“Forgotten River is not looking forward to wearing…” Nong Xiuqi corrected Di Jius’s error.

Or “Looking through limpid autumn water”, Di Jiu’s beloved hair touched Nong Xiuqi, shameless saying, “Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water are all of your own bullshit, and I’m not responsible for all these years.”

Nong Xiuqi’s eyes are red, and then he shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t take care of them, and limpid autumn Water’s marriage is unfortunate. Because they gave her cultivation technique, let her be used. And then I saved limpid autumn water with Forgotten River, and one daughter died.”

She said that she had been buried in the memory of that year, the best days of her life, the days of being Di Jiu wife and children.

There was no concern with Big Brother, but one day Di Jiu left, he never came back. She waited for years and still didn’t wait for Di Jiu. But in an accident with Shen Ziyu, it was unintentionally entered the transmission array and left the earth.

She thought more than once that life would never have had a chance to see Di Jiu again. That is why she does not look at her life as much as she does. Burn the soul and burn the soul. Maybe you can see Di Jiu when you’re back.

What makes her never think is that after she burned her soul, she saw Di Jiu again. If you knew that burning souls could find Di Jiu, she might have done so long ago.

“You’re talking about Xiangnu?” Di Jiu immediately asked.

Nong Xiuqi’s surprising watched Di Jiu, “Big Brother, how do you know Xiangnu? I’m sorry…

Speaking of Xiangnu, she’s ashamed. When she didn’t want this Ning Family seed, limpid autumn water, she forgot Xiangnu because she hung up her husband. For so many years, that kind of anger of that year had long disappeared. Ning Family was tough and did wrong, but it wasn’t about the kids, Xiangnu was innocent.

Di Jiu said, “I was seriously wounded that year at Great Profound Star, and Xiangnu saved me. I think there’s a sense in the meditation, and I see Xiangnu, and I think more about you.”

“Ah,” Nong Xiuqi, shut your mouth, all behind your eyes, and if Xiangnu was tortured by Ning Family and then killed, Di Jiu fell in Great Profound Star, wouldn’t anyone save him?

Di Jiu knew what she was thinking when she looked at Nong Xiuqi and said, “Ning Family is not giving up Xiangnu, just leaving Xiangnu in a stink ditch, and if not two of Xiangnu’s friends were to save each other, Xiangnu was afraid to be meteor. Until I saw Xiangnu, she was working with two friends for a living, and it was hard, and there were friends looking after it. Then I took her, and when I entered Immortal World, I left her in an Immortal City, and I just didn’t think I’d come this way, and I never went back.”

Di Jiu is determined to bring Xiuqi together to find Xiangnu.

Nong Xiuqi’s tears were unbearable again, and the last thing she regretted was that she didn’t take care of Xiangnu.

“I’m sorry, I…” Nong Xiuqi said a few things about me, and I’m ashamed of it, and I can’t say it again. “

Di Jiu filmed Nong Xiuqi, comforting to say, “Don’t worry, Xiangnu won’t blame you.”

Nong Xiuqi shakes his head, “No, Xiangnu will definitely hate me.”

Di Jiu laughed, “Xiangnu is very kind, and she remembers love, rarely hate. She only thinks about you and Qiushuis, and she doesn’t have any resentment…”

Hear Di Jius, nong Xiuqi is even more ashamed. She’s so confused with more, and she’s not even like Xiangnu.

Di Jiu said, “After a while, I’ll show you Xiangnu. By the way, where is limpid autumn water and Forgotten River ascend? Why have I never found out about them?”

Nong Xiuqi heard Di Jius, less emotional, and “I did not take care of them, and then limpid autumn Water lost Husband, became a little silent and mentally struck. It’s faster, after cultivating to Transforming Truth perfection, because Forgotten River wants to go back to Earth and find you, she must go with Forgotten River.

I was gonna go with them, just Sister Ziyu said maybe you left Earth, or even ascend Immortal World. So I’m going to split up with Forgotten River and limpid autumn water, and I’m going to ascend to Immortal Territory to look for you, and they’re going to Earth, and if they don’t find it, they’re going to ascend to Immortal Territory. “

Di Jiu frowned, questioning, “Xiuqi, you said limpid autumn water and Forgotten River went to Earth to find me? How did they get there?”

“We met a powerful Dao of Talisman and asked him several Splitting Realm Talisman, and I never saw them again after limpid autumn water and Forgotten River left Great Profound Star. When I lost contact with Sister Ziyu ascend to Immortal Territory, Sister Ziyu and I, I tried to cultivating, hoping one day I could tear low levels of World Plane back to Earth. I found a legacy of inheritance.”

Speaking of this, Nong Xiuqi seems to remember something, and she grabbed a pearl to Di Jiu, “Big Brother, this is for you, and I got this pearl, cultivating a thousand miles a day, more advanced flying speed.”

Di Jiu immediately felt a fresh Dao Rhyme flow with a clean new aura. Just hold it in the hands for a while, Di Jiu felt that own Dao was clear, and that was definitely good stuff.

Di Jius spiritual sense immediately landed on his own World Book, and then he looked at the World Book.

Innate Treasure, can nurture any Grand Dao, enhance Grand Dao insights and cultivating progress and wash off Grand Dao’s disability. Undoubtedly, nong Xiuqi was able to ascend to Dao Realm in a short period of time and progress in strength was so rapid.

“Xiuqi, this is a golden jewellery. Why haven’t you refining yet? If you refining, your cultivation base is even stronger than it is now.” Di Jiu returned the balls to Nong Xiuqi.

Nong Xiuqi pushed and shaken his head and said, “Big Brother, I deliberately didn’t refining it, left it to you. Only your cultivation base is strong, and our family is safe. I’ve been with you all the time, or it doesn’t matter.”

Di Jiu remains in the hands of Nong Xiuqi, “Xiuqi, my cultivating cultivation technique is not the same, and my cultivation base is too much stronger than you are. This thing you stay, I’ll give you another thing.”

After all, Di Jiu caught a black lotus flower in front of Nong Xiuqi.

The Innate Dao Rhyme roll, Nong Xiuqi immediately knew it was definitely the highest treasure in the universe, and she opened her mouth watched Di Jiu, “Big Brother, this is…”

“This is the annihilation of the Black Lone, and I didn’t mean to get it. Not only did I, but I got a silk of Azure Lotus’s origins, and I’ll give it to you later. As long as you produce Azure Lotus’s origins to nurture this extinction, it is likely that you will produce a new black lollion.” Di Jiu explained that this black one could say that he had the greatest potential in treasure, and now left it to Nong Xiuqi. As for River and Mountains Pot, Di Jiu decided to leave it to Forgotten River.

He’s got enough good stuff to stay with himself, better than inheritance.

“The legend is true, really there is the extinction of the Black Lotus?” Nong Xiuqi’s surprise watched Di Jiu, but she knows the story of Warsaw.

Di Jiu nodded, “I’m sure the Warsaw legend is not an innocent target, a lot of things exist, and I’ve seen a lot of things. This Black Lotus you got, I got a lot of good stuff on me.”

look at Di Jius opening the notes and void Mount, Nong Xiuqi nodded, and confiscate the world’s Black Lotus.

Di Jiu took another True Spirit World to Nong Xiuqi, where he put a bunch of things in, saying, “I have to integrate my Grand Dao as soon as possible, and when I merge Grand Dao, I’ll take you to Earth to find Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water.”

“You used to go to Earth?” Nong Xiuqi was surprised by watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu certainly said, “Yes, I can, when my pathways are more integrated, I can tear five Elements out of the universe and then go to Earth looking for them.”

(Two more late.

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