Choi is in the name of the master of the Great Market, and he dares not to fabricate the Holodomor. When Di Jius was asked about his whereabouts, he answered, “Yes, he has been found, and four other workers joined Martial Dao squad in the rain squad, and it should not be here yet.”

Hear Di Jius, Holodomor even stood up and said, “Send someone to bring him back and call a laser helicopter.”

The most skeptical place for the aircraft is the Skynasty Zone, and once the plane moves to the Tibet, it will surely be stared at by the flight vicious beast. The Great Holodomor has mobilized laser helicopters, a helicopter dedicated to the vicious beast. Such aircraft, however, met a large area of vicious beast, as if they were to be.

The Great Holodomor said that he had used the plane in the past to see how urgent he was to bring Di Jiu back.

“MooAlliance Lord is reassured that, according to their current journey, we should still rest on the wild platform at the 25li site of the Sky Diseases Zone, and we can all catch up with Di Jiu.” Tsai without the slightest hesitation.

And sat behind him and said, “MooAlliance Lord, Mayor of Choi, that Di Jiu Medical Skill is amazing. I’d like to ask that, in the future, Di Jiu be left at the martial artist Hospital, and I don’t know what you’re doing.”

The Great Holodomor laughed, “In the mayor’s words, when dog son was sick, there was no problem with the President. As long as dog son is cured, Di Jiu is naturally due to the President’s statement.”

Several speak in between them, and none of the ideas of the Di Jiu party were taken into account, as if Di Jiu was there, and they were arranged to be natural in nature.

Choi’s cell phone just ringed at this moment, and Chai picked up his phone and said, “The rain squad was attacked by a lion crowd, and the worker almost died and wounded.”


face of Holodomor is even harder to look, and he almost didn’t think about it, turned out to be out of the window and jumped directly from the lobby.

“AJiu, do we need to run so fast? I’m tired.” Choi Ho is breathing a few words.

Di Jiu always felt that there was an extreme crisis that locked him, and instead of stopping, he accelerated and said, “We have to go into the wilderness, even if we die, and we can’t stop here.”

Di Jiu insisted that the rest of the people had not spoken again, and that they were all boring towards the desert.

A large volume of fuzzy aerosols came over, and Cao called and said to Di Jiu, “AJiu, we’re in the wilderness zone, we can no longer go in there, and I’m afraid we’re really going to die.”

Mr. Cao did not say that they went into the desert area, nor did they meet vicious beast, indeed being lucky. I’m afraid the luck will not be so good.

Di Jiu slowed down, and he said, “There should be no problem here, and I can feel the danger here is no longer the way it was.”

Before, Di Jiu always felt free, not even dead. But now, the threat he feels is just from vicious beast.

Mr. Cao said, “Let’s find a safe place to rest, and Xiao ‘an needs help.”

A few Di Jiu people just went into the wilderness area, and the delicate and pretty faces of a body repairer fell on the edge of the desert area. The man was looking for Di Jius in the city before, and he watched the white paradox, frowns, with more than a dozen minutes to slow the turn.

He didn’t know if Di Jiu was already in the wilderness zone, preferably not into it, nor was he eaten by a lion. Once he enters the paradise zone, he wants to find Di Jiu again, which is almost impossible.

There are blind areas everywhere, trying to find a man is basically unlikely. Even if his cultivation base had arrived on Innate, it was still not to look for someone in the paradise area.

If Di Jiu was eaten by a lion, he could only recognize bad luck.

“AJiu, do you understand a little medical Skill, and you come to see how long this leg takes to recover? And your ease can be dropped, and there’s no one here who will do to you.” In a cave of explosives, the majors put down Xiao ‘an.

For Di Jiu’s easy thing, all of them, including the top, are well known.

Maggie’s legs are broken, and this road slips down, and it almost doesn’t hurt.

Di Jiu nodded, who washed his face with water, came to Xiao ‘an’s face, and he just stretched his hand on his ham, grabbed golden needle from his backpack, dozens of golden needle, and Di Jiu’s skilled branches tied his legs.

“AJiu, your medical Skill looks brilliant.” The astonishing watched Di Jiu in Choi’s month has done these actions very quickly and can’t stop saying it. Even Di Jiu looks smaller than her face, she’s neglected.

She doesn’t understand medical Skill, but Di Jius does seem to be happy, not ordinary Doctor.

“AJiu, thank you, and then you’re my Brother Jiu.” If it wasn’t for you, I would still hurt hovered over life and death. Now I even doubt I can walk for a month. ”

Di Jiu laughed, “I just took a couple of medicine liquid, and you could walk for up to ten days.

“Really…” Little Ann almost jumped up, and he almost sentenced himself to death. Don’t look what they’ve escaped from the lion, but this is the paradise area, and he broke his leg.

With Di Jiu, this medical Skill expert, the big and the others are all excited. In the paradise zone, with a MediSkill High Doctor, that would amount to more than one life.

Skyward areas, whether black Ye day or day, are part of fog monuments. Even if the sun came out, the deserted area seemed grey, and it had no sense of the north-west direction.

Five people took a break of Ye, and the next day was full of energy, and even Xiao ‘an was inspiring.

“Sister Cao, which direction should we go? I heard a lot of martial artist getting good things in the sky, and they got it in the wilderness zone.” The Choi Moon was excited.

Until then, they counted on the desert, and now it’s really in the sky, and a few of them are naturally very exciting. You know, the top martial artist, basically gets a chance in the sky, and then you get a chance to go to a higher level.

“Right, I listen to the paradise area, which is the habitat of the ancient Immortal, where there are lots of treasure or even cultivation technique. As long as we get one, then it goes.” The top is two eyes.

“We’ve never touched this place, nor have we got the map of the deserted area. Since we’re lucky to be here, we can only try to run where we go.”

Several people are Nodded, and while they have been practicing some weapons, the real power and the vicious beast in the natural desert are not enough to look at it.

Five people have fled from outside to the desert area, and none of them have met a vicious beast. But their luck seems to be just here, and they just came out of the cave, and they found five people with a knang high teeth wolf. The lyric wolf screamed at five people directly.

“quickly ran, this animal was calling for his companion,” and Cao was screaming so hard, and then Ra Choi Moon, the crazy direction.

The big one pulled the little Animal back on his back, stepped up and didn’t forget to call a Di Jiu to run.

As long as it’s not stupid, it’s clear that once this time the wolves are stopped, it’s basically 10 deaths without life.

After 200 kilograms of running several dozen dozen li Mountains, there was no burden, and Di Jiu, if he really ran up, estimated he’d hit the first one.

But Di Jiu couldn’t get to the first, and he went to the front, and there was nothing left behind but the macro and Xiao ‘an. There will be no chance of surviving once the big hammer is blocked from his teeth and there is no way to return it.

Think of it here, Di Jiu grabbed a rough bamboo blade from his backpack, and he had to break it.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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