Di Jiu felt the last layer of domain protection array was sealed. He must be too extreme to know what’s going on, but whatever it is, as long as it’s too extreme seal world, it’s not going to happen. The polar is locked up by four of his five Directions Flag, even if a few third steps have passed, and don’t want to open it easy. When too extreme protection array was bombed, he should have come out of the mountains of forbidden land.

Di Jiu returned to the mountains forbidden land in the shortest possible time.

Despite the absence of tyranny and lightning, it remains remarkable to see the mountains forbidden land.

“Diego, you’re always back.” Di Jiu came back, and the flowers were the first to see. In fact, after the lightning was captured and the tyranny entered the mountains of forbidden land, the bartender was only helping. It would be enough to stay here and help.

Di Jiu took the shoulder of the flower, “Many thanks for your help, and I’m going to see forbidden land looking for lightning, and when I’m not there, you take a look at the barn building, thank you.”

And after that, Di Jiu didn’t even wait for the flowers to answer, and the shape of the body had slipped into the mountains of forbidden land.

It’s a shame to open your mouth, but only sighed, and there’s some kind of anarchy in your eyes.

If Di Jiu wishes to say a few more words to him, he will certainly persuade Di Jiu not to enter the mountains of forbidden land. Even if you want to get in, don’t go in now.

Far from saying it, it’s bullshit. The power to break a monk should not seem to be weaker than Di Jiu, but, in fact, it’s almost two years since the broken monarchs entered the mountains of forbidden land, with no news. Don’t think about it, and you know that a broken monk should be bode ill more than well. On a step-by-step basis, even if there’s nothing wrong with the tyranny, it’s stuck in the mountains forbidden land. Di Jiu was trapped, and it was weird to get in there.

Looking at the forbidden land, if it was really simple, he wouldn’t have left the barn building with the risk of leaking five Elements Qi of Primal Chaos, and he would have fled directly into the forbidden land.

When Di Jiu entered the mountains forbidden land, spiritual sense could not be cleared immediately. Even if he remembers to be in jail, it seems that the mountains forbidden land can only come in and cannot go out.

Di Jiu doesn’t care about this. Same place as Volidden land, he’s never been there. Not only did he go, but it wasn’t once or twice. Whether it’s the seventh round or the lost Dao Realm, and the first River and Mountains Pot, which one’s good? He’s all out? And River and Mountains Pot are now his magical treasure.

Di Jiu was more interested in the fact that the rules of this place were too much chaos, and he feared that lightning would be torn apart by such a broken chaos rule.

This place doesn’t say lightning, even if it’s broken. The only exception, however, was him, who cultivating was Grand Dao Law, Heaven and Earth Law Law, which had broken down and had little impact on him. The most important thing is to tear his fleshly body apart is that his fleshly body now transcends Saint Physique, even if it does not function any kind of technique, the chaos rule here cannot tear his fleshly body apart.

Because the rules are too chaos, even Di Jius spiritual sense can only be limited to a certain extent. Well, in Di Jiu there were Dao Eye, spiritual sense was restricted, and his Dao Eye still saw a situation in 10,000 miles.

In this place, Di Jiu sees and feels all over slaughter, with many slaughter Dao Rhyme involved, and after so many years of bombardment on Di Jiu, a blood mark can still be activated on Di Jiu.

Even if this blood scare is dead, it can already be felt how terrifying slaughter was here that year.

Di Jius was fast, and he ran out of hundreds of thousands of miles in a short time.

Outside, hundreds of thousands of miles is not a distance for a mixture cultivator, which is within the scope of spiritual sense, or even a few steps. But here in the mountains forbidden land, hundreds of thousands of miles are really far away.

Di Jiu also saw many magical treasure fragment in the loss of Dao Realm. Compared to magical treasure fragment here, magical treasure fragment of Dao Realm is nothing.

Not to say that magical treasure fragment levels are better here, but the magical treasure fragment here clearly has not been contested by years of age, and many seem to have just been bombed in general. In most magical treasure fragment, the master’s slaughter is still left behind. Series base is weak in cultivator, and once this magical treasure fragment has been picked up, it is likely that the remaining slaughter Dao Rhyme will be torn apart from fleshly body and soul.


took less than a day to walk in here, and Di Jiu believed in a broken monk. There’s a aura here, this aura is out there without the universe. Because this aura transcends the Divine Realm rule, with a universe of great magnitude.

But this aura is really too weak to be of little use to Di Jiu. Di Jiu doubts, that’s what the devil says.

In addition to the creation of aura, Di Jiu felt right about the other thing that Di Jiu saw here a lot of remnant soul. The remnant soul was clearly after the fall and was regrouped after having been manufactured aura.

Only because aura is becoming weaker here, many remnant soul can only be halved and no longer cohesion.

Some remnant soul lost its original memory, despite some Spiritual Wisdom, because of its long time and even the profits of the manufactured aura. Most remnant soul retains the memory of those who are able to participate in the construction of great war.

Some remnant soul, which retains memory, is surprising watched Di Jiu. From the very end of the construction of great war to the formation of the Mountain forbidden land, foreign cultivator is not one or two anymore. They have never seen anyone like Di Jiu, wandering around this chaos rule, and fleshly body is almost unintended.

Di Jiu searched for three days, and he didn’t see a fleshly body full cultivator except remnant soul. On the fourth day, Di Jiu was unbearable, and he stopped a soul from repairing it to remnant soul.


the face of Di Jiu such an expert, even if this remnant soul was once a world expert, it would not have been possible to create half of it at this time.

“I have a couple of acquaintances coming in, waiting for me to strangle a void image to show you. Oh, by the way, there’s a bird, and this bird’s brains are lightning symbols, do you see?” Speakin between, Di Jiu is already strangling out the illusions of a fake monk, a mustache and a flashlight.

That remnant soul watched Di Jius move. It’s horrible. Even if the expert in great war was created in that year, there were few pieces of void images that could be removed from the law of Chaos.

“Senior, I have only the souls left, or I have been rehabilitated by the atmosphere of creativity.” Then remnant soul knows how many times his age is older than Di Jiu, nor can he call Fellow Daoist Di Jiu, but only Senior Di Jiu.

Di Jiu set up his hand and was trying to continue looking for the second remnant soul interrogation, and a weak voice came through, “The Fellow Daoist, I have one of them.”

Di Jius immediately landed next to a weak soul, which was seen as a woman, but as a poorer recovery, not as though some shadows of seven rounds of land.

“Who are you seeing?” Di Jiu was surprised to ask, and he came here to see no one.

The shadow of that woman seems to be weakened, and Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation grabbed a number of Dodans and then grabbed a number of drips that were actually spilled in that shadow.

The shadow became flattered, even with some landscape embryonic form.

“Many thanks Fellow Daoist, my name is Truman Ho, and if fleshly body is to be restored in the future, I will surely pay back the blessings of this day.”

Di Jiu stood up and said, “It’s not a grace, it’s something you can do, you say you see who you see.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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