“Boom!” Just a blade, Di Jiu tore the protection array of Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City.

“Who dares broke my Immortal City Protection Array?” An angry voice came, followed by a man in a gray robe and stepped out of Auxiliary City.

“It’s City Lord Di Jiu of Starry Sky Immortal City…” A dozen cultivators in Auxiliary City have recognized Di Jiu, Di Jiu’s handle blade is too conspicuous, anyone knows.

Di Jiu attacked Starry Sky Immortal City Auxiliary City protection array, and everyone in Starry Sky Immortal City was aware that both Qu Tong and Jing Luowen were quickly rushed out to view.

“You are Di Jiu?” The man in the gray robe asked with amazement when he heard the cultivator around him. According to his understanding, Di Jiu’s Array Dao level is good, but the Array Dao level is not bad, Di Jiu’s cultivation base is limited, and it is not a blade to tear the Immortal City Protection Array?

Not waiting for Di Jiu to answer, this gray robe man saw the Four-sided Divine Cauldron set aside by Di Jiu, and then shouted in a subconscious shock, “Sir’s Four-sided Divine Cauldron…”

“It turned out to be a beggar.” Di Jiu didn’t even bother to ask, and stepped forward, and the Heaven Dancing Blade in his hand went down.

The space disappeared under the blade of Di Jiu, and when the gray robe man just felt the blade, he found that his space had disappeared and he could not escape.

“Immortal Emperor expert ……” The gray robe man only thinks about four characters and understands that Di Jiu is not the Immortal Emperor expert, but the Di Jiu blade touches the Law of Time. The moment Di Jiu came out of the blade, his time was still.

“Hey!” The bloody blasted, and the gray robe man didn’t even block a blade, and he was slashed by Di Jiu slash.

Qu Tong and others just got out of Starry Sky Immortal City and saw Di Jiu just slash a slash of an Immortal King late stage expert.

Strong! Immortal Mansion’s Mansion Lord Tan Mo subconsciously hit a shiver.

Di Jiu was only a Golden Immortal when he left Starry Sky Immortal City. How many years has it been? A blade slash can be an Immortal King late stage expert’s eyebrows.

He thought that Di Jiu was better than Array Dao, but now he understands that the strength of his initial Immortal King initial stage is not enough in front of Di Jiu.

“City Lord, have you broken through Immortal Venerable?” Qu Tong asked, excitedly.

Di Jiu smiled. “Not yet, I am going to restore Immortal World destiny. When the major sect Sect Master leaves Starry Sky Immortal City, Starry Sky Immortal City will depend on you to support it.”

Qu Tong took a shot, “City Lord assured, I will do my best.”

Now Starry Sky Immortal City Di Jiu has a lot of familiar people, but Di Jiu most likes Qu Tong. He will be reassured only if Qu Tong stays at Starry Sky Immortal City.

The rest of the cultivator, which was stunned by the Dijiu-blade strike to the Immortal King late stage, was immediately diverted by Di Jiu’s words. Jing Luowen stared at the Four-sided Divine Cauldron not far from Di Jiu. Out, “This is Four-sided Divine Cauldron?”

Four-sided Immortal Land entered the nightfall because the Four-sided Divine Cauldron of the suppressing Immortal World destiny was taken away. Not only that, but the Immortal World destiny was also stripped away by the Four-sided Divine Cauldron and taken away.

Now that Di Jiu is coming back with Four-sided Divine Cauldron, is this a shock?

At this moment, not only Jing Luowen, but the rest of the cultivator found the Four-sided Divine Cauldron. Several sect Sect Masters, even more excited hands are shaking.

Four-sided Divine Cauldron, does it mean that Immortal World will return to its original state?

“City Lord, this is really Four-sided Divine Cauldron?” Qu Tong and Yan Xiaosha’s excited words are incomplete, and the words are even more trembling.

Di Jiu, a cup one fist in the other hand, said, “Fellow Daoists, when I came to Four-sided Immortal Land, I couldn’t believe a good Immortal Land, actually entered the nightfall, and there was cold murderous everywhere. The aura, which made me very sad and disappointed. There is no smoke in the entire Immortal World, and there are bones and desolateness everywhere.

Later I learned that Four-sided Immortal Land became like this because my Immortal World had a garbage sect, and this sect was called Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect. This garbage sect also has a scum Master, this person called Immortal Emperor Yi Mang. Yi Mang took the Four-sided Divine Cauldron to suppress the Four-sided Immortal Land destiny and stripped the Immortal World destiny before I fell into the nightfall of Immortal World.

With the help of Fellow Daoist Qu Tong, I found Heavenly Bamboo River. We took a group of Fellow Daoist who decided to restore Immortal World, built Starry Sky Immortal City here, and wanted to gather the Immortal World destiny again, so that the Four-sided Immortal Land exists between the universe, not to collapse, give us A descendant of the descendants of the children.

After setting up Starry Sky Immortal City, I left here. After arriving at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, I discovered that 4 Great Immortal Land was only our Four-sided Immortal Land, which was stripped of destiny and entered the nightfall. The rest of Immortal Land was intact. ”

There was a groan in the crowd, and many people knew that Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect’s cultivator was extremely angry.

At Four-sided Immortal Land, Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect has always been a sect role model and is endorsed by many Immortal World cultivators. As a result, the Immortal Sect was arrested and stolen from Divine Cauldron of the Impressional Immortal World destiny, leaving the Immortal World billion cultivator dead, leaving the latecomers without a place to stay. Said that this sect is a garbage sect, it is really not exaggerated.

Di Jiu continued, “I traveled in this universe for a while and then returned to Four-sided Immortal Land again. Because I got two nice Array Flags again, I plan to put these two Array Flags, I want Let the Four-sided Immortal Land Immortal World destiny condense faster.

What I didn’t think was that Yi Mang’s trash hadn’t stopped yet. He came to Four-sided Immortal Land for the second time and wanted to strip away the little destiny that Starry Sky Immortal City had finally gathered. Let Four-sided Immortal Land, which was gradually with life force, fall into the process of destruction again…

When listening to Di Jiu, the anger in the crowd was finally unbearable, and several cultivators called out loudly, “killing the beast Yi Mang.”

With more and more cultivators, they joined the angry cry, even if they knew that Di Jiu might have killed Yu Mang’s Qu Tong and others, they couldn’t help but call it out.

Di Jiu waved his hand and gathered all the cultivators here to calm down again.

Di Jiu said in a loud voice, “Everyone said yes, I killed Yi Mang and regained Immortal World destiny and Four-sided Divine Cauldron…”

With the words of Di Jiu, the excitement is finally difficult to contain. More than a dozen cultivators couldn’t help but fall to the ground. Four-sided Divine Cauldron is back. Does it mean that Immortal World will once again return to its original shape, they can walk freely, cultivating at random, instead of being trapped in Starry Sky Immortal City ?

Starry Sky Immortal City, perhaps the only Immortal City in Immortal World, can live in the starry sky Immortal City’s cultivator and is lucky to be lucky.

But no one wants to have a wider place. Since it is Immortal, it is necessary to have the Immortal World sky to swim, instead of being trapped in Starry Sky Immortal City.

From a dozen people to the ground, to hundreds of people, and finally almost all cultivators are excited to kneel on the ground. They are eager to belong to a real Immortal World, not to Immortal World, which is full of nightfall, nor to the small city of Starry Sky Immortal City.

Whether it is a fairy or a person, they all want to have their own home. This principle will not change because of the space transfer.

When everyone was awake from the excitement, Di Jiu said again, “Fellow Daoists, I will put Four-sided Divine Cauldron again in Four-sided Immortal Land, suppressing Immortal World destiny, and let Four-sided Immortal Land eternal prosperity !”

“Four-sided Eternal Prosperity, City Lord Di eternal prosperity!” Di Jiu’s prestige reached its peak in everyone’s heart as Di Jiu said that for Four-sided Divine Cauldron to return to Four-sided Immortal Land.

Countless voices are shouting, this is a kind of respect from the bottom of my heart!

Switching to a selfish cultivator, the first thing after getting Four-sided Divine Cauldron is probably how far it is. Four-sided Immortal Land Anyway, it has already broken the nightfall, and the Four-sided Divine Cauldron means that there is no big chance. Can you put this Divine Cauldron back?

It is precisely because Di Jiu and even the Four-sided Divine Cauldron treasures can be put back, which makes everyone respect from the heart.

“Fellow Daoists, after I returned to Four-sided Divine Cauldron, Four-sided Immortal Land should restore its original prosperity as quickly as possible. I don’t want everyone to be as good as before, seeing forgot to forget everything and falling into endless destruction. And killing. Everyone may be the only cultivator of my Four-sided Immortal Land. This is a kind of fire. I hope that one day, Four-sided Immortal Land will once again shine in this universe because we are prospering again. It’s not because of us that we fall into the nightfall again.” Di Jiu loudly said.

A burst of echoes echoed, and they all enthusiastically agreed to Di Jiu’s words.

Di Jiu knows very well, don’t look at these people now very enthusiastically agree, in fact, his words are not expected to have much effect. These people were moved just because he sent the Four-sided Divine Cauldron back to Four-sided Immortal Land. It’s been a long time, and it’s estimated how it will be.

However, it is better to say nothing than to say that the Four-sided Divine Cauldron has returned to Four-sided Immortal Land. Di Jiu is not worried at all.

He didn’t know how the Four-sided Divine Cauldron was suppressing Immortal World destiny, and how it was obtained by Immortal Emperor Yi Mang. This time he will not protect the Four-sided Divine Cauldron by arranging the array. He intends to incorporate the Four-sided Divine Cauldron into the void of the Four-sided Immortal Land through his basic Law Array Flag.

Even one day, someone refines the Four-sided Immortal Land, and don’t want to take the Four-sided Divine Cauldron. Unless that person is like him, he gets the same treasure as the Ninth Dao Principle.

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