The extreme weather is over, and it’s possible for Di Jiu to leave.

Di Jiu was trying to get Spiritual Sense Escapee out of here, go look at Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and then leave Hyung Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and when he tore off void at the false city’s location, a sudden sound called him, “Is that what you’re going to do?”

It is also extremely pleasant to bias.

Di Jiu was surprised that, in addition to the silver in Grand Dao, no one had ever suddenly appeared behind him, so he could not find it.

Almost consciously, Di Jiu was the first to turn around, and that was how to reach spiritual sense.

Di Jiu was shaken when he looked at a woman standing on the opposite side. From cultivating Dao to date, he has no idea how many beautiful girls he saw. Even when I knew it, I fell in love with that Zhen Man. His wife and children Nong Xiuqi are also a beautiful woman.

But he’s never really had such a beautiful woman as before, and this woman can’t say beautifully and without blemish. As if it were born, the whole Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth were gathered in general, bringing together the interplanetary spectrum to one person. Emei’s fibres, if they are clear, and even speak with a blatant tone, are still unable to stop the kind of assaults the senses of the heavens and the earth spiritual intelligence.


woman who gave him this kind of awareness was Mo Yu, but Di Jiu felt that if Mo Yu was standing with the woman before him, she would immediately be compared.

It’s not just a landscape, but it’s also a meteorology of the universe and a spiritual show of the universe.

But that’s not the most shocking thing for Di Jiu, the most shocking thing for Di Jiu is that this beautiful woman in the foot beast pet.

That beast pet has six wings, and it looks like a new Dao Rhyme flow, just like the most precious iron refinement in the universe. Especially those eyes, Di Jiu felt that the eyes looked at their own eyes with a despicable vision.

Di Jiu woke up soon from this shock, and a cup of one fist in the other hand said, “Di Jiu has seen the fairy, I don’t know what you’re looking for.”

Di Jiu is sure it’s a little dissatisfied with the poisoner. Di Jiu does not like the gravity of the poisoners, but the poisoners have just helped him to avenge, and because of him, the poisoning monks have destroyed the extreme sea, and he’s going to sell it to the poisoners, which seems to be a little too much to say.

So Di Jiu didn’t say directly that he was not a drug lord, nor did he say he was a virgin, but asked each other what was. If there was no evil on the other side, he would have said it.

“I remember this place, this place is called the Bible Sea, and I went in. There are a bunch of cultivator who live here without anxiety, who have no dispute with the world and who have spent their own days, that’s all. I’ve heard of your name, and you’re a five-Elements cosmic well-known person. Why did you so well ruthless, extinguishing the world?” Beautiful women are obviously blaming Di Jiu for doing too much, but she’s still talking very well and not so hard.

Although there is no compelling force, she has spoken in her tongue, and Di Jiu has become a virgin.

I didn’t expect this woman to be cultivator, Di Jiu, in a fair hunch, with some headaches, to say, “What’s the name of the fairy?”

A woman wrinkles, indifferently said, “I don’t care how much I call it. Importantly, your slaughter heart is too terrifying, and if you leave such a man in the Five Elements universe, I’m afraid it’s a disaster to the entire universe.”

Di Jiu’s silent watched woman, trying to relax her tongue, “The Fellow Daoist, you’re afraid you haven’t figured out the truth yet. The truth is, the Bedouins of the Great Beyond Sea are extremely toxic, and they continue refining the planet, and even harvest countless cultivator smells of Metal Essence. This cultivator clan, if left, is a disaster to the five Elements universe.”

The woman was very impressed with him, and Di Jiu was lazy to continue calling the other fairy. What about the most beautiful universe? Can you eat?

Girl indifferently said, “The Great Beer Sea has been destroyed by you, and you’re right. In any case, you slaughter sex isn’t suitable for staying in the universe, you follow me, maybe over countless years, and your temper is going to be a little more intrigued.”

Di Jiu extremely angry rejoicing, “So you’re gonna kidnap me back to do your Dao Companion? Although you look good, I’m sorry I didn’t have that interest.”

The woman is not angry at half, but still indifferently said, “You’re wrong, I didn’t let you do Dao Companion’s idea, just to let you go back and keep my pond countless years, and just look at countless years, can you change something?”

“How can you help me?” Di Jiu Jiu is ironic, even Heaven Dancing Blade is lazy.

This woman does not seem to him to have entered the third step, since it does not enter the third step, the cultivation base is stronger, or just a parallel perfection.

Symphony perfection, hehe, he didn’t know how much he killed.

“That’s not for you.” The woman said, “Grab her hands to Di Jiu.”

Di Jiu snort, don’t go backwards, and a punch goes out, and a fist divine ability wave is angry.

furious like great waves, gathering like ridges and peak! Di Jiu take action without halfway around, at least cultivation base is stronger than he is, and he wants to punch this woman to eat a little bit of loss.

a The boxing peaks are shaped, from the waves to the gatherings, but they are bombarded.

bang bang bang bang! Even the unimaginable God blew up in void, and the void rule became chaos.

Di Jiu anticipates that everything under the wave of fury divine ability has not appeared, and that he felt that his Dao Rhyme divine ability was involved in a huge vortex, and that the turf swallowed his divine ability Dao Rhyme and came back along with his wave, backlash.

Pu pu! Di Jiu’s mouth is three blood arrow sprays out, and everyone flies out. It’s enough to fly out of 1,000 zhang, and it fell in void, and then shocked watched this woman right now.

He was sure that this woman was stronger than the leaf peak, and that the leaf peak should have crossed into the third step, and that woman had not yet entered the third step. You know, he’s more than a couple times harder than he did to the peak of the leaves, but that’s not what this woman caught.

Di Jiu breathed his breath and raised his hands out of Heaven Dancing Blade.

Di Jiu was shocked, and that woman was as shocked as she was in the foot’s six wings, Divine Beast, and she was in front of Di Jiu.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong, except for poisoning, you look like you’re not very good, a lot of people are wrong about you. You have the right to know my name, my name is Cao Tsui.” The woman said once again that she caught Di Jiu, despite the fact that Di Jiu was great, she still didn’t sacrifice magical treasure.

Di Jiu Heaven Dancing Blade gathered divine ability Dao Rhyme, without the slightest hesitation being blade Desolate Wind Blade.

blade momentum was transformed into an unprecedented blade screen, and void became fragile at this moment.

“ka cha!” Even more shocking to Di Jiu is that he, Blade Desolate Wind Blade, has not bombed on the divine ability Dao Rhyme of the Cao Shaw, a bite of Divine Beast of the Cao ‘a in the foot, whose blade momentum was completely dissolved, and then blascreen disappeared.

A crumbling aura, Di Jiu went crazy and withdrew, ‘stabbed’, and Di Jiu’s clothing in front of his chest was printed with a layer of skin entirely by the shaft divine ability.

But this is not the end, and the prints are still like tarsal bone bones, grabbing Di Jius’s eyes. Di Jiu, where are you going to be halfway out, opening the void and throwing out a huge word of “boundaries” in void?

kacha! Di Jiu felt the handprint was slight, and at this point he dared to continue beating this woman. Di Jiu is sure he won’t see tomorrow’s sun if he goes down.

Rule Escaping Technique was displayed, and the next moment Di Jiu disappeared in front of Mr. Cao.

(Start with the new book “The Lord of the Secret, the Lord of the Treasury.” It’s modern type of cultivation, like a modern type of Fellow Daoist of modern cultivation YY, you can go see.

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