Liquid wolves are fast, almost at the moment Di Jiu stopped, coming into front of Di Jiu and surrounding Di Jiu.

In the first place, the limb wolf had even stopped, pointing towards Di Jiu.

Di Jiu raised the bamboo blade in his hand, and bamboo blade came out of his hands, as if there was a isolated picture in Di Jius’s mind, and he was conscious of the bamboo blade in his hand in the painting orbit in his head.

pu! ”It’s a bamboo blade, but it’s just like Di Jiu’s head blows down like a worldly blade.

A blood arrow sprayed out, and Di Jiu watched’s tall ribbon wolf fell on the ground, and he was surprised. When did you do it? He questioned the bamboo blade in his hand. Even if he’s standing in front of him, he can’t use a broken bamboo blade blade strike fall’s head? In fact, he’s biased to do it.

The whole bunch of limb wolves that followed was also shocked, but that shock was just a few breathing hours. Follow that tall ribbon wolf, then pointing to Di Jiu, and the rest to Di Jiu.

Di Jius again clearly showed a portrait trajectory from his teeth, and he even closed his eyes, and the bamboo blade in his hand turned out to be a blade image.

One blade, two blade

Almost every blade went out, and there was a ribbon wolf killed by Di Jiu.

If Di Jiu had enough strength, maybe he could actually kill these limbs. Di Jiu just killed seven or eight limbs, and his strength was a little shorter.

A leather wolf bites directly on Di Jius’s thigh, tearing the meat of Di Jiu’s thigh off a big piece. When Di Jiu chopped this limb wolf, it was another leather wolf bite on Di Jius’s belly, tearing all the clothes of Di Jiu’s belly apart, and taking a blood meat.

And then two bites were bitten, Di Jiu was like craziness, and a piece of power came out of the body, and bamboo blade was more crazy to kill.

Di Jiu killed the wolf again, while the wounds on Di Jiu were increasing.

Di Jiu has killed the blood path at this moment, and as long as he wishes, he can even just leave the limbs. But Di Jiu seems to be crazy, not only without escaping, but in the limb wolf, the bamboo blade in his hand remains blade and blade. Each of his blade was set on the track of consciousness, and every blade fell, and one of his limbs was killed.


wolf felt wrong, Di Jiu was definitely a human expert, with fewer teeth looking around, and Di Jiu seemed to be the more fights the more powerful is. As long as it was near Di Jiu’s teeth wolf, the first time Di Jiu had been killed. Obviously, Di Jiu didn’t fall, so the wolves don’t want to go further.

And the wolf is a loud call, and the remaining wolves follow the wolf, and the crazy turn goes away.

Di Jiu didn’t catch up, and his subconscious idea was to keep killing. His body has forbidden him to do so, and he has wrapped the bamboo blade in his waist and left the blood on his body.

That’s enough to wait seven or eight minutes, Di Jiu, which struggles to get his backpack back and turn around slowly. He wanted to fall down and take care of himself, but Di Jiu was well aware that as long as he was still willing to stay here, his little life might not be his.

“AJiu did not follow.” The four men at large finally found a safe cave, and several people entered the hole, which was why Di Jiu fell behind.

“AJiu should have blocked the limbs for us, which fell behind.” After all, Xiao ‘an said that his head had fallen down, and if he hadn’t been injured, he could help Di Jiu, not leave Di Jiu behind.

“I owe AJiu brother’s …” a great deal of morality, knowing that Di Jiu has not been able to come back in order to help people keep his teeth out.

Cao just stood up and said, “I’m going to find AJiu, and you’re waiting for me here.”

“Sister Cao, I’ll go.” Big without the slightest hesitation.

Cao had a shake, “I’m more flexible than you, I’m past.”

Choi Ho Sighed said, “Even in the past, I’m afraid, I’m afraid…”

You know, Di Jiu, if he was really trapped by the Liquid wolves, it would have been dead this time. Go back to Di Jiu, find Di Jiu, say no. There is also a risk of encountering the limbs.

Mr. Cao slowly said, “AJiu is also my invitation, and he has taken the initiative of attracting the limbs for us, and I will not rest in my life if I do not find him. You can’t go, Junior’s legs aren’t good yet, you have to take care of him. And the moon, when I’m not here, you’re responsible for this.”

No one can say anything else, and Mr. Cao has taken a decision, and it’s useless to say anything else.

Cao Zhao, with Di Jiu, always felt there was a link between her and Di Jiu. Now Di Jiu is showing a sense of morality, let her think that even if Di Jiu is not in touch with her, Di Jiu is also a worthy friend.

After the spill out of the cave, the Cao Cao was almost crazy to go back at the fastest rate.

Two hours later, Mr. Cao saw Di Jiu in the jungle and Di Jiu had been unconscious. Cao Xiaoqiu, no matter how much blood he had on Di Jiu, was injured, as long as Di Jiu was alive. At this point, she was only happy to be glad she didn’t leave Di Jiu. If she doesn’t have to come back and find Di Jiu, then for a while, I’m afraid Di Jiu will really be eaten by wild beast.

Cao had no emotion to think about why Di Jiu had fled here alive, and she left Di Jiu on her back for the first time, and then more crazy.

Two hours after Di Jiu left, a man with his body and eyebrowing show fell in the middle of a lot of limbs corpse. It was precisely to find the Ninth Holodomor, the Great Alliance Lord, who had searched outside the paradise area for a good time and had not found Di Jius lagging behind, and that was where he came from.

“really strong!” He picked up a wolf with his teeth, whispering himself in his mouth.

There are no 100 limbs on the ground, and there are dozens of them. These limbs are all blade’s death, and blade’s mouth is full and he can’t even see it at all.

The Great Holodomor is sure it’s definitely an expert that won’t be weaker than him. He looked at Di Jiu’s blood from the back of the road, shaking his head and swiftly leaving.

They’re expert like that, and it’s best not to meet. It is now time for each other to be hurt, and if he goes to Holodomor, it is likely that the misunderstanding will occur. That’s how many experts go beyond Innate, and he can have such a place in the desert area, and in addition to his power, he is a human being.

“Flash!” Cao fell down the ground, and she couldn’t move any more. Di Jiu left for almost seven hours to avoid some vicious beast. If she hadn’t hidden Di Jiu’s blood with medicine powder, maybe they’d have been followed by vicious beast.

When she came, she remembered it clearly, but went back seven or eight hours and didn’t go to the cave they hid. At this juncture, Mr. Cao confirmed that she and many martial artists in the paradise area were lost.

“Call!” The Cao Cao has again climbed and put Di Jiu back in a valley, and hid something from it, which is to be careful about breaking Di Jius’s clothes, and Di Jiu must be rescued.

watched Di Jius’s clothes and blood meat and, together, many places were bitten by limbs, and the hands of Cao were shaking. She really doesn’t understand how Di Jiu escaped, even saved a little life.

Di Jius’s little belly has been bitten out of a big piece, almost all the dirty. Look at Di Jius’s legs, Cao’s eyes are red, and she knows that Di Jiu should be gone.

A red corn appeared in the curtain of the Cao, and her hands held this corn, and she understood it completely. Di Jiu made her familiar, even like the former generation, not because of other things, but because of this corn.

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