“I know the way.” Little Ann said it immediately.

When he got hurt, he stole it back to see it, just when Choi Moon was already gone.

Di Jiu and Cao have packed something, and there’s nothing to do with it, just a package for Di Jius. This little wood house, she lived with Di Jiu for more than a year.

“Sister Cao, AJiu, you…” The time has come for Xiao ‘an to feel incorrect, and he has been in the joy of meeting. He’s not weird about the portrait of Cao. Everybody’s in the team, and he’s seen it occasionally.

Mr. Cao had trusted him and the big man and the moon, because four people were almost born to die, and people were not in the interest of anything, but on the other hand.

And that’s why Cao didn’t believe that Choi Moon would do that kind of thing.

Cao Zhao smiled and said, “Junior, I and AJiu are married.”

“Congratulations, congratulations!”

After that, he started to move from the backpack, and then he turned out a medial ingredient from the leaves and delivered it to Di Jiu, saying, “AJiu, you and Cao are married, and I’m going to call you Brother Jiu. Congratulations, New wed, and I have nothing good for you to deliver, this medicinal ingredient that I occasionally get. Two vicious beast shoots to take action for this costal ingredient, and I stole medicinal ingredient while they did not notice.”

“Thank you, Junior.” Cao said it on the side.

Yi! ”Di Jiu was astonishing, stretching hands over medicinal ingredient, and he felt that the medicinal ingredient contained a spiritual intelligence that made True Origin jump.

“This is” a sudden name appeared in the mind of Di Jius, and Di Jiu came out of the mouth: “Sugar.”

And then Di Jiu’s excited watched Xiao ‘an, “Thank you, this is useful to me, and I’m going to use it now.”

Cao and Di Jiu lived for more than a year, and when Di Jius spoke, she understood that she was waiting for you here for Di Jiu nodded, “Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.”

Di Jiu couldn’t wait to enter the small wood house, and a herb swallowed by him, and then he felt that the endless Spiritual Qi was gathered, much more than usual cultivating had no idea how much carefree it was.

“AJiu can cultivating?” The astonishing watched small wood house, who, although only a Earth Level martial artist, clearly felt the fluctuations surrounding Origin Qi. Very obviously, Di Jiu is absorbing Heaven and Earth Origin Qi cultivating, and this is much stronger than he usually cultivating.

Cao Nadded, “Yes, AJiu, if not cultivating, we cannot live here for more than a year. When you left, did you see the chip really get killed?”

Whether it’s big or small or Chowdhury, it’s just like a relative, whoever gets hurt, that’s all she doesn’t want to see.

“When I left, I was able to hold Chowdhury’s legs, and I just didn’t know what happened after I escaped.” The little Ann said he didn’t know how many times he regretted that he should not have escaped alone. Even if he gets away from it, he can’t escape like that.

After a few further inquiries, he suddenly heard Di Jiu and followed the wave around Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.

“What kind of cultivation technique is AJiu cultivating? What’s so great?” Animal’s amazing, he’s concealed that the cultivation technique of Di Jiu cultivating is really not simple.

“I don’t know.” After a word, Mr. Cao came up.

Di Jiu walked out of the small wood house, and his temperature and aura had a fundamental difference before.

“Are you holding base on another level?” The more excited watched Di Jiu, Di Jius is, the more reassuring she is.

Di Jiu pulled Cao’s hand, “Well, I crossed Origin Soul Realm, and remembered a lot of things. Even pill refining, tool refining…”

“AJiu, can you pill refining and tool refining?” Little Animal can’t believe watched Di Jiu, pill refining and tool refining are all things that the world expert can do. Every pill refining, or Grandmaster of tool refining, exists with respect. Di Jiu said yes, that’s incredible.

Di Jiu hesitated, and then said, “Yes, I’m sure I can.”

As if five Yin Six Yang Hand was normal, Di Jiu would automatically be there, and after his experiment, there was no exaggeration of what he would have. Now he’s familiar with pill refining, and he believes that there will also be five Yin Six Yang Hand in general, and there will be no fake.

“That’s great, Brother Jiu, when you get out of here, it must be a respectful existence. Although I was killed by the Choi Hoplot against, I didn’t get nothing, and I got a Martial Cultivator cultivation technique…” speaking in between, Xiao ‘an picked up an old thing from a broken bag, and then gave it to Di Jiu carefully.

Di Jiu came over and looked at it, which should be some kind of leather, with some vague words on it, but look carefully and clearly. Most importantly, there are some human cultivating maps above.

Just looking at a few eyes, Di Jiu sent it to Xiao ‘an and said, “I don’t think it’s much worth it, so don’t you cultivating it. After I crossed Origin Soul, I remember a cultivation technique called Starry Sky Secret Art. From today on, you follow me cultivating Starry Sky Secret Art.

“Senior Sister, follow me, too, cultivating Starry Sky Secret Art.”

Cao was busy with nodded, and she was eager to cultivating, and she could understand what happened to her body. Why did lifespan have more than a year?

“AJiu, can I really follow you with cultivating?” Little peace is exciting, Di Jiu cultivating has seen him. And Di Jiu also said that pill refining and tool refining could be confirmed that Di Jiu had absolutely received too much inheritance than he had received.

Di Jiu certainly said, “Naturally, we can go to where you and the bulb are plot against, and look into the situation.”

Di Jiu and Cao had known that Xiao ‘an had been back at least a lot.


months later, three people returned to the cave before. Cao was standing far away at the door and said, “Here, when I left to find Di Jiu, I didn’t come back after the road, I didn’t think there was only a half-day journey.”

Xiao ‘an was busy saying, “Sister Cao, lucky you’re lost. Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s even more dangerous.”

Cao Shake his head, “I don’t know why the moon did it, and if I and AJiu were there, maybe the moon wouldn’t do it anymore.”

Have a sigh in your heart, no more words. He experienced something personally, and Sister Cao was just reluctant to face this cruel reality, thats all of it. But Sister Cao is right. If Aunt Cao and Brother Jiu are there, Choi Hoo should be afraid of plot against him. Chowdhury is no longer plot against, nor is it possible to simultaneously plot against four people.

Di Jiu walked into the cave, the cave was messy, and the traces were dug by three people at the back of the cave. There’s not only a stream, but a god. So the gods were built next to the stream, but at this moment all that was on it was creeping down the ground. Di Jiu beneath to pick up a rock next to him, and there’s even some blood on it.

See Di Jiu picking up rocks, and Xiao Xiao shake his head, “That’s the big blood, the big one that was plot against there. I came several times later, and I didn’t see any traces of the Choi Moon and the Grand Horn.”

“What are you cultivating to now?” Di Jiu suddenly turned to Xiao ‘an.

“I am Earth Level martial artist.”

“Did you all have Earth Level?” When you heard about Earth Level, Cao was shocked, and Earth Level martial artist was already a hegemonic man who could survive here.

“That kind of technique is very amazing, and I got it just on the edge, mostly for Choi Ho, and I’m all Earth Level, and I think she’s going beyond Heaven Level…” Xiao ‘an said, “

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