Di Jius spiritual sense was angry at the fall of Huang True Spirit World, a True Spirit World with countless cultivator in the search for Metal Essence.

If the most brutal material in the universe is to be said, it must be locked up, Metal Essence. The original materials of the lockdown Metal Essence are the most central part of a living planet, so to refine Metal Essence, it is necessary to destroy a number of living stars and then to refine the most core parts.

But the cruelty to come here is just the beginning, and in order to refine Metal Essence, it must be refined with cultivator life essence and blood essence. A cultivator has a lifetime, not just a cut-off of the size of his thumb, Metal Essence. This cultivator’s life essence also arrived when the cultivator refined a lockdown on Metal Essence.

Di Jius spiritual sense cleaned up, and cultivator of Metal Essence was still being refined, with a maximum of 10 million people. If this is the human being, that means that the original cultivator of the Yellow world does not exist.

In fact, Di Jiu believes he’s not mistaken, and this tens of thousands of people are locked up by a huge blockade of great array, and everyone seems to have no soul in general relaunching Metal Essence’s actions. The next moment, when dao force came to the table, the cultivator of the fall was left outside the banned great array. In addition, some cultivator opened a small job at the time of refinement, and the blocking of great array would immediately result in a blade that would kill cultivator, as if the body was left outside.

And outside this forbidden great array is a bunch of white bones like Mountain Range.

If only the cultivator refining of the Great Beyond Sea had been angry in the heart of Di Jiu before, then now, Di Jiu has seen this sad situation, and Di Jiu is already the killing plan shack, what is the meaning of this cultivator clan?

Di Jiu boxed down, which prohibited Divine Formation from being directly crushed by him.

All cultivator refined with blood essence and life essence are horrendous stopping refining in hand, together with watched void.

The next moment, many cultivator was surprised that they had not been banned for the first time when they had not continued to refine Metal Essence. Moreover, that prohibition, Divine Formation, seemed to have been bombarded. You know, in the past, anyone dares to stop refining Metal Essence, even a few breaths of time, will be immediately bombarded.

Di Jiu landed above these people, and he sighed and said, “Your Lord True Spirit World is Bee, and the man I’ve been killed.”

In theory, Di Jiu said here that these skinny cultivator should stand up and cheer. Let Di Jiu not understand that these cultivator are vague watched Di Jiu, nobody moves, and nobody cheers. They have a layer of grey aura in their face, in addition to cannabis.

Di Jiu will soon understand why, as if these cultivator thought he’d slaughtered Beyond True Spirit World, or just the second Betty thats all. They’re trapped in this True Spirit World, and naturally there’s something else to do.

Di Jiu just said, “I’m going to take you out now, and domain call is too extreme, and if you want, I can live in cultivating. If you don’t want to, you can leave the polar at any time.”

“Do not shake us?” A thin old man who can still turn his eyes up, some unbelievable watched Di Jiu. Not Di Jiu came in, and he had to insist on it for years.

Di Jiu said, “I don’t have this disgusting habit, Huang True Spirit World, and I’m going to withdraw. In fact, even if you don’t want to leave, I want you to leave here.”

“We’re willing to go.” A lot of cultivator gets excited, and they understand what’s going on, and they meet an expert who doesn’t have any interest in shaping them, and that’s exactly what I can’t dream of.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation of a rhyme, thousands of cultivator was directly rolled out of True Spirit World by his Dao Rhyme aura and sent to an empty place in the Antarctic world. As for that bunch of white bones, Di Jiu was directly on top of Dao Flame, all turned into ashes.

It was that bunch of souls like giant peak, Metal Essence, Di Jiu saw some sights.

The lock of the soul Metal Essence, although the most brutal material in the universe, is also the most valuable material at the highest level. This material can be placed at the top array, or the top grade Divine Artifact, even treasure that transcends top grade Divine Artifact. The magical treasure of the lockdown of Metal Essence can be suppressed by the spiritual sense of each other when it comes to fighting. So you know how precious it is to lock the soul Metal Essence.

Many cultivator, however, concealed the aura lockdown of Metal Essence, even if they were refined by Metal Essence. Because in the universe, cultivator with a lockdown of Metal Essence to magical treasure is the most despicable and a bad group of attacks.

Di Jiu can be sure that if he uses so many locks of Metal Essence to be the top grade blade artifact, then his blade array will probably be his best trump card.

Di Jiu shaken his head and threw his hand out of Array Flag, sealed up Metal Essence, the general blockade of giant peak.

This bunch of locks, Metal Essence, has brought together hundreds of millions of cultivator lives, all of which are bleeding. He no longer needed the top material to refine blade artifact, nor would he use it.

The family of the Great Beings Sea, he must take it off. Even if he had no friends in a few Beer cultivator rings, he was going to find out where the Great Benefit Sea was, and he was going to find the past and destroy the Great Beirut Sea. This cultivator clan is too disgusting to destroy a realm, refining a realm. Who can be sure to be guilty of cultivator in the Benjamin Sea, not living with his friend’s family in a domain? Since it can’t be prepared, sophistication has extinguished this disgusting cultivator clan.


must be a lot of expert in the Bible Sea, and the third step, I’m afraid, is more than one or two. Although the third step in the Great Benefit Sea, cultivator and Grand Dao, is much weaker, Di Jiu has decided to seclusion for some time. In addition, Di Jiu intends to go again and lose Dao Realm and bring back the shadow Supreme Ultimate Diagram.

He was a monarchy of the Sun Supreme Ultimate te Diagram, and since he was a polar suppression of destiny y y y magical treasure, he returned to the polar circle.

Di Jiu found his way, and as long as there was enough cultivation resources to continuously integrate his Grand Dao rule, his strength must be the rise in ceng ceng. Besides, he needs seclusion as much as he starts telling the truth.

tsui True Spirit World, Di Jiu was prepared to capture a few top grade spirit vein, with his hands stuck, and then he was shaking up into Ninth World.

“Xiuqi…”, although it is clear that Xiuqi is fine, Xiuqi has returned to his immediate life, and Di Jiu remains very exciting. After all these years, Xiuqi finally came back.

“Grandpa, Grandma woke up.” Lightning quickly came to say something.

Nong Xiuqi stayed, and then it became clear that Di Jiu was his grandfather, and that the depression had erupted in a long mind, and that nong Xiuqi could no longer stand in Di Jius’s arms.

Since the year, when she was on Earth, the cultivating of her crazy efforts was accompanied by two children alone, the hard of which was only her own, and now she finally met her husband again.

Lightning is not a fool, and it turns around trying to hide, but next minute it’s been thrown out of Ninth World by Di Jiu.

(Thousands of words have been saved here, so this chapter can only be here. The update is here today. Good night, friends!

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