“Yes, Divine Doctor Di, I’m sure I’ll do it.” Said Choi without the slightest hesitation.

At this point, even the more cold in the heart of the tent, Di Jius is so strong that he wants to be a family, and I’m afraid it’s a wish. Even the Holodomor and Di Jiu are not at a level, and he is a little weaker than the Holodomor, let alone.

“Divine Doctor Di Di” saw Di Jiu go, and Peck hesitated to say hello.

Professor Di Jiu watched Peck honestly said, “Professor Peck, my medical Skill and poisoning are related to my cultivating, and indeed cannot be passed to you in a short time.”

Although Peck was honest, for Di Jiu, he had no reason to spend time teaching his medical Skill to Peck. There’s a lot of good people, and if every one comes to appreciate it, I’m afraid he won’t appreciate it.

Five days later, Di Jiu and Cao, Choi Moon and Xiao ‘an came to Mumba, where he lived with her aunt. Mr. Cao’s aunt has long left, and no one knows where to go.

Several people stayed here with sophistication, and Di Jiu passed on to the Tianjin and Choi Moon Home cultivating Starry Sky Secret Art, and went to another paradise area. It’s just Di Jiu almost turned the whole day out of the desert zone, and he didn’t find the bottom, and then he can only go back to the bars.

Even though there are some good things in the paradise area, they are no longer of great use in relation to Di Jius cultivation base and can only be brought back to Choi Moon and Xiao ‘an. As for Cao Cao, after having been pregnant, cultivating was stopped.

Without good cultivation resources, Di Jius cultivation base was completely suspended, leaving Origin Soul Realm. Despite Di Jiu’s feelings, his Sea of Consciousness hides a huge cultivating treasure, which seems to belong to his own world space. But he’s power right now, and he can’t open that space.

Di Jiu cultivation base stopped, and he didn’t care, and he was happy to be with Cao Cao every day.

It’s Amnesty and Chowdhury, and cultivation base is moving fast. With the help of the Di Jius pocket and the medicinal ingredient in the Skyland area, only eight-nine months ago, Xiao ‘an had crossed Qi Condensation 6th th th layer, and the month of Choi had crossed Qi Condensation 7th th th th layer. Even cultivator’s means of attack, the power of the newest and Choi Moon is basically equivalent to Heaven Level.

Di Jiu was no longer mindful of teaching two people cultivating after the journey to normal cultivating.

The closer the Cao had come to the birth, the more the human being was left left thin, and the heart Di Jiu saw was burning. He was allowed medical Skill to be astonishing and could not help Cao Tsui at half a point. He can’t trace any of the illnesses of Cao Cao’s past, but only watched Cao’s day is thinner than one day.

Now, even Choi Moon Horn stopped cultivating, specializing in the care of Cao.

On that day Di Jiu also heard a loud baby crying while hanging out his brain and thinking about how to reshape the body of Cao. He had a shock in his heart, almost jumped up and went to Cao’s room.

According to his projections, at least five or six days before Cao Cao was born, why suddenly?

“AJiu, Sister Cao raised a fat boy…” When Di Jiu entered the room, Choi Moon was a baby in his hand.

Di Jiu was excited, and the old Cao of the face pale said, “AJiu, you go out first, you come in and I’ll talk to you.”

When child died, some memories were finally dismissed by her, and this moment she understood everything.

Di Jiu didn’t want to break it at half. Although he was curious to know what happened to Cao Cao, he was still out of the room, waiting outside.

Half an hour, it’s like half a year for Di Jiu. Until Choi Ho hung the baby, opening the door to the room, “AJiu, child, I hug first, Cao let you in.”

The child in Choi Ho’s hands, while not yet able to see the future, has a few divine rhymes. A sense of life continues, and Di Jiu has suddenly had more responsibility and love.

Di Jiu was trying to pick up the child, Cao Cao’s weak voice, “AJiu, come in.”

“Moon, you can hold my son, and I’ll go see Senior Sister.” Di Jiu walked into the room in a hurry.

Cao Cao’s face is even more pale, the haircut is dry, and Di Jiu is about to take golden needle out again.

Cao was struggling to get rid of it, “AJiu, you shut the door, and I have a few words to say to you.”

Di Jiu sighs in his heart, and he knows that Cao Cao’s illness is not at all he can cure. He’s medical Skill’s tall, but he can’t see what’s wrong with Cao Cao.

At this moment, Di Jiu will be in deep depth to the original mental state, maybe that’s despair. Once together daughter, he can save, but who’s his wife and children?

“AJiu, on the occasion of the death of our son, I felt a new generation, and I understood a past, and I had no regrets.” The sound of Cao Cao was a little low.

Di Jiu was busy sitting by the bed, and his hands held the skinny hand of Cao, like blade hanging. Why can he treat someone else instead of treating his own wife and children?

Mr. Cao saw Di Jius feel guilty and anxiety, and her hands took a little bit, “AJiu, you don’t have to be sad, don’t say you can’t save me now, even when you’re full.”

Di Jiu doesn’t understand what it means at all, but he immediately stopped Cao Sister from saying, “Senior Sister, even if the heavens enter the earth, I will save you.”

Even Di Jiu is not yet aware of the ways and means to save Cao Cao, but he must save Cao, whatever happens, no matter how difficult it is.

“AJiu, when our son was born, I suddenly clearly comprehension a lot of things, or remember a lot. I shouldn’t actually be here. I’m here because I wanted to come by myself.”

“Senior Sister…” Di Jiu has no idea what it means to say, and he’s going to scream, and he’s not going to let it go again.

Cao had a hand, took the corn out of his chest, carefully placed in the hands of Di Jius, “AJiu, this corn was all I had before me, and my predecessor intended to give it to you for the sake of being able to be with you in this life. Well, I finally did, and these two or three years of your life, was the happiest time since Cao came to this world.”

Mr. Cao stopped talking to Di Jiu, slowly said, “It was only because of me that you fell into the universe to face a threat of life and death…”

“Senior Sister, you say these…” Di Jiu wrinkles his eyebrows.

Mr. Cao used some energy, “AJiu, you don’t understand now, because your memory has not recovered and power has not recovered. When your memory and power are fully restored, you will understand. When I went to blood sacrifice in lieu of you, I knew that your Dao Heart would be fractured because of me. And your Dao Heart, even if there is no crack, is not necessarily a fugitive opponent, and once there is a crack, it will only be delivered.

I gave you this corn, trying to restore Dao Heart to you. You’re a sexy man, and maybe I think I’m dead for you. It’s not exactly that, no matter whether I’m replacing you or not, I’m bound to die to the Skywitch community. I’m not your wife anymore, so I don’t have to mind these things anymore. As I said, my happiest day is all these years with you. After I go, you don’t have to hang up. “Our son, he has my shadow…”

“Senior Sister, I can’t let you go.” Di Jiu felt so powerless for the first time, so small.

Cao has stretched his skinny hand and touched Di Jius’s face, “Idiot, I’m not sick, but tied up by Heavenly Dao. Save part of the memory and come here to be with you, which is already my greatest capacity. Unless you go beyond Heavenly Dao of the Five Elements universe, we are all powerless.”

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