Shortly, Di Jiu’s Mexican week went back, and with Di Jiu’s crazy rules of operation cultivation technique, it was getting bigger and bigger.

The space where Di Jiu is at this moment is as if it was in the uninterrupted darkness, and forcibly dug out a big hole without darkness.

This black hole without darkness and around it is very uncoordinated, and it continues to grow.

Just as Di Jiu intends to continue to refine the darkness in his own way, he already has refining space as if he was suddenly thrown into a hand mine and burst apart. With the darkness that he had originally refined, fully charged the space in which it would be extremely uncomfortable to keep Di Jiu all over the cloud and darkness aura.

Di Jiu suspects that if he does not transcend Saint Physique’s fleshly body, he will be torn apart into pieces if countless intangible needles are to be stabbed from this darkness.

Di Jiu was surprised and knew that if only he relied on the dark rules of refining, it would never have been possible to remove all the dark refining of 100 Million Li.

Dao Eye opened up, as if there were countless distorted shadows in the dark, Di Jiu Know, a divine ability of the Black Secretly thought King, whose Dao Eye could have seen the flow of dark rules. Black secretly thought that he knew he’d come in and knew that he was prepared for refining’s dark space rule, which was why divine ability was created, and what he wanted to count at all times.

Di Jiu did not continue refining the dark rule, not to remove the black secretly thought, and the darkness rule of refining would be white. In the dark, the opening ceremony of void did not write a huge word of “boundaries”.

The word is broken and the clouds are set out!

It’s like a 100 Million Li giant peak fell out of domain, shelling over a long, borderless black rule. When it fell, giant peak, giant peak was bombarded in the dark, and it was transformed into a giant realm. It’s a realm that pushed black rules down, and void sent a noise of a long time ago.

Even the dark rules, under the pressure of the world, also make ka sound, with the continuous breakdown of complete rules and the beginning of confusion in the dark.

“Open the script!” cry out in the surprise from the darkness, roll up with that unimpeded darkness, and then scratch to Di Jiu’s book in void’s huge ‘community’.

Even Di Jiu can feel a great deal of excitement and joy in this darkness, because of this excitement and joy, the darkness of the dark law fluctuation in the dark space is even more intense. Di Jiu is not a fool, he naturally understands what’s going on, and Blacksecretly thought it was seen in the open pencil, excited in the heart. The opening notes are indispensable to him and to the Chamber of Commerce, which is the same as the blacksecretly thought King treasure.

But no matter how black rolls over that huge word of “boundaries”, a realm of the word “boundaries” can be completely crushed and then swallowed into the darkness of the endless rolling.

Black rolling in void for a while, and that huge word of “border” has always repressed this rolling aura.

At first, Di Jiu didn’t care, and in his view, even if the word ‘community’ had been torn apart by the black rule, his opening notes and the rest of the words could be written.

This rolling black rule seems to be endless, coming from all directions, and the black rules that are rolled out of it are overwhelmingly bombarded in the word “borders”, and Di Jiu can only continue to operate the gods of God and spiritual sense to grow the word “boundaries”. Only in this way can his word “boundaries” override the black rules of restrain’s rolling.

After half a day, Di Jius’s face changed. This rolling black rule seems to be endless, and his spiritual sense and God are stronger and unable to continue to confront it so continuously, and when his spiritual sense and God insist, his word “boundaries” will surely collapse.


fact, the word “boundary” collapsed, Di Jiu didn’t care. The point is that he is not in a position to take control of the initiative at this point, and he is unable to leave his spiritual sense and the gods behind control of the word “boundary”, and then write a new opening letter with a written note.

Di Jiu was well aware that he was on the path of the Black Secretly thought. He was at the same time in refining the dark rules of law World, and the dark rules were in plot against him.

Now he sacrificed the opening of a book to write a word “boundary”, just fell in the dark rules of plot against it. In fact, if he did not have to speak the truth, he would just use Heaven Dancing Blade, although it would also be in the dark rules of plot against it, without such passion.

If he was forced to interrupt his control of the word “boundary” at this point, it would be waiting for him to open the truth, divine ability to collapse. Di Jiu was very good at the opening of the truth, divine ability, even when he exchanged his notes with the shadow Supreme Ultimate Diagram, so how could divine ability collapse?

At this point, he is even more crazy to operate spiritual sense and gods, making his word “boundaries” stronger, and at this moment to maintain the oppression of that dark rule, which has no place to roll.

Di Jiu and Blacksecretly thought are well aware that at this point, whoever can’t support it first will collapse.

All cultivator at the extreme level knew that there was a Di Jius that would be able to reach too far, and he was not only prepared to establish starry sky blade in the extreme, but also intended to allow it to own the own Dao court. These are not the most involved in all the extreme cultivator centres, and all the most involved in the polar polar cultivator is that Sect Master Di entered the black fog.

If Di Jiu was, like those experts, into the black fog to find out why the black fog appeared, then nobody cared.

But before Di Jiu entered, it was in the dark fog surrounding the establishment of a defence against protection array. So far, the endless black fog has not ripped Di Jius to defend protection array, into places where the too extreme is not eroded by black fog.

Because of that, cultivator in the polar world has confidence in Di Jiu. Together with Hall Lord in the Temple of the Moon, who was a preacher of the valley and a palace in the cold valley, even a lot of people did not see it Di Jiu and Di Jius’s prestige reached Peak.

But as time passes, there is growing concern about this Sect Master Di.

The defense of protection array is not ripped away by black fog, but the endless black fog bombs on the edge of protection array and keeps rolling. From the initial scale to the subsequent husband, to the present more than 10 zhang, even 100 feet tall.

Even if that black fog still didn’t break Di Jius’s defensive protection array, no one ever had faith in Di Jius. With this terrifying threat, the black fog came out of the defense array, which seemed to be just a matter of time.

Some cultivator even heard the sound of defensive protection array from ka, which makes many feel that the defensive protection array put down by Di Jiu should not last long.

Some cultivator, who would have felt too much to save, began to hesitate, even those who heard back from cultivator, to leave the polar again.

There are also some hot cultivator, trying to get into the black fog to help Di Jiu Jiu one and two, but when they get in, the same thing is half the news, and obviously all fall in the black fog.

In the depth of the black fog, Di Jiu looks pale like a white paper at this moment. He spiritual sense and the gods are so thick and he can’t stand it.

Di Jiu is very inconceivable that this black secretly thought style is so thick, and at least he feels that, so far, the other side remains in general. If this continues, his Spirit, Soul and Qi will soon be stripped clean and, finally, even a little bit of blood scum will remain.


must not go on, Di Jiu decided for the first time to abandon the truth. Even if the word “boundaries” is known to have been abandoned, it will no longer be possible to possess it, or even to have the truth, and he still has to give up.

(Recommend a new book “Horseback” for women’s frequency in Melbourne, and recommend a vote for women’s frequency after the vote has been completed. A pretty little older sister, of course, is not the point, and the point is, well, the point is, it’s still beautiful.

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