Di Jiu, too, came once, and he was surprised this time when he came too far. His spiritual sense was swept out, and half of spiritual sense was covered by black.

Di Jiu cultivating is Grand Dao Law, and his spiritual sense is sweeping out, and immediately knows that the broken monarchs are certainly not mistaken, and it is likely that Blacksecretly thought is screwing up. Others’ spiritual sense cannot be swept in, and Di Jius spiritual sense can be clearly swept into this black fog. Although his spiritual sense was also on the edge of the black fog, it had been observed that the black fog was a rule.

Di Jiu did not have access to the dark rules or felt that it was a new rule and that it should be a dark rule that broke the word of the hypocrite.

“Sect Master Di, if you ask us to follow you all right now, we will not wrinkle our eyebrows.” See Di Jiu standing in the dark fog surrounding observation, and leave the chest open.

This moment’s news of Di Jiu’s intention to establish Sect at the extreme level, and then the establishment of a courtroom to eliminate black fog, has long spread across the entire polar circle. Thousands of cultivator are coming this way, and no one is willing to abandon their homes, and since there is a capable person who can come out and lead people to the extreme, no one will be left behind.

Di Jiu watched’s source of growing cultivator, stepping into void, saying, “Fellow Daoist, who is too extreme for everyone, must be removed, but before I remove the black fog, I want to put a stop to protection array on the edge of the black fog. Don’t let the black fog continue to corrupt where it’s not a problem, so I need some Array Master to help.”

“Sect Master Di, I’m afraid not. Even if this black fog is a good Divine Formation, it’s not possible to stop…” Too Array Gate’s Sect Master Heh stands out and some worries say.

He feared that putting such a great array would cost a lot of human and material resources, and it was likely that the great array had not been completed, and that the black fog had been rolled out of the entire polar circle.

Di Jiu set up, “Don’t worry, I got a way.”

In Di Jiu speaking in the case of thousands of gods Array Master have come out, and more cultivator has taken the material.

In the

open hand in Di Jiu void, Dao Rhyme in the air fluctuated for a while, tore off void with four Array Flag and fell in his heart.

Blacksecretly thought is absolutely no more than ordinary, and Di Jiu decided to use the heavens and the earth’s five Directions Flag to suppress this black air proliferation.

Di Jius is far more powerful than the others, but he has recovered four Dao Rhyme fluctuations in five Directions Flag, and still makes him feel like Di Jiu just got back from void, not ordinary stuff.

But with Di Jius strength and ability, no one dared to look at what treasure Di Jiu just recovered. That’s what Di Jiu told me to do, and a lot of Array Master is doing an orderly job.

watched Di Jiu was constantly instructing a large number of Array Master to place Array Flag in all locations, and then he himself was constantly landing Array Flag, and some began to believe that Di Jiu was really likely to stop this black fog from coming out.

Only a month ago, Di Jiu, with the help of a large number of Array Master, completely stopped the black fog by four five Directions Flag’s Divine Formation.

Before Di Jiu planted protection array, the black fog was spreading every moment, and it made too few places for the polar to live.

And now that Di Jiu put protection array in place, the protection array surrounding cultivator can only see the black fog rolling on the edge of protection array, even upward, that it is impossible to get rid of the protectiarray half of it.

“Sect Master Di, it’s really blocking.” Several Array Master, with Di Jiu, who installed protection array, are not so excited. Just a month ago, Di Jiu’s strong front-line knowledge, made them conquer. Now Di Jiu has stopped too many years from solving problems with a protection array that has prevented the black fog from continuing to corrupt too.

“Sect Master Di, what we’re going to do next, you know, despite what you told me.” The Sect Master’s sword in the Holy Way of the Ridge of the Heaven has just said.

He’s the only one left behind in too extreme circles, Sergeant Dao Cultivator, who has not recovered as a result of the problem of black fog.

Not just a square sword, all cultivator at this moment is eagerly staring at Di Jiu. Di Jiu stopped the black fog spill once, but it was true. Before Di Jiu, there was also a lot of Corporal Dao Cultivator here, and no one could stop the black fog from spreading, most cultivator was found in the black fog or because of the heavy wounds of the black fog.

Di Jiu said to the crowd, “I decided to go into the black fog and see if my protection array hasn’t collapsed, that means I’m safe. Once the protection array I installed collapses, everyone will run away.”

Di Jiu planted protection array here, using four five Directions Flag, and if something happened, five Directions Flag would certainly not be able to stop this dark rule fog. As long as he’s not in trouble, this black fog is stronger and cannot break his protection array.

“Sect Master Di, we go in with you.” Hear Di Jiu want to go into the black fog alone, and there’s a lot of cultivator standing out and screaming.

Anywhere, any domain, there’s something not to die of cultivator.

Di Jiu again cup one fist in the other hand and said, “Many thanks Fellow Daoists, if I fall in the dark fog, this time even if I get into more people, it’s in there. If I can solve the problem here, let alone not all of you go in with me.”

In conclusion, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation step into the black fog. That rolling black fog was instantly packed with Di Jius silhouette, and no more news about Di Jius.

so the cultivator was silent, although before Di Jiu, many cultivator had entered the dark fog to find its root causes, and eventually they had not come out. But they were different from Di Jiu, and they were the Sect Master of the Major Section of the too extreme, or the hegemonic hegemony of the extreme. And Di Jiu, cultivator, who had nothing to do with the polar, entered into the dark fog for the sake of too extreme, for the first time.

Unfortunately, if Di Jiu is unable to get out, the extreme will be destroyed. Otherwise, they will have to build a huge statue for Di Jiu in the too extreme.

When Di Jiu entered the black fog, it felt like he was spilled out of ink, and there was a terrible suffering in his body, and all the space seemed to belong to him.

His spiritual sense is also able to infiltrate some distance, but it really enters this black fog, and Di Jiu immediately realized that his spiritual sense can no longer be infiltrated. No matter how strong his spiritual sense is, as long as it comes out, it is immediately swallowed by the dark rules and then disappeared.

It’s like there’s a pair of eyes staring at him at the moment of darkness, and he doesn’t know where the eyes are.

Almost while Di Jiu opened Dao Eye, a black needle with several feet long ranged from a far-reaching darkness. When Di Jius Dao Eye saw this black needle, the black needle had been shot at Di Jius’s chest.

bang! A boring sound came from the black needle, even stronger, on Di Jius fleshly body, and at this moment it collapsed into countless dark Dao Rhyme rules.

Di Jiu coldly snorted, Sophistication no longer continues, and Heavenly Law Cycle began to operate crazy. The other side was using his dark rules Dao Rhyme to refining too extreme, and he came to refining the other side’s dark rules Dao Rhyme.

This is difficult for others, just another Heaven and Earth Law for Di Jiu. For him, only the benefits were no harm.

Heavenly Law Cycle began to operate, and the dark rules around Di Jiu immediately showed countless foundations law, and Di Jiu was surprised to see that his cultivation base began to rise. Since his cultivation base arrived in the mixture perfection, he was no longer intrusive, and now the seedbase of the mixture perfection starts slowing up, does that mean that he is about to be successful?

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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