It was also assumed that the swallow should have been reborn in the mountains forbidden land, and that he had intended to take the swallow and then force Ning City to hand over his stuff.

And then he knew the power of Ningdu and he was not at all at a level, lost in his heart, and no longer cared about it. When you know what you’re not taking away from Ning City, he’s more concerned about the swallow.

even though there are a lot of cultivator on the plaza, no one dares to hit Di Jius and even know Di Jiu and True Essence on the universe.

Di Jiu suddenly cup one fist in the other hand said, “Fellow Daoists, who knows the whereabouts of the swallow, I can take him out of here. In addition, I sent him a top grade spirvein, plus any kind of law fragment.”

Although cultivator here is rich, a top grade spirvein is still a lot. And for cultivator here, not Di Jiu took top grade spirvein, but five Elements Law fragments. As for going out with Di Jiu, no one really cares. Not everyone and left-hand people are usually aware of mistakes and urgent need to leave here.

Most importantly, Di Jius asked for too simple, as long as he said he knew not about the swallow.

After Di Jiu’s enquiry, Truman Ho had painted a shadow of the swallow in void, but Di Jiu had waited for half a day and had not seen a man come out and say he knew about the swallow.

Di Jiu looked towards Chumanho said, “Manho Senior Sister, looks like the swallow should not be here, and if it’s here, somebody should know.”

“Will something happen?” Truman Ho has some worries.

The left-hand man on the side said, “No, I’ve been in Grand Dao, and if I have the name of the swallow, I can certainly hear that, in fact, I’ve never heard of the swallow man.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, Grand Dao is indeed never seen a swallow man.” A thin grey clothed cultivator walked out of the crowd.

Di Jius, looking at this person, always feels very strange about Dao Rhyme aura on his body, and seems to be inseparable from Heaven and Earth Law inharmonious and from any rule. It looks thin, even men and women, and it’s hard to distinguish, and bias gives people a way to lose any particular look in the crowd.

Although the plantbase of that person does not appear to have entered the third step in Di Jiu, it gives Di Jiu a very dangerous feeling.

This is a very strange expert, and the means are very special, and Di Jiu immediately reached conclusions.

“How can I not impress you?” This grey clothed cultivator, Grand Dao, is so big right now, though many cultivator often don’t come out, he’ll have some impression, even if it’s only seen once. This skinny cultivator in front of his eyes seems to have little impression at all.

Di Jiu said, “Because he cultivating cultivation technique is strange, there’s an automatic hidden Dao Rhyme aura, and there’s another one.”

The strange aura Di Jiu, who turned to grey clothed cultivator, said, “With your cultivating cultivation technique and Dao Rhyme, the Union Lord should not stand up and tell me that the swallow is not here.”

This skinny cultivator said very sincerely to Di Jiu one cup of fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoist Di, and I wish to go out with you and leave Grand Dao.”

“You believe I can go out?” Di Jiu says.

“If there’s anyone else who can get out of Grand Dao, I think you’re the only one.”

“And the silver.” Di Jiu replied.


skinny little cultivator’s mouth showed a slight crumb without answering Di Jius.

Di Jiu didn’t care, indifferently said, “Left and I went out because he helped me and was willing to do it with the leaf peaks. I went out with him because his cultivation technique was good, and I took his stuff. As for the rest, that was all my friends. So you tell me, why do we add you to the people we’re going out?”

grey clothed’s skinny cultivator lightly smiled, without any help, “I can’t get out of this kind of fabricated cultivation technique, nor can I help you like Fellow Daoist before. But if you want to take me out with you, you’ll get my friendship.”

Di Jiu hasn’t spoken yet, and the left-hand guy on the other side laughed heartily said, “Is your friendship worth money? Even Fellow Daoist Di’s friend, do you think your friendship is more precious than that of the ferry?”

Little cultivator doesn’t care about left-hand, but it’s still a smiling watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu didn’t hesitate at half, and he said, “Okay, you go out with me. I can’t find Grand Dao’s way out, that’s not sure.”

“Many thanks Fellow Daoist Di, my name is Tsz.” Little cultivator, a cup of fist in the other hand, stood by Di Jiu on his own initiative and stopped talking. As for Di Jiu’s ability to find the way out, he was completely ignored.

Di Jiu looked at Ye Memory and Chumanjo said, “Remember Fellow Daoist Mo, Manho Senior Sister, you two are still mixed initial stage, cultivation base is slightly lower. Why don’t you get into my True Spirit World before you leave Grand Dao?”

“Many thanks to Big Brother Di.” Yep Memory without the slightest hesitation said that she was well aware that she would not be able to help in Grand Dao, even if she did.

True Spirit World has been in Di Jius True World.

When Ye Memory and True Spirit World entered, Di Jiu said, “We don’t even know the way out of Grand Dao, and now I’m in front, and I’ll tell you whenever I can.”

It’s embarrassing to say, “I’m not hurt, I’m afraid there will be a little slower between action.”

Di Jiu Know what it means, and his hands are a rhythm on the eyebrows.

The eyebrows were his blade strike wound, and if he didn’t take action to help him, it would be difficult to corrupt his blade intent Dao Rhyme in Heaven Dancing Blade.

See Di Jiu take action, fantastic. As he expected, Di Jiu, a rhyme that corrosed his skin and the blade Planaura of Grand Dao after his eyesight, quickly recovered completely.

“Many thanks Fellow Daoist Di.” The bow of gratitude for this kind of thing, which is simply unexpected for his predecessor, is now without any hindrance to him. Sometimes people fall long, and they get used to it.

Di Jiu set up his hand and disfigured himself in the back of Tse. He knows very well that he’s the lowest in this place, even the Ts Jiu, and that’s the man who gets Di Jiu’s friendship, even though no one knows who it is.

Although Di Jiu had only a few people on the line, the plaza people were looking to Di Jiu at this moment. You know, there’s only one person out of Grand Dao, that’s the silver. Now that the silver is the peak of the leaves, it is unwilling to work with Di Jiu and the others, and Di Jiu and the others are no longer strong or able to catch the silver. Now cultivator on plaza wants to know how Di Jiu and the others get out.

Di Jiu closed his eyes, and he was well aware of the way out of Grand Dao, choosing anywhere as the starting point. So he didn’t leave plaza at all, but the void rule of the insights Grand Dao. He’s got a hold of it out of here because he climbed through the mountains. Visiting Mountain must have come out of Grand Dao, so he was equal to going out once.

It was just Di Jiu who had some cruelty on the mountain, and that was why he chose to move from the Grand Dao source Trading Hall plaza insights Dao Rhyme. He believes that as long as he gets here, he can find the same way from here as he looks at the mountains and leave Grand Dao.

As for hard, get out of here, Di Jiu hasn’t been so retarded. This place can’t go straight out now, if it can just get out of here, like, a razor, a witch like this, can you choose to come out with him?

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