Cao had this corn, and suddenly he wanted it to be torn off. It’s like this corn was with her a long time ago, and then she was with her for a long time.

Sitting, Mr. Cao finally endured his actions. Whatever the matter with this corn, whether Di Jiu is born or dead, this corn will remain on Di Jiu forever.

She unleashed the scarf on her face, wiped the blood on her corn, and then carefully placed it in Di Jius’s chest.

She doesn’t understand medical Skill, Di Jiu is so badly injured, and she has no choice. Maybe the only thing she can do is let Di Jiu not die in the vicious beast of the paradise zone.

Di Jius’s consciousness has been in a mess of cholera, and he sometimes wakes up and thinks he’s about to die.

But he always felt like he was different, and he even started cultivating in his subconscious. He had also heard of other people cultivating, all sitting, and then absorbing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi to cooperate with treasure in the heavens and the earth.

And he cultivating seems to be a good idea, and his thoughts form a revolving circulatory cycle in his mind, and it seems that he started to absorb some Origin Qi, and then these Origin Qi were gathered and started to grow his darkest soul.

When Di Jiu was sometimes conscious, he thought it was a return photo or that he had been looking for cultivating. But as time passes, Di Jiu feels that every circulatory cycle of him has passed, and his life seems more flourishing, and he concedes that this does not seem to be in return for photos, and it seems that he can really agree to start cultivating.

After a while of rest, Cao Jiu continued to take his back in search of the macro and the others. In the paradise zone, she couldn’t find the mask and the others, with Di Jiu alone, a dying man, that’s courting death.

She knew she wouldn’t have to look for the maze and the others when Cao had fled again from a corner of the leopard. At this juncture, she is far from the top and the others, and she does not know how far it is, much less in any direction.

look behind Di Jiu, Cao’s raven, and say, “Maybe the sky has set us up to die, and since that’s how it goes along with luck.”

Cao Tsao was supposed to look for an opportunity in the Great Hampshire and the others, and now she’s in Di Jiu, and obviously is no longer in a position to look for it.

Di Jius is extremely alive, and she’s got half a month behind her, and there’s nothing to eat except some water occasionally, and there’s still a breath.

If Di Jiu dies, Cao may also find a place where Di Jiu buried. Now Di Jiu is still alive, and even if he sees another dangerous thing, he will not leave Di Jiu alone. Since Di Jiu could not be left behind, she would never have said anything about the reason she was looking for.

“Big Horse, Emma, I’m afraid Sister Cao won’t come back.” The Choi Ho language is a little choking, and I’m afraid she won’t live today if it’s not the Cao Cao Duke with her.

“Auntie Cao and AJiu are the best friends, and I only hate replacing them with me.”

Animal is most ashamed, not his words, Di Jiu, I’m afraid not to fall behind. Di Jiu will not go back behind, and Sister Cao will not go back to the search, so he will not come back.

And finally, it’s a big deal of determination, “Let’s go, it’s not a place to stay, it’s no good for us.”

Juan and Chowdhury just heard the sound of the bombing coming from behind a few people.

“Somebody?” Three look at each other in dismay, and soon hide on one side. They’re all stone wall behind them. Why do they sound loud?

After another time, the stone wall behind the back passed the sound of shock again, and there seemed to be something else that fell into the water.

“It’s empty back there.” The first time Animal understood, he was excited by watched and Chowdhury.

The bulb and the Chowdhury are all nodded, full of excitement and unthinkable words.

What are they doing in the wilderness? Isn’t that what you’re looking for? Many of the opportunities in the paradise are just like the sound they hear and the speculation, aren’t they really having a chance?

“When we go again, we dig this place out.” The macro takes a decision immediately.

Three people without the slightest hesitation captured excavations and started digging the stone wall behind them. Three people just dig half of the day, and it’s ka cha. It’s like a hole was opened, and a wide place appeared in front of three.

“It really works.” The Choi Moon is also excited, which means that they are likely to find the reason for the desert.

Di Jiu woke up, lying on a huge rock. It’s just the old Cao, and the old Cao has a broken cup, and there’s some water in it. The glass was just a little distance from his mouth, and obviously Cao was feeding him water before.

Cao Cao’s clothing is not covered. It’s supposed to be tough. Di Jius looked out and figured out what was going on.

He stayed behind to stop his teeth, although he ran away, and he was seriously injured, and finally fell on the road. It’s supposed to be Cao who didn’t give up on him and saved him when he looked for him.

“Sister Cao, thank you.” Di Jiu is sure it’s not Cao, he’s afraid to be the food in the vicious beast mouth.

He was careful to raise Cao, and then he was shocked by the appearance of Cao. Until then, he only felt that the Cao Cao’s eyes were beautiful, and now the Cao’s veil was removed, and he knew what was really beautiful.

Pick up the glass in your hand, send some water to the Cao Cao, and the Cao has swallowed a glass of water and opened his eyes.

She saw herself lying in Di Jiu’s arms, and it seemed relaxed, and she said, “Before I thought about when you died, I buried you here, and then three days later I went to the morgue. I think I’m gonna die here sooner or later, just because I didn’t come here to find out about the wilderness, and there’s always a little distrust in my heart. I didn’t think you were alive, and I was dying.”

Di Jiu’s light help Cao Tsui turn his hair around, softly saying, “Sister Cao, I’ve been living in a small hill village, and a lot of things don’t understand. But I know very well that without Cao, I’m afraid it’s too early to die. Don’t worry. As long as I wake up, we’ll be fine.”

Cao Tinsmiled, “No use, I’m poisoned, and my poison can’t even save martial artist Hospital, you don’t care about me. When I was born, I was an orphan, and I earned one day more. I should be grateful to God, when I die, and you’re with me, so I’m not that lonely. AJiu, can I ask you a question?”

Di Jiu uplifted the Cao, and let the Cao do everything he can to his own body, and said, “Aunt Cao, ask me, if I know, I’ll answer you. And you don’t have to worry about poisoning, so I know.”

Cao said the corn at Di Jiu’s chest, “AJiu, can you tell me where this corn came from?”

Di Jiu took the corn off his neck and said in his hand, “When my father found me, this corn was hanging on me, and I don’t know where it came from. Sister Cao, do you like the corn?”

“Well,” Cao Cao’s soft uned, “this corn is like the other part of my life, and I even have a feeling that I can show up here because of your corn. I know, it’s my fault, or I like the corn so much.”

Di Jiu hung the corn in his hand on the neck of Cao, softly and said, “Since you like it, this corn will give it to you.”

“Ah,” some pale’s face suddenly blew up, and she looked up watched Di Jiu, “in my hometown, hanging corn on the woman’s neck is what it means to propose.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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