“Hey!” The red glow burst into countless spots, and the Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, which was sent out, crashed into the forbidden Immortal Array and fell to the ground.

Di Jiu didn’t wait for Immortal Emperor Yi Mang to make another action, and Heaven Dancing Blade made a blade image.

I didn’t go out with the use of the Grade 9 Immortal Escape Talisman. Immortal Emperor Yi Mang can’t know if the top grade lock array is arranged here?

But he really can’t figure out why, why didn’t he sense half an Array Flag? And to arrange the empty array, not only the Array Dao level is top grade, but also touch the Law of Space. But how big is the other party? Just touched the Law of Space? These don’t allow him to think about it, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade has been strike fall.

Even if Di Jiu had no gaps, the Immortal Emperor Yi Mang was chopped a blade when it was photographed by the Immortal Array, but for Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, the speed was still too slow.

A khaki-long exquisite tower was sacrificed by Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, and the exquisite tower was instantly transformed into a more than 10 zhang size, which was rolled up to Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade.

“Boom!” Di Jiu felt that his Heaven Dancing Blade was not going to be his own. The tower took a terrifying power. This force tore Di Jiu’s Domain in the interstitial time, to Di Jiu into In the tower.

Di Jiu eagerly driven a Law Array Flag, grade 9 defended against the great array, and the powerful defense Immortal Origin slammed over the exquisite tower’s sweeping power, blocking Di Jiu from the disaster.

Di Jiu was shocked by a cold sweat. On the surface, he occupied an absolute initiative. In fact, he was almost rid of the other party’s exquisite tower.

The reason why he is still standing here is that because this space is covered by his grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang’s exquisite tower is ten times slower than usual, so that he has Opportunity to sacrifice the definition array. The second is because his blade slash the opponent’s Divine Ability Law, making the Linglong Tower unable to succeed.

Immortal Emperor, nothing is nothing to provoke. Immortal Emperor Yi Mang This kind of traitor, if you don’t put him in the eye, this time there is absolutely nothing to gain.

After this critical situation, Di Jiu was careful, and the defense Immortal Array was always around him, and the Grade 9 Twisting Slaughter Immortal Array was also launched by him.

Di Jiu was shocked by a cold sweat, and Immortal Emperor Yi Mang was equally shocking.

The tower he had just calculated had Di Jiu’s Trapping Slaughter Array effect, even if he was trapped by Di Jiu’s Trapping Slaughter Array, the speed was ten times slower than other places, and his tower also had the opportunity to kill Di Jiu.

In fact, he did not even do the slight injury Di Jiu, Di Jiu that blade is terrible, even on his Divine Ability Law, what is this Blade Dao divine ability?

What makes him more scared is that Di Jiu not only has grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, grade 9 lock Immortal Array, but also a Grade 9 Defense Immortal Array.

And these Immortal Arrays are not aware of them, how strong is the Array Dao level…

Yi Mang just thought of it, I felt that the surrounding space changed again, a terrible strangled aura came, this kind of strangulation aura fully charge the taste of death.

Not good, there is also a Grade 9 Twisting Slaughter Immortal Array.

If it is the middle finger, Yi Mang has already erected the middle finger of his hands. This is how ferocious and more I can see him, and this is so perverted, four grade 9 Immortal Arrays are arranged. One trapped him, one killed him, one prevented him from escaping, and one prevented him from attacking. Dijiu is the first to use its own Array Dao.

“Hey!” Twisting Slaughter Immortal Array was sacrificed, a blood mist was thickened.

Yi Mang is so powerful that it is impossible to break so many grade 9 Immortal Arrays in a short period of time. Moreover, among these Traping Slaughter Immortal Arrays, Di Jiu also occasionally presents Heaven Dancing Blade to a blade.

Ka cha ! As Di Jiu-blade sighed Immortal Emperor Yi Mang’s legs and fall, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, he knew that his general situation had gone, unless Di Jiu exalted his hand, otherwise he died today.

“Di Jiu, I admit defeat, but I have a few words to talk to you.” Yi Mang gave up the idea of ​​continuing to smash the surrounding great array.

The general Immortal Array, for a long time, he always notices where the atom base of the Immortal Array is, and the great array that Di Jiu has placed, he has been involved in heavy injury, but he does not even look at the hair of the array core. Go to one, continue, just take your own shame.

“Good.” Di Jiu said in his mouth, the Heaven Dancing Blade didn’t stop at all. Strike fall one arm of Immortal Emperor Yi Mang again, and several Law Array Flags were built to lock Immortal Emperor Yi Mang in grade. Among the 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array.

Yi Mang didn’t even have his arms raised by strike fall, but the watched Di Jiu, “What is Array Dao for you? Why can’t I see half of the Array Flag?”

Di Jiu walked up to Yi Mang, raised his hand and photographed the eyebrows of Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, and sealed all the meridian and Sea of ​​Consciousness of Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, which was coldly said, “What are you, me? The Array Flag can also be perceived.”

If regret can overwhelm Four-sided Immortal Land, then Immortal Emperor Yi Mang’s regret has already drowned the entire starry sky. He should not be greedy for a little time.

In order to get acquainted with the little time to collect Immortal World destiny, Di Jiu has arranged so many terrible invisible great arrays here. Di Jiu’s strength, except that one blade can slash his divine ability, the rest is not worth mentioning, these great arrays are fatal.

Di Jiu picks up the Heaven Dancing Blade and walks over to seal the Immortal Emperor Yi Mang’s Four-sided Divine Cauldron to the True Spirit World.

He soon discovered that his True Spirit World couldn’t pick up the Four-sided Divine Cauldron. Di Jiu quickly understood what was going on, the True Spirit World grade was too low, and the Four-sided Divine Cauldron had a majority of the Immortal World destiny. This treasure of great destiny is not a True Spirit World that can be drawn from.

Di Jiu simply did not take the Four-sided Divine Cauldron and walked over to Immortal Emperor Yi Mang again. “The old thief, even the scum is better than you. You deprived the Four-sided Immortal Land for your own privacy. The Four-sided Divine Cauldron suppressing destiny, and the Four-sided Immortal Land’s destiny will all be taken away. You live in the universe, don’t you waste the universe Origin Qi?”

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang has calmed down from regret and fear. He took a breath and tried to calm his feelings and said to Di Jiu, “Fellow Daoist Di, I am not collecting myself for Immortal World destiny. You should Knowing that 4 Great Immortal Land is now unable to ascend a higher domain, I collect these Immortal World destiny just to open the channel of Immortal World ascend.”

“How do you know?” Di Jiu asked subconsciously.

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang tried to slow down his voice. “I got the Ascension Mark that was sent to me by Upper Realm. As long as I collected Realm Destiny, I could communicate with Upper Realm ascend.”

“Hey!” Di Jiu raised his hand as an Immortal Origin slap. The slap was shot on the face of Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, and the half face of Immortal Emperor Yi Mang was ruined. “Garbage, for ascend, ruin a Realm, but also ruin hundreds of millions of lives? You are selfish once that’s all, your grandfather, I finally found the birthplace of the second Immortal World destiny, I wanted to restore Immortal World again, you dare to collect again. Once again, you said how should I repay you this kind of garbage?”

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang calmly staring at Di Jiu, “Di Jiu, your talent is very high, the cultivation speed is definitely very fast, I believe that I can soon enter the Immortal Emperor peak like me. By that time, you too I am faced with the choice of ascend higher World Plane. I can tell you that if you want to ascend to a higher World Plane, you must collect Realm Destiny. I have found Four-sided Divine Cauldron and collected Four-sided. Most of Immortal Land’s destiny, but still not enough a realm, this is to re-collect.

If you are willing to work with me, I can give you the Four-sided Divine Cauldron. Once you have collected all the destiny of Four-sided Immortal Land, you can take me with ascend. You killed me, just for a moment of carefree, there is no advantage for yourself. ”

When Di Jiu was about to continue to work, his heart moved and his tone eased. “What is the name of the person who gave you the mark? Where can you ascend?”

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang heard the di Jiu’s tone and eased, and he sighed, knowing he couldn’t live.

Since there is no way to survive, he simply shuts his mouth.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “You can choose to say it. I burned you. You can also choose not to say it. After my soul search, then use Dao Fire to burn you for 999 years. You choose one yourself. Let’s go.”

“It was his name, Jiang Dai. As for Ascension Place, there was a jade slip in my ring.” It was not until Di Jiu said that the second time, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang said the name.

Di Jiu snorted. “You are very smart. Although they are all dead words, they are finally sinned.”

“Can I see that I have not concealed the part, let me reincarnate?” Immortal Emperor Yi Mang watched Di Jiu, this is his only request.

Di Jiu hand roll, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang’s ring fell into his hands, “Do you want to reincarnate this kind of garbage? Don’t think too much.”

The last word is said, Di Jiu raising his hand is a Dao Flame rolled up.

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang is not a Body Refining expert. Under Di Jiu’s grade 9 Immortal Flame, just a few breaths are turned into fly ash, and the spirit is gone.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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