Truman Hood’s finger pointed to that horrible image of his hair and said, “That’s the person, when he ran into Grand Dao in a hurry.”

“Where is that?” Di Jiu asked, he was here for the first time, not to say what he wanted to say about Grand Dao. The fellow, who was pointed out by Truman Ho, was the one who was going to kill.

Chumanhoe pointed to the distance saying, “Before the start of the second great war, the mountains were expected to appear. Grand Dao is a breeding channel beneath the mountain, where Dao Rhyme is surrounded and aura’s comedy is made, and as long as he enters cultivator, it is a very good opportunity. Even if there is no chance, it will be washed in the pure Dao Rhyme and fleshly body. After the construction of great war, Grand Dao, although Dao Rhyme is dispersed, the site remains in its original place.”

“Do you know Grand Dao?” Di Jiu Know how many times the distance he saw here is stronger than the general cultivator doesn’t know, but he’s after all is here for the first time. If there was no Truman Road, he would have spent a lot more time. For him, the sooner you find lightning, the better.

“I’m willing to take Fellow Daoist with me in the past.” Truman Hood without the slightest hesitation.

Di Jiu nodded, it’s very much appreciated that Truman Ho, “I’m Di Jiu, say,” What do you need me to help you? “

Truman Ho suddenly came out and answered his question, and obviously was in need. Di Jiu wouldn’t mind helping Truman if he could.

Chumanhoe’s voice was somehow excited, “Fellow Daoist Di, I need Lotus…”

Di Jiu’s unnailed watched Chumanho, who naturally knew why Chumanho needed Lotus. He needs this thing, but you can get it.

“Chu Fellow Daoist, I don’t want to help you, nor do I say that the value of Lotus is too high, and I can’t do it. This thing is extinct now, and I want a bunch of Lotus to save my friend, but for so many years I’ve never heard of anyone else, or even Lotus, anywhere. And even if you can find a Lotus, I’ll save my friend first.”

Trumanhoe seems to try to ease her excitement, but she’s still unable to thoroughly restrain, but she’s trying to relax her tongue, “Fellow Daoist Di, I know there’s a place where Lorene is, not only Lotus, but more than one.”

Di Jiu, don’t wait for Truman to finish, just as excited as watched Chumanho, “Truly Fellow Daoist, do you really know where Lotus is? Say,” As long as there are two orchids, I will surely bring them and give you one. “

Chumanhoe breathed, “Fellow Daoist Di, that place is Grand Dao. I’m sure the others you’re looking for, except for that bad hair fellow, have gone to Grand Dao. Grand Dao is actually looking at the forbidden land, where a lot of cultivator lives…”

Di Jiu fu, “Isn’t that a lost Dao Realm?”

Truman Ho doesn’t know what to lose Dao Realm, and continues to say, “In fact, a very few people in Grand Dao are allowed to leave, but they do not leave, or they are afraid to leave. They know that only the best cultivating site is to be seen in the mountains forbidden land, while Grand Dao is the best place to enhance power in the mountains forbidden land. Many of Grand Dao’s places are occupied and, once someone leaves, his place will be occupied immediately. Of course, that’s just what I heard, they’re not really possible to leave, and I’m not sure.”

Di Jiu nodded, if that’s true, the Grand Dao and the Lost Dao Realm are somewhat different. At least some of the people who stay here are not helpless, but enhances strength.

Chumanhoe goes on to say, “The cultivator call with the Lotus, the legend of which is a very powerful Lord. If it wasn’t for Dao Rhyme, he would have been killed by Yamada. Looking forward to the shaping Dao Rhyme of the mountains forbidden land, who saved him, his soul, with a sense of autonomy, took the countless cosmic treasure back to his body in the first time.”

Di Jiu heard there was a slight change in his face, and he remembered where Xiuqi was hiding. That was cultivator’s own world, and Xiuqi was able to open the world in first Step because Xiuqi cultivating was Grand Dao Law and Xiuqi burned her soul. Of course, Di Jiu speculated that Xiuqi should also have its own motive.

But the cultivator here, most of which I’m afraid is a third step on the right hand, expert. Since it was a third step, it was natural that the world belonged to it. Imagine how old a third step of cultivator has been, and if there’s no treasure, there’s no one to believe. These cultivator rings are here, and as long as they respond to some wisdom, they can open their world back to power.

Their world is open only to themselves, and others can kill them, and they can’t take away their things.

If Grand Dao is all this expert, he’s trifling, perfection, going to courting death?


seems that Di Jius thought, Truman Hood said, “Grand Dao has a potential rule, where every expert has its own secrets. So you’re not going to agree with one rule, that is, slaughter and other cultivator grabbing things. Once this rule is broken, Grand Dao is no longer those expert cultivating paradise. Fellow Daoist Di, if there’s enough treasure, can exchange Lotus with Grand Dao.”

Truman Ho’s only soul, Origin Spirit, can’t see that Di Jius actually cultivation base is only a mixture of realm. In her view, Di Jiu, since the imposing way to find the first few, would not be too weak, or at least a third step. That troublesome fellow, in the mountains forbidden land, can be desperate, cultivation base is absolutely not simple. If she knew that Di Jiu had only mixed Origin Realm, she would never have persuaded Di Jiu to visit forbidden land.

Di Jiu heard Grand Dao and so on, almost half hesitated, and said, “Well, then we’re going to Grand Dao now.”

By Di Jius Escaping Technique Dao Rhyme, Chumanhoo, that was why Di Jius was shocked. She is sure that from her way to this day no one has seen faster than Di Jiu.

She was the third step of the wings, and she must have been the third step of the wings, and she must have gone faster than Di Jiu. Di Jius can’t call faster, but do as one pleases.

In just a few days, Di Jiu stopped and appeared before them in a dense abyss that both spiritual sense and Dao Eye could not reach. On the edge of the abyss, Di Jiu can only feel the infinite white fog. In this place, Di Jiu felt that the rules were complete and that there was no fragmentation or chaos. Not only is that so, in the depth of the white fog, it also contains a piece that transcends Divine Realm’s heaven aura.

No wonder those experts are reluctant to leave here, and this place is indeed the best place for cultivating. Di Jiu must have lightened right here, and he already felt aura.

“I’m gonna go inside and see, you wait here for me. When I get something, I will surely find you.” Di Jiu turned around and said to Chumanho around.

Truman Hood without the slightest hesitation said, “No, I’m going in with you.”

Di Jiu watched Chumanho, “I go in, and if anything happens, I can get out of here anytime. And you, once something happens, you’re afraid you can only fall in there.”

Chumanhoe shakes his head, “If that’s true, it’s my destiny. When I made great war, I should have fallen, and I could be made back to some of the souls of aura, even if it was earned. What if it’s dead?”

“Good, want to go, so let’s go in together.” Di Jiu appreciates this Truman Ho, who no longer hesitates, directly rolls Chumanhoe, into the Grand Dao delta of the white fog, after Chumano says he’s not afraid of death.

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