“Ah,” this time to Di Jiu, he has not even proposed a marriage concept, or even a concept of love. For him, the only thing that came out was to find out what he couldn’t remember. Because that thing affected his survival, he had to remember.

That’s why Cao said that suddenly, he was surprised, completely unprepared.

Cao laughed, her eyes looked at the depths of the wilderness zone, and the ghost said, “I should be alive for a few days, and I didn’t actually think that there was anyone who asked me before I died.”

Cao Tsao seems to have no idea that Di Jius’s face is normal and still cared about himself, “When I was little, I saw people in the village get married, and there was some way in my heart, maybe one day I could be like that beautiful bride. But when I was seven, I aunt took me out of that hill…”

“You aunt?” Di Jiu questioned watched Cao.

Cao still didn’t think Di Jius was asking, “My parents never showed up in my memory, and they were vague in my memory. When I was a kid, I didn’t understand why aunt would abandon a stable life and take me out of that hill village, everywhere running for life. Just like I don’t understand why after we left that hill village, aunt told me never to take the veil off unless I intend to die.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Cao finally laughed at Di Jiu, “and then I understand, if I don’t always wear a veil, maybe I’ve died a lot. Even with the veil, I only chose to leave aunt and steal it to live in the wilderness. aunt should know what I think, and she didn’t look for me. She said that I came to this world, and I was going to be alone for a lifetime, and I was bound to be bullied. Because aunt said, on this world, no one can keep me forever. Once I appear under someone else’s eyes, I will bring together a bunch of people who are brutal.”

Di Jiu came down, and he understood what Cao meant. He’s a man who doesn’t really care about the girl’s ugly beauty, and he doesn’t think Cao’s beauty can be described. A beautiful woman like Cao, even younger, is afraid not to survive in a small mountain village. She aunt must have felt this beauty, and that’s why the slightest hesitation fled the original village with Cao Cao.

Mr. Cao stretched his hand to the Di Jius face, “Thank you, AJiu. Thank you for asking me to marry, or I won’t feel happy if I die. My clothes are not covered by you, and you’re a man who has nothing to do with me, and I’ll always feel unhappy. But now, I’m no longer in pain. We’re no longer foreigners.”

“I think I should go where I should go, and I always think I’m not here, which is far away, and I can be there soon, or alone, and aunt’s right.”

Di Jiu had a guilt in his heart, and he didn’t like Cao, but he had no idea or ideas about the situation of men and women. But Cao knew that he was not asking her to marry, but he was trying to deceive herself.

Like him, he came to the desert area to find the answer in his heart. Where’s Cao? Maybe if she knew someone had asked her to marry before she died.

Di Jiu put it down, he walked into a nearby bush, took some flowers, and made up a hat to kneel in front of the Cao, “Cao, I Di Jiu really asked you to marry, and I just hope you don’t say I can’t match you. From today on, I Di Jiu will never let you suffer a little bit, and from today I Di Jiu will no longer make you alone. From today on, I Di Jiu has been with you for a lifetime, just like you.”

Di Jius suddenly stayed, and he suddenly came up with a very ridiculous idea that he already had wife and children.

If you’re someone else, I’m afraid I just thought about it. But Di Jiu thought he had wife and children’s things to be true, as if he was not famous about five Yin Six Yang Hand, and he wouldn’t be famous for that type of blade screen, and the sudden cultivating method in his mind.

It’s all ridiculous, biased by real existence.

Almost at the same time as Di Jiu Town lived, Cao’s hand stopped Di Jius, saying, “I’ll be gone soon, and you can’t just like me. Maybe one day you’re lucky to get out of the desert. I’ve been used to it all by myself. You don’t have to mind, you don’t have to move me.”

“Cao Senior Sister, I can get rid of the poison in you.” Di Jiu always said that again.

Mr. Cao was staring at Di Jiu, and he had enough breath to say, “AJiu, do you know how hard the poison is in the deserted areas? Even the world’s strongest antidote medical specialist, Professor Pick, the antidote is a try luck.”

Di Jiu grabbed his golden needle, smiled and said, “I know, but I’m not Peck, he can’t get rid of your poison, but I can’t understand.”

Cao Watched Di Jiu must have had a panic in his heart. Well, after a while, she said, “You understand, you don’t have to be tough, I actually look very open.”

This is not halfway around saying that, in fact, after she came to the paradise, she looked very open. Because of her landscape, she was destined to be unable to live like ordinary people.

Di Jiu nodded, put Cao Jiu down.

Di Jiu was a little completely unprepared when Cao was lying on the rocks. The clothing of Cao is real, but no more clothing is hidden, and a part can be hidden. Now that he’s going to take the needle, he has to take off his old coat. Down the clothing, at least he doesn’t have this right now.


seems to feel Di Jius’s rectification and dilemma, Cao’s sophisticated eyes closed, and she didn’t let Di Jiu do it, nor did she say no.

Di Jiu watched closed his eyes, which was like the best flowers in the world, with a Zhong Ao view of the world’s pride.

Di Jiu called for a breath, and in any case he couldn’t leave Cao. The woman like Cao Cao was willing to marry him Di Jiu, which was his creation.

Think of it here, Di Jiu no longer hesitates, stretches his hand off the jacket of Cao Cao, and golden needle at the next moment is like the rain spot usually falls on the shaft of Cao.

Mr. Cao felt an unprecedented tireless attack, and she couldn’t stand to close her eyes and sleep in the past.

Di Jiu, while he still had serious injuries and the wounds in many places had not even been completely healed, always felt that he had increased his needle at more than one level than he had originally been in Zuhai Hospital. But after seeing him in the wilderness zone, he raised a lot of things.

Just 20 minutes, Di Jiu set the fingers of Cao Cao, and one drop of UH blood fell. Di Jiu grabbed a small glass bottle from his backpack, pouring the liquid in the glass bottle into the old Cao’s mouth, that’s what relaxed.

In fact, half the poison in Cao’s past would not have been lighter than the martial artist he saved, but it would soon have been poisoned, together with the two types of poisoning, and Di Jiu would have saved much easier.

Cao Tsao’s backpack obviously didn’t carry it, Di Jiu took out a coat from his backpack to help Cao Cao change it. This is where he started to sit around Cao Cao, where he cultivating was different from others, who cultivating to absorb Origin Qi, knowing which cave was coming in and which one circulatory cycle was cycled.

Di Jiu cultivating began to operate the circulatory cycle with complete philosophy and then automatically operated the circulatory cycle, automatically absorbing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. That’s why Di Jiu doesn’t know, but he’s sure that this cultivating method is very useful to him.

The next day Di Jiu was still awake without waking up, and Cao came up, and she jumped up, with the exception of hunger, not half of it.

She looks at Di Jius’s clothes and grabs her wrist again. Even if she didn’t know the doctor, she knew Di Jiu really understood her poison.

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