Di Jiu is still in dumbfounded, and one word of the tracks is like a light, and let him clear comprehension come.

“Big Brother Di, the man is great.” Ye remembered the consciousness that the peak of the leaves was immortal, making her hate not to use the thunderbolt to scorch him. But she knows that now, even when she’s the strongest, she’s not the rival of the leaf peak.

Di Jiu’s consciousness says, “It’s real.”


strength of the leaf peak is not what Di Jiu looks like, and the tunnel is right, and as long as he constructs enough foundations law to form more rules of the universe that belong to himself, and when O’Dao is more integrated, the leaf peak does not know why he is, or even he can crush the leaf peak.

In Di Jiu’s view, the real thing is the tracks. Unlike the peaks of leaves, the tracks are the real ones who have regained, and Grand Dao is afraid not to exist more than that year. Even so, the tracks can crush the Shan leaf peak and see how strong it was in that year.

“Fellow Daoist Di, many thanks for saving each other.” Truman came by and thanked Di Jius graciousness of life-saving.

Di Jiu said with a smile, “I should also have many thanks Manho Senior Sister, not Manho Senior Sister, and I’m afraid not clear comprehension own Dao.”

He looked up on the mountains at insights own Dao, and then he worked together. From the moment he was guided, he had been entitled to stand in this universe, and even one day he could go beyond this universe.

And after Di Jiu watched broke out and said, “Break, left, we can get out of here.”

And the left was hehe, but he stopped the way to the silver.

Leaf peaks and tunnels leave, and there is no leader here, and, in theory, the silver should be low. Di Jiu was surprised that the silver didn’t mean halfway low, but cold watched left, and said, “You can’t stop me.”

After that, the silver looks like a piece of ice that meets the fire, and then it disappears with the fastest swift melting, as if it disappears.

That’s where Di Jiu was also a shocked watched silver disappeared, and his spiritual sense had kept the silver locked, but after the silver disappeared, he had not felt a little bit of a change in space rules.

This fellow is too weird, and this Escaping Technique and his rules Escaping Technique, although completely different, are equally without traces.

“Fellow Daoist Di, this is a bad thing for me, and I didn’t think that the silver was the dog that raised the leaf.” The left-hand is a shame, and he knows that, if it wasn’t for him, the leaf peak would not appear here. Luckily Di Jiu knew the tracks, and if there were no tracks, that would be dangerous.

Di Jiu, “Even if there’s no silver or someone else, I’ll come back here later, but now, I hope to leave as soon as possible. I don’t believe that without this silver, I can’t get out of Grand Dao.”

In Di Jiu’s view, anywhere can leave, and this is his insights in cultivating Grand Dao Law. The way out is also a rule. If you can’t leave, it’s just because your power is not enough, it’s not really impossible to leave.

Di Jiu wanted to leave as soon as possible, and it was a little uncomfortable to look at the mountains. He always feels like staying here too long, not so good.

“Fellow Daoist Di, it’s reasonable.” Until this moment, it’s the opportunity to come to pay Relation. In his eyebrows, there is still a blade trace, and blood concealment is not healed.

Di Jiu’s cold watched, deep in the heart of the man, and tried to pitch him, he couldn’t give the universe True Essence to that person even now, even if he pretended to be grandson. He can stay in love, not kill that person, but it’s a grace.

What Di Jiu didn’t think was that the cosmic True Essence was not mentioned, just saying, “Fellow Daoist Di, I reap what you have sown, here’s my own kind of technique, and I took it down, or some help to Fellow Daoist Di. I only have one request, and when Fellow Daoist Di leaves, let me go with you.”

Where would he remain in Grand Dao when he knew his place was stared by a leaf when he was known to be in the universe? He was sure that even if Di Jiu had given him the truth about the universe, True Essence, the leaf peak would not have let him restore Dao Foundation, without the slightest hesitation to take away his universe True Essence. No, not to be afraid, but to be sure that the leaf peaks will not let him recover Grand Dao Dao Foundation.

Di Jiu was completely unintended and handled Jade slip, who was immediately attracted when his spiritual sense fell on jade slip.

“Whoever does not take heed, and is born in a lifetime of two, two, three, three, three, three, three, and all things are uncertain.”

It’s like a Spring Ray exploded in Di Jius Sea of Consciousness, and with Di Jiu’s eyes swept out of this kind of technique, his excited hands were shaking.

Some things that have never been clear comprehension, this moment is free.

“Good cultivation technique…” Di Jiu was surprised, and he was sure that this cultivation technique would never be weaker than his Grand Dao Law, and he didn’t expect to think about it.

Di Jiu didn’t look at it again, and he couldn’t stand it for 10,000 years, and he continued to integrate his Grand Dao. He immediately withdrew cultivation technique, watched, “Your cultivation technique is amazing, why is your cultivation base so bad?”

In Di Jiu’s view, even if Dao Rhyme was reborn with it, it would not be so bad. The trail marks the resurgence of Dao Rhyme, but the tracks can be counterbalanced even with the leaf peaks, and only under his blade insisted on two blade. It’s better than others to save a small life. That’s all.

I lost my foundation, and then I went to look for foundation treasure, and I was injured by a blade and Grand Dao Dao Foundation. I can’t repair my Grand Dao Dao Foundation even after being reborn. I wanted True Essence in the universe, not just to repair Grand Dao Dao Foundation. But I estimate that even True Essence of the universe, 100 per cent of my Grand Dao Dao Foundation can not be repaired. “

The universe True Essence, whether 100 per cent of the deceased Dao Foundation or not, knows that True Essence of the universe has a vital role to play in the dispersion, and it is likely that a drop will allow the deceased to return to the foundation of the year.

With this kind of kind of technique, Di Jiu wouldn’t easily give the universe True Essence to look for it. This is a poisonous snake, and now it looks like harmless to human beings and animals, because his teeth are pulled out. I’m afraid this fellow will be backlash for the first time.

“Something I took, I could take you away when I left.” Di Jiu indifferently said.

“Many thanks to Fellow Daoist Di.” ”A fist in the other hand thanks a word, standing by the left-hand side and no more bullshit.


left-hand chuckled, stretching his hand to the shoulder, “The goose, the good, the same memory. Did you realize that your place was long overlooked by the leaf peak?”

When you listen to the left-hand, you understand that the left-hand has long known about the leaf peak, so this is where Di Jiu stood at the beginning.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I’d like to ask you to help me save someone.” Truman Hood suddenly once again bowed to Di Jiu.

“Save who?” Di Jiu’s confused watched Chumanho, who else can save him? If it was in Grand Dao, now the peak of the leaves can’t reach him, he does not fear anyone at all.

Truman Ho said, “Her name is Yang, and I saw her killed by a woman before the fall, and I can make Dao Rhyme live again, and she must be here.”

Yang? Di Jius fell on a broken body.

“I thought, of course, that, according to the news I heard, the swallow was indeed killed when the door of the building opened.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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