But the two people will soon be dumbfounded, and they will stare at the old watched Cao. The stars and the whole beauty they see are too much, but they’ve never really seen the beauty of Cao and so naturally went to the statue. Is this a fairy? Is there such a beautiful woman in the sky?

Di Jiu snort, it’s rude to wake up.

“Don’t know…” in a slight rush, answered. But after three words, I think I’m stupid. He made such a shock and said he didn’t know Di Jiu, didn’t he hit his face?

And that middle-aged man behind his skinny back said to Di Jiu a cup of fist in the other hand, “We do not know friends, but many people out there are looking for you, and we are also seeing friends in images and searches.”

He seems to be able to open and aboveboard’s life in this place and to cook fireworks, and it’s a strange thing to have a simple life. Look around the environment, Di Jiu lives here in obviously not two days a day. Is vicious beast in the paradise zone blind or bad nose? None of these obviously is, the only possibility is Di Jiu Martial Dao. The vicious beast here is all getting rid of, and now even vicious beast is afraid to come.

“Oh,” Di Jiu, oh, indifferently said, “Who’s looking for me?”

In the middle of the year, it was busy saying, “The commanders of the city almost all day are looking for you, among them the Great Alliance Lord’s Holodomor, the Chai of the City of Heaven, the President of the Martial artist Hospital, Professor Peck and the others of the World’s First Narcotics Specialist… Yes, Zeng Family in Zinghai is looking for you.”

“Then why are they looking for me?” Di Jiu asked.

In the middle of the year, there was no concealment, “Professor Peck and the President were looking for you, and it was estimated that you were watching your extinct medical Skill. As for Alliance Lord of the Great Holodomor and ever, it was said that they had a disease for their daughters, and that you were the only ones who cured it.”

Di Jiu immediately understood that before he knew it was Niño disease, he had now understood that Niño disease could not actually be said to be a disease. This disease is too good for Spiritual Root to absorb Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, even if not cultivating. Once cultivating, it’s more crazy to absorb Spiritual Qi.

A man who won’t cultivating, and who doesn’t have a foundation, absorbs too many Spiritual Qi who can’t digest through meridian, nor can he open the Sea of Consciousness, which will naturally crush Niño’s own body.

“Do you really know what this disease is?” The long middle-aged man says, but he knows how terrifying it is. There are few people throughout the world who have been suffering from this disease, but there is no doubt that they will die.

Not much of this disease should have been an amazing thing, but the key thing is that it’s basically the world’s top expert descendants, or the grandson of the top man. Now there’s a Di Jiu that can cure this disease, and once it’s really proven, I’m afraid the whole world will go over.

What he doesn’t understand is that Di Jiu’s power, together with the possibility of treating the disease again, should be very high when it comes out, and everyone comes to the conclusion, and why are you hiding here?

And when his eyes see Cao again, his heart will understand. Di Jiu is stronger and has such a beautiful wife and children, and I’m afraid it’s too difficult to calm down. Martial Dao’s strong good men are too many, and Di Jiu, once he meets a tough man, fears that only watched his own wife and children will be robbed. Not to say anything else, it’s that great wilderness, and it’s a superior good man.

It was Spiritual Root, who was so good and inexpensive that it caused physical breakdown. People, or the descendants of the top martial artist, would have preferred Spiritual Root, together with cultivation technique, and Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, without which the disease could not have been possible.

Di Jiu laughed, “I naturally know, or how can I cure it? If there’s nothing else, I won’t leave you two.”

Two martial artists heard Di Jius and spoke quickly.

In the face of Di Jiu’s expert, they wouldn’t have any idea. Even after leaving, there was no idea of leaking Di Jius. Di Jius was leaked, and it didn’t help them half.

Yi! ”Two martial artists just left, Di Jiu shocked. The old watched Di Jiu,” AJiu, what? “

“No one has come this year, how come two sets of people today, oh, no, no, no, no, no.” Di Jiu said he left immediately.

Mr. Cao heard Xiao ‘an come, and he was excited to walk along with Di Jiu’s disease.

Good morning’s feet are slight, while the head is being watched carefully. When Di Jiu and Cao had appeared before him, he had not even reacted.

“Junior, what’s wrong with you? What about the majors and the moon?” Cao’s confused watched little times.

When Xiao Xiao Xiao found it was Di Jiu and Cao, he came up immediately, “Sister Cao, AJiu, it’s really you. You have nothing, that’s great.”

“How did you make this look? Didn’t you come to the upper and the moon?” Mr. Cao saw Xiao ‘an Beatles spreading, filthy, even spreading a bloody smell.

Xiao ‘an’s eyes are red, and then he yells, “The slut in Choi Moon is really not a thing, and after you left, the three of us found a landscape. There are a lot of good things in that monument, Martial Dao cultivation technique, and there are several kinds of medicinal pill weapons. All three of us were happy, we had an appointment to study those things together, and we wanted to keep them for you and AJiu, but…”

She felt a bad feeling in Cao’s heart. She was working on the edge of the wilderness city with three people, Junior and Choi Moon, sympathetic to those who had happened, and she had no good feelings in her heart.

Xiao ‘an cut his teeth and said, “The slut in Choi Moon, when I was cleaning something up, it was plot against me. I was seriously injured by the plot against the ground. I was also seriously injured. Before I die, I grabbed the foot of the Choi Moon, let me run away and tell you not to believe in the Choi Moon.”

Xiao ‘an’s tears were wiped out, “The maze saved me from fleeing, and I’ve been hiding in the paradise area, and struggling on whilst at death’s door to today. I really didn’t think I’d meet Sister Cao and AJiu today.”

Cao’s eyes are red, she’s shaking her mind, “The moon won’t do this. I’ve lived with the moon for so many years, and I know her people, and she won’t do it, and she won’t…”

The smaller the sound of Cao Cao, but her tongue is becoming more positive. That means that she still believes that Choi Moon is not such a person so far.

Xiao ‘an’s anxious feet, “Sister Cao, these are all my own experiences. Do I dare lie to you? The Chowdhury is a plot against me, and my scar is still here.”

Xiao ‘an said, “Turn around, and then he’s back in the back of his head, and there’s a blade scar, okay, but that scar’s still there.” It is conceivable that this blade would have been split into two and a half if it were to be deeper.

Di Jiu suddenly said, “Xiao ‘an, you said you were happy at first, and even agreed to work together on those things. Just in the back, Choi Moon suddenly changed his mind, so it attacked you and the top?”

Xiao ‘an didn’t care what Di Jiu said, just nodded, “Well, if she wanted to be alone, I wouldn’t rob her.”

Di Jiu wrinkles, he believes in Cao Cao’s judgment that the Choi Moon doesn’t do anything like that, and that’s not going to do it.

Three people were silent, or Di Jiu broke the silence and said, “So, let’s go see where you are. If they’re not there, we’ll find a way out of the desert.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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