Don’t say that Di Jiu has never heard of the saint’s moon. He has heard of it, and he will not be in the heart.

His opponent is the Lord of the universe, the expert opened up by the universe, and the nine channels that he can put in his eyes are strange.

When he saw Origin Spirit from the teacher’s moon coming out of daughter’s body, he was banned by Di Jiu restriction array and burned by fire. Look at the ground, face like a white paper daughter once, and tears that have been together can no longer stand.

He hated himself, because he doubted Di Jiu, and missed the chance to save daughter. If not Di Jiu came over, he would even recognize the thief as a woman.

“Divine Doctor Di” had watched Di Jiu with expectations and resentment, even if he said nothing, and everyone knew what he wanted to say.

Needless to say so, Di Jius golden needle has fallen on the body of the former. With his current strength and True Origin, there was no need to go to any clothes that had been raven, not even to touch the old Izun, and it was easy to carry out five Yin Six Yang Hand on the old Yin.

Not just five Yin Six Yang Hand, but his True Origin.

Five Yin Six Yang Hand is able to treat countless diseases, but it is best for patients who have been taken possession of the body, who have not yet completely swallowed their souls.

Five Yin Six Sun, there’s a vagina in it. Even if it was serious now, Di Jiu took only half an hour to recover golden needle.

The old eyebrows jumped and didn’t see open eyes.

Di Jiu watched once said, “You daughter’s cured, you take her down to bed, and when she woke up, you give her some top supplies.”

“Ah,” once surprising, she daughter got this disease, the weaker she eats, the lower aura looks. Now Di Jiu wants him to give daughter the top package, can you do that?

Di Jiu saw what it was like, indifferently said, “You do as I say, and tell you daughter that she knows it’s her, and there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yes, a lot of thanks Divine Doctor graciousness of life-saving, many thanks…” He couldn’t even say what he should give. But as long as Di Jiu came forward, he could have done it, even if he would have dumped the entire group’s property, and he would have done it all the time.

At his age, some things had long seen that the goods were really foreign object and that life did not bring death. Did Di Jiu take action to save daughter when he didn’t see so much money? Family members and their own health are the most important.

Di Jiu was not saying anything, and what he said just now, he didn’t understand, and once he woke up, he’d understand.

He killed him when he was almost going to succeed. It is certain that after the Iwaking up, there are also teachers’ fancy technique and some memories in the brain. As long as Izu went to cultivating in accordance with its cultivation technique, the Niño disease did not exist at all.

This is different from the Choi Moon, where Origin Spirit obviously is very weak, the body possession of the Choi Moon is a failure from the top to the end, and the Choi Moon has its own sense of autonomy from the top to the end. Or the teacher’s moon and Choi’s moon have been fighting for control of the body, so Choi’s moon is not much of a teacher’s idea and a technique.

“Divine Doctor Di Di, a brilliant medical Skill.” So he was the president of the Martial artist Hospital and most respected for MediSkill expert. He sought Di Jiu on several occasions because of respect and respect for that medical Skill expert.

Not only for supplies, the mountains of the tent are laughed, but also for Tsai and the others to come up and greet Di Jiu, but also for respect and good.

As for Professor Pick, seeing Di Jius’s medical means, even more exciting face red light. In any case, he and Di Jiu are going to explore one of the medical pathways.


‘s cold in the heart of the Holodomor, and he’s going out of his room, and Di Jiu’s cold watched in the wilderness, “What do you mean, you want to go?”

“Divine Doctor Di is so good for MediSkill, dog son is preparing to ask Divine Doctor ght action to save.” The Great Holodomor has stopped footsteps, a cup of fist in the other hand, and the tongue has long gone out of the front.

He knows very well that Di Jiu helped his son cure his illness, which is impossible. Now, the key question for him is not whether Di Jiu wants to cure his son, but whether he can live in Di Jiu’s hands. Di Jius was completely motivated by his predictions, from Di Jiu to Origin Spirit, a man with no body, to Di Jiu, who had no reaction at all.


understands that without a body’s soul, but can this be forbidden? It’s completely beyond his imagination.

“Know why I didn’t kill you first? Because you don’t even have an ant than that Origin Spirit. In my heart, I really overestimate what Innate cultivation base is, and if Innate cultivation base is just your color, I can’t even use my hand to destroy a bunch.” Di Jiu laughed, and I feel too high to look at myself.

“Divine Doctor Di, we have no grievances. I apologize to you, but you bullied me with this power to be unfair.” Although it was known that the possibility of talking was extremely low, he had a glimmer of hope that they would see the people standing up in the wilderness city.

Di Jiu was completely lazy to ignore the Holodomor, and the previous step, open hand was caught in the Great Holocaust. The Holodomor was struggling to escape, even if he was the strength of Innate, and under Di Jius’s arrest, there was still nowhere to hide.

Di Jiu squeezed him up in the neck of Holodomor, and “What’s the use of I Di Jiu cultivating if you’re still alive?”

After that, Di Jiu threw his hand directly on the walls, not wait for the Holodomor to slip from the wall, Di Jiu was a foot crushed on the bench next to the wall, the chairs broke, the four legs were buried by Di Jiu, the hands and feet of the Holocaust were crushed directly, and the Holocaust was hung on the wall.

Blood fell down the legs of the Great Holodomor, spreading on the floor of the room.

“Di Jiu, I’m not going to die.” The words of Holodomor have not been finished, Di Jiu broke another chair, four legs ranged from the mouth of Holocaust to the throat, to the chest.

“You don’t even have a chance to return, and you say nothing about death?” When Da Jiu heard the word “Di Jiu”, a darkness struck him, and then he felt that his soul had been wrapped up by a flame, and that a complete death thought appeared, and that the Holodomor’s heart could not even regret it, and was killed by Di Jiu.

Even if it came to hand over Di Jius, Chai and the others were shocked by Di Jius. It’s not Di Jiu’s heart, it’s hotter than Di Jiu’s heart, and they’ve seen it before, and they’ve done more than this very ruthless thing. They were surprised that Di Jius was powerful.

The Great Holodomor is the first recognized person in heaven. This is the first person in front of Di Jiu, like a gentle lamb, with no resistance.

Di Jiu looked towards Tsai and the others said, “The Holodomor industry was shot, and a portion of it was paid to the hotel.”

After that, he turned to Cao Sister and said, “Senior Sister, let’s go find your aunt first, and then I’m going to go to the morgue and see if we can find the big mask.”

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