“Open the notes? Good fleshly body…” After an astonishing statement, there was no half-point to let Di Jius go, and under the foot Divine Beast, a void rule was rolled out, breaking the void’s direction towards Di Jiu’s disappearance. Just a few breaths of time, all surprised in Cao’s eyes, and she went without the slightest hesitation of withdraw of her own Divine Beast, and then she went after Di Jius escape.

Following the introduction of the rule Escaping Technique, Di Jiu is generally relaxed. He believed that under his own rules, Escaping Technique, it was a third step that could not catch him.

Just where did this woman come from? Why are you so terrifying? And her beast pet, the same terrifying.

That’s why she didn’t sacrifice magical treasure, and if he’d come to magical treasure, he’d be heavy injury already? Or he didn’t know he had rules, Escaping Technique, or else he said that there might be no chance of even applying rules Escaping Technique.

This time, it must take time to refine the own Dao, to fight this woman in Cao Cao, who is not insured by the perfection of the origins, and must be integrated with own Dao.

When he integrates own Dao, he moves into the third step, and power will become a substantial leap. At that time, even if it was this woman in Cao Cao, he did not fear.

No, Di Jiu just remembered one thing. Mr. Cao did not carry out a real attack on him, divine ability, just two arrests. Those two arrests made Di Jiu feel completely different from the five Elements universe, divine ability Dao Rhyme.

Di Jiu soon understood what was going on, and Mr. Cao, like him, integrated himself into Grand Dao and established rules of the universe that belonged to him. It’s just that he started, and he’s almost there. Once the other party moves into the third step, the other side crushes him as if he crushes the ants.

The woman’s history is definitely not the same, so he knows the name, and then he asks those old demons about it.

It’s just half-pillar perfume time, Di Jius’s face is hard to look. Since his rule Escaping Technique cultivating had been in place, he had for the first time seen someone following him under his rules. Under his spiritual sense, Mr. Cao seems to be sitting on the tracks on his path. No matter how fast he is, no matter how far he goes, this woman is like tarsal bone.

Di Jiu was slightly comfortable that he wasn’t following the six-wing Divine Beast. Otherwise, Di Jiu is sure he can’t escape.

With Divine Beast tracking, it shows that the woman doesn’t need to be able to do anything, and he won’t be able to escape again.

Di Jiu is more insane than Escaping Technique, a few days later, and Di Jiu found something wrong, no matter how fast he was, that woman could always follow him. It makes Di Jiu a bit crazy, and since you’re so fast, you just get faster.

But that woman couldn’t be faster, which made Di Jiu suspect that the other party was adjusting its speed.

Di Jiu knew that would never happen. This way, he’s got to get caught.

Once again, Di Jiu ripped his hands off void. He was glad he had been in seclusion for some time, integrating his part Heaven and Earth Law, otherwise he could not even tear up void.

After Di Jiu ripped off void, the speed of the report was faster. But what makes Di Jiu naive is that even if he tears void, that woman still can keep up with him.

Di Jiu can only be trusted to tear away void and then try to escape each other’s tracks with the differences in void domain.

Run away from void, and Di Jiu is also experienced. He didn’t get away like this for the first time, or he got away with a void vortex. Then he stayed in that void vortex for thousands of years, and that was why he escaped from the pursuit of his opponent.

Di Jiu did not know how many void had been torn up today, how many routes had been on the report, but he had not seen a void vortex.

That woman doesn’t look too hard. How do you pick up people like a slut? Di Jiu just wanted this woman to chase for a while, and feel bored, and then stop on her own.

As long as this woman doesn’t chase him, he’ll run far away, then create his own cosmic rules, and then integrate his own rules, Dao Rhyme, and see how this woman can count on him.

What lets Di Jiu collapse is that a woman so powerful seems to have nothing else ordinary. No matter how he escapes, no matter how many void he tears, she’ll be behind.

At first, Di Jiu was also concerned about the sudden acceleration of Cao, and then caught him. In the back, Di Jiu is sure that Cao Cao will never accelerate. Cao’s ability to follow him is likely not to be Escaping Technique faster than him, but to be associated with his rules Escaping Technique.

His rules, Escaping Technique, were used by Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe, which should be as poised as Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe. So he goes faster, and Cao can follow his trajectory. It’s like he went slowly, and it’s a little slower for Cao, which is entirely based on his Escaping Technique Law.

If he uses Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, Cao Cao is likely to have no access to his Escaping Technique Law. Di Jiu, however, was afraid to use Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, the woman of Cao, even if he was unable to use his Escaping Technique Law, should be faster than his Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique.

Once Cao Cao was faster than his Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique, he had no chance of turning into rules Escaping Technique. This woman stopped, Di Jiu 100% sure he can’t escape again.

Di Jiu calm down after it became clear that the Cao Cao had been able to follow him. He was better off than Cao Cao, because his Divine Ability Law, Escaping Technique Law, were all handled by each other.

If he had fully integrated his own rules of the universe, his rules Escaping Technique would be transformed into his own rules. At that time, he could leave Cao at any moment.

Di Jiu is no longer insane, but rather a slower rule of application, Escaping Technique, while creating its own cosmic rules at this time and then repeatedly integrating its own rules.

One day, his rules, Escaping Technique, could completely abandon the rules of the Five Elements universe and form the rules entirely belonging to him, Escaping Technique.


seems that Di Jius has slowed down, just like the old Cao behind Di Jiu is wrinkling. She knows that Di Jiu understands why she’s chasing up a reason, which makes her some passion. But even if she was moved again, she wouldn’t let people like Di Jiu come into trouble in the Five Elements universe.

Once she had no capacity, then she could fall. As long as she was still alive, she would not allow such a matter to continue and would not allow such a person as Di Jiu to continue to commit an act of misconduct as long as she saw it.

Either Escaping Technique or not, one day it will be depleted. So she’s not worried that she can’t catch Di Jiu.

In another year’s past, Di Jiu did not know how many void had been torn up and how much of the way the hell was going. Similarly, he had no idea how much he had created for himself Heaven and Earth Law. It seems to have become a habit, a rush, a combination of its own Heaven and Earth Law.

From anxiety to calm, to calm down…

The day Di Jiu was still mad in the void universe, and he hasn’t seen a cultivator silhouette in spiritual sense for decades and was used to it. On the contrary, he was increasingly admired to the old Cao who chased him behind him.

The woman did something meaningless, and then did it for more than a hundred years, and he couldn’t admire it.

A Di Jiu has been searching and has never found the giant void vortex in front of Di Jiu. Di Jiu almost didn’t think about it, and that was when he escaped the murder with this void vortex. Even if he sure didn’t catch him, he wouldn’t want to be followed by a woman behind his ass.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!)

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