen Zishun and Yin Wuchang. He mainly came to find Di Jiu’s, but when it comes to fame, Yin Wuchang is much higher than him.

After finishing Di Jiu, it was against Zhou Bujian, a cup one fist in the other hand, “Sect Master Zhou. Last time you were looking for me, Great Cauldron Immortal City happened to go to a few dogs. At that time my dog-killing blade was still Did not learn, can only temporarily leave Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.”

Zhou Bujian obviously is a sword idiot. He doesn’t care if Di Jiu refers to the mulberry words. He is still excited. “Pill Emperor Di, your Starry Sky Tea. I drank it. It’s really good. I am looking for your Starry Sky Tea. When I got to a Sword Dao, there was a kind of starry sky, and there was something I couldn’t detect. I think that as long as I noticed this kind of thing, my Sword Dao will keep up with the next floor. Unfortunately, I don’t have it. Extra Starry Sky Tea…”

“Sect Master Zhou wants Starry Sky Tea 岂not simple, I naturally have it.” Di Jiu laughed, although Zhou Bujian is also one of the Dewe Dressing Immortal Land’s Five Great Sect Sect Master, in Di Jiu’s view, Zhou Bujian The character of Yue Wuliang is completely different.

Zhou Bujian said in a hurry. “I don’t want Starry Sky Tea. I know this kind of tea is too precious. I want to ask Fellow Daoist Di what kind of thing I can’t detect?”

“Sect Master Zhou, you may be disappointed. I heard that Pill Emperor Di cultivation base has just entered Immortal King, but Pill Emperor Di’s Array Dao is very strong, even Xiling Yuanyi Fellow Daoist’s Array Dao level and Pill Emperor Di ratio. It’s too far too far.” Another voice came.

This is obviously a sneer of Di Jiu’s strength is too low, in the Great Cauldron Immortal City killed several Immortal Emperor and a group of Immortal Venerable, but also rely on the array, rather than rely on their own strength.

When Di Jiu saw someone, he knew that it must be a top grade Thunder Technique master and a Great Immortal Emperor.

Since coming here, it must be Ye’s guest, and Ye’s guests are not a strange thing for him.

“It turned out that Thunder Yang Sect’s Supreme Jie Di Fellow Daoist and Pill Emperor Di can produce Starry Sky Tea, which is enough to show that the Grand Dao of Pill Emperor Di is not worse than me, or even stronger.” Zhou Bujian cup one fist in The other hand greeted one sentence. He is asking for Di Jiu, but not with Jie Di.

“I think Elder Jie is a different word, my generation is cultivating Dao, any method is part of Grand Dao. Pill Emperor Di Array Dao is powerful, which proves the status of Pill Emperor Di.” A crisp voice came.

Di Jiu is bright, sometimes beautiful women can really keep their eyes.

It’s not just the beauty, but the ultimate beauty, and it’s still two.

Zhou Bujian quickly introduced, “Pill Emperor Di, this is from Demon Dressing Immortal Land Jade Flower Snow Mountain’s Melting Snow Emperor Mo Louxue, next to Melting Snow Immortal Emperor is her proud disciple Ai Qingbing, completely inherited Melting Snow Immortal Emperor The clothes are limited, and the future is limitless.”

If Melting Snow Immortal Emperor is the ultimate beauty, then Ai Qingbing standing next to her is even more blue. Standing there seems to be drifting away in the wind, only in the fairy roll, is really devastatingly beautiful.

“has seen Fellow Daoist Yin, Union Lord Shen, Fellow Daoist Zhong, Pill Emperor Di ……” Melting Snow Immortal Emperor is very thoughtful, almost a few people around Di Jiu all cup one fist in the other hand.

In addition to Zhong Ao being too lazy to talk, Yin Wuchang and Chen Zishun quickly returned.

Di Jiu is also a cup one fist in the other hand, politely said, “has seen Fellow Daoist Mo, Fellow Daoist Ai.”

Zhou Bujian said enviously, “Junior Sister Mo, I really envy you. It took only a few years for Qingbing to enter Immortal King. This is already the peak of Immortal King 3rd layer. It is only one step away from Immortal King. The middle stage, aptitude is really only my life.”

When Melting Snow Immortal Emperor was about to be polite, Thunder Yang Sect’s Supreme Elder Jie Di laughed said, “I don’t think anyone can compare with Pill Emperor Di when it comes to aptitude. I heard that Pill Emperor Di just arrived 20 years ago. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, only Immortal Monarch 1st layer cultivation base. How many years? Just entered the realm of Immortal King. Amazing, amazing.”

Jie Di obviously is to tell everyone that Di Jiu has a big secret. However, this is really a shock, even if Di Jiu cultivating for more than 20 years, everyone’s eyes are on Di Jiu.

In just 20 years from an Immortal Monarch 1st layer, I entered into Immortal King Realm. How much more should defying?

Ai Qingbing is also staring at Di Jiu with amazement. She has always been proud of her aptitude. Since she started cultivating Dao, she has never heard of someone’s cultivation base progressing bigger than her, and she heard it today.

Di Jiu cold watched Jie Di, “Your Thunder Yang Sect attacked my cave mansion, I was preparing to take a look at your Thunder Yang Sect. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to jump out.”

Jie Di is not a bit afraid of Di Jiu’s threat ,indifferently said , “I know that Pill Emperor Di will kill Sect Master without a word , but I don’t get scared if I don’t fall into the Thunder Yang Sect . Even if I am Thunder Yang Sect disciples accidentally encountered the console mansion protection array of Pill Emperor Di, and only Pill Emperor Di can be forgiven.”

Di Jiu is dead today, what kind of politeness does he have?

Di Jiu laughed, “That’s good, since I was fortunate to have accidentally encountered the cave mansion protection array, then I am relieved. Right, I don’t know what Palace Lord Ye thinks about this fellow?”

Ye laughed, “It makes sense. It makes sense… everyone, please enter Brilliant Lake and talk about tea. Today, the experts of Great Immortal Land are gathering at my Brilliant Lake Palace, just to be a Great Immortal Exchange. Assembly.”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night! Another night to go to Nanjing, tomorrow is in the car, it is very likely that you can’t code words, the day after tomorrow to go to Fuyang to participate in a primary school donation activity, so the two days after the update is unstable , or owe more. If you can have empty code words, I try not to owe.)

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