Di Jiu also understands that Brilliant Lake is the Great Trapping Slaughter Array’s Array Core. It really takes no effort, who knows a big Brilliant Lake, but a natural Array Flag?

At the moment of destroying the Great Trapping Slaughter Array array core, Di Jiu is an open hand, and the true Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Flag of Ye is taken away. This is surrounded by his Law Array Flag, as long as the Troping Slaughter Array is of no use to him, in this space, he is the king.

The Blue Lotus Treasure Colored Flag was taken away by Di Jiu and the Great Trapping Slaughter Array crashed completely.

Zhong Ao first noticed that the Great Trapping Slaughter Array trapped them was rapidly weakening, and he without the slightest hesitation rushed to Ye, and the Domain imposing manner completely enveloped Ye.

Ye was originally motivated to launch this top grade Great Trapping Slaughter Array, and his strength is much weaker than Zhong Ao. Now Zhong Ao takes full action, and Ye has almost no resistance, and is pinched by Zhong Ao. neck.

Not only that, in the vicinity of Zhong Ao, several blade glows exploded, and the three Immortal Emperor entirely with Ye were killed.

In the heart, there was some regret that the drowning Melting Snow Immortal Emperor also felt that the Traping Slaughter Array was weakened. She quickly grabbed a few medicinal pill and sent it to her disciple Ai Qingbing, then flew to another Immortal Emperor 6th next to Ye. Layer.

Zhou Bujian and Yin Wuchang don’t need to be prompted, but their goal is only one Jie Di.

It’s really that Zhong Ao is too ferocious, and one person gets rid of four Immortal Emperors including Ye.

Whether it is Zhou Bujian or Yin Wuchang, the strength is stronger than Jie Di. Now the two join hands, and Jie Di has no strength to fight back, and is killed by Yin Wuchang.

Pill Union Vice Union Lord Chen Zishun cultivation base is weaker, and no opponent has caught it.

Di Jiu looked at Ai Qingbing, her cultivation base was the weakest, but fortunately there was Melting Snow Immortal Emperor taking care of him, and the injury was lighter than him.

It is a pity that Fang Qi and He Weiwei, who were trapped by his Troping Slaughter Array, didn’t even have room to struggle, and they were smashed by Ye’s great array.

Originally, Di Jiu was planning to grab the Wei Weiwei monk to see Qian Fenghua. Now he can only tell Qian Fenghua, he helped to avenge.

This is also good, otherwise, with the nature of Qian Fenghua, maybe it is really reluctant to kill Wei Wei Wei.

Di Jiu caught the safety rings in the hands of Brilliant Lake, and the rest of them fell on the Brilliant Lake peak.

Except for Zhong Ao restrained Ye did not kill, the rest were all killed.

Yin Wuchang was deeply touched by the heart. After being trapped by Ye’s Great Trapping Slaughter Array, Yin Wuchang felt a little desperate. He knew that his biggest fear became a fact. However, in a blink of an eye, Di Jiu reversed the shackles and broke the top grade great array that Ye started. It was almost dreamlike.

If he didn’t choose to join Brilliant Lake Palace with Di Jiu, would he be so revengeful? This Qiu Yi newspaper, his mental state of Yin Wuchang will rise to a level.

On the Brilliant Lake peak, more than 20 experts did not leave. In the battle just now, they all saw it clearly. The process was short-lived, but there were several strong and weak translocations in the middle.

Very obviously Ye lost, not only lost, but also lost a mess.

Many Immortal Emperor rushed over to meet Di Jiu. The top grade Great Trapping Slaughter Array that Ye started just was obviously not fake, but Di Jiu and others broke the great array in a short time and killed five people around Ye. Immortal Emperor expert, gave birth to Ye.

“Give it to you.” Zhong Ao throws Ye in his hand and throws it to Di Jiu as if it were littered.

Di Jiu didn’t pick up Ye, let Ye fall to the ground. Ye Meridian is completely blocked by Zhong Ao and can’t move at all.

At the moment, it falls on Di Jiu under the foot. As the expert who used to be the number one in 4 Great Immortal Land, Ye is ashamed to die.

But the strong survival instinct still tells him, “Pill Emperor Di, you and me are just the whereabouts of the Pill Union Union Lord…”

Di Jiu interrupted Ye’s words, “Ye, now you can’t speak.”

After that, Di Jiu threw out a few Array Flags again.

The Brilliant Lake peak of the people under the foot was another tremor, and the protection array of the Brilliant Lake peak disappeared. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense penetrated unscrupulously.

The next moment, Di Jiu saw a huge underground pill refining hall under the Brilliant Lake Palace. At least a dozen people in the pill refining Hall were pill refining.

“It’s the Union Lord Qu…and Immortal Pill Venerable Ping Jiang…” Chen Zishun trembled and his eyes were red.

Di Jiu ruined all the restrictions protection array here, and everyone can see the pill refining Hall under the Brilliant Lake Palace with a spirit sense.

“It’s no wonder that Daoist He disappeared when it was. It’s been picked up by Ye and refining it…”

“And Myriad Pill Sect’s Elder Hu Heng…”

Ye’s face is getting whiter, and he knows he is finished.

All Pill Masters in the pill refining Hall are mechanically refining various Immortal Pills, as if there were no souls and their own opinions.

The expert of the Immortal Emperor 7th layer sighed. “No wonder Immortal Pill, which was sold by Immortal Brilliant Pill Building, seems to have no soul. It turned out to be like this.”

Di Jiu An open hand, Immortal Origin handprints captured more than a dozen Pill Masters in Hall, and more than a dozen medicinal pills were sent to the Pill Master’s mouth.

Everyone sees shivered in their hearts. This Immortal Origin fingerprint has at least Level 9 Immortal Sense. Di Jiu An Immortal King, spiritual sense 岂 can reach Grade 9 Immortal Sense?

These Pill Masters are just numb nerves, mechanically to pill refining.

Qu Hen cultivation base is strong, the first one wakes up, he looks up everywhere and looks at it, then he sees the Vice Union Lord Chen Zishun in front of his eyes, and asks doubtfully, “Zishun, are you also caught by Ye? Already?”

Chen Zishun said excitedly, “No, Union Lord, our Pill Union’s Pill Emperor Di saved you. Look at…”

Qu Hen turned around and saw Ye who was thrown to the ground by Zhong Ao, but he didn’t seem to care about Ye, but he was excited about watched Chen Zishun. “You said Pill Union’s Pill Emperor Di ?our Pill Union came out of Immortal Pill. Emperor? How is this possible, how is it possible? Who is Pill Emperor Di?”

At this point, the rest of the Pill Master are awake, and in a short time, they have figured out what is going on.

They were caught by Ye and pill refining, and Di Jiu Immortal Pill Emperor of Pill Union saved them.

After asking who Di Jiu was, all the rescued Pill Masters came forward to thank Di Jiu for greetings.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand, said, “Fellow Daoists, Ye is self-serving, doing things that are so irritating and sorrowful, I hope everyone will take it as a warning. Cultivating Dao is also a heart-wrenching thing, doing a lot of things that hurt the world, after all, There is retribution. Brilliant Lake Palace does not have to stay in the future, I will ruin now, let’s leave first.”

Regardless of whether Di Jiu’s cultivation base is Immortal King, after this incident, even the most top grade Immortal Emperor did not dare to make an idea for Di Jiu.

Don’t say that Di Jiu is surrounded by an unfathomable Old Zhong, which is just the top grade Great Trapping Slaughter Array of Ye. It seems that Di Jiu is also broken.

Unconsciously, I arranged a variety of great arrays. This way, I think the scalp is numb.

Even though many people have guessed that there is a top grade treasure under Brilliant Lake, if Ye great array is launched, there will be no such strongest Immortal Spirit Qi.

But what about guessing? Who dares is robbing good things with Di Jiu here?

A group of Immortal Emperors greeted Di Jiu cup one fist in the other hand and then exited Brilliant Lake Palace.

“Brother Di, many thanks for your graciousness of life-saving. Otherwise, I will bury my bones under the Brilliant Lake Palace sooner or later. And, are you really an Immortal Pill Emperor?” Qu Hen eased from the excitement. When I came to greet Di Jiu, the first sentence was still asking Di Jiu if it was Immortal Pill Emperor.

Di Jiu smiled, cup one fist in the other hand said, “Union Lord Qu, I am also a Pill Union man, and later Union Lord Qu just call me the name. As for whether I am Pill Emperor, wait for us to return to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Let me say. I am going to ruin this Brilliant Lake Palace now. It is not a good place.”

“good, good, good…” Qu Hen said a few good things, and then left the Brilliant Lake peak with Zhong Ao, Chen Zishun and others.

Di Jiu wants to make a fortune here, everyone knows everything, and it is very clear that the only thing here is Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept, and when he blew Brilliant Lake, the people at Brilliant Lake Palace basically escaped. Now Brilliant Lake Palace and some people are hiding in some corners. Di Jiu simply doesn’t bother to let these people escape, and dozens of Array Flags are thrown away.

The violent bursting and roaring sounds came, and the Brilliant Lake peak under the foot exploded directly into the slag.

There was only a small stretch of Brilliant Lake, which collapsed completely.

A section of Azure Immortal Vein was revealed, and the strong Heaven and Earth Origin Qi made Di Jiu’s eyes red.

When Ye launched the Great Trapping Slaughter Array, he felt a very strong Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, which was the Azure Immortal Vein.

No, this should not be Immortal Vein, it is likely to be beyond the treasures of Immortal Vein. He has top grade Immortal Vein, but he never had this Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. Instead, he got dozens of azure particles at the Moon Immortal Sea, similar to the Aura of the Azure Immortal Vein.

Good thing, Di Jiu hand, this long feet of Azure Origin Qi Vein was sent to his True Spirit World, and a flame was thrown on Ye. Ye Even if it is stronger, the vein is sealed. Under the grade 9 Immortal Flame Illuminating Starry Sky, there is no resistance.

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