“You’re still a Grade 9 Array King?” Potential watched Di Jiu.

strong Spiritual Qi leaked out, Di Jiu had no mood and a huge crap, and he shot a huge shoulder, and “When I cultivating, you stay at the door and help me, so you won’t be suddenly killed by that landscape.”

In conclusion, Di Jiu moved in a few steps into the depths of the bizarre cabinet, leaving an extreme one in the wind.

Di Jiu even had a backyard, not just an Origin Soul Realm cultivator, a Origin Soul Realm cultivator filming his shoulder in a Transforming Truth Realm expert, and as it’s what it should be by rights, that would not be acceptable to any Transforming Truth cultivator.

But Pong thought of his own small life, and he just couldn’t accept it. Who told him not to rely on the mountain, Di Jiu, to be better off the mountain?

Di Jiu came into the fancy cabinet, and that strong Spiritual Qi came over, and Di Jiu was happy. He has never been under such strong Spiritual Qi cultivating since his memory can be cultivating.

Of the great cultivating cave mansion, one shielded great array directly locked two top grade spirit vein. Di Jiu walked past without the slightest hesitation, and this moment of space seemed to have disappeared before him.

A giant footprint fell before this shield great array, a crack, two top grade spirit vein out naked.

Di Jiu didn’t even care about the top grade spirit vein, but was surprised watched on his feet, Great Footprint, another divine ability.

Soon Di Jius’s attention fell on the top grade spirit vein, stepping up, and Heavenly Law Cycle was running automatically next minute. Spiritual Qi, two top grade spirit vein, was immediately stripped out, and then it was as if it were of substance, and it was rolled into Di Jiu.

If someone is here, it will be shocked to find out that the two top grade spirit vein are melting at the speed of their eyes.

For a top grade spirit vein, for a Domain Realm cultivator, cultivating can be depleted for many years. This is also the highest cultivator in Spiritual Qi, which can only be a moment for Di Jiu, and two top grade spirit vein.

Void God Opening Sea Realm Mounting Cauldron Realm

This moment of progress in cultivation base is like a fake general here in Di Jiu, but when Di Jiu heard ‘ka cha’ split, his cultivation base has crossed Life Tribulation Realm.

Spiritual Qi disappeared, and he was in the foot’s two top grade spirit vein completely.


cultivating cave mansion of Di Jiu, empty watched, sighed, was only one step away, and he crossed Transforming Truth Realm. Transforming Truth Realm, he’s very likely to recover all his memories and then open his own world.

And then Di Jiu threw out all the great spirit stone, and a little progress was good at that time. top grade spirit vein was good, and I’m afraid it’s hard to see it again.

Di Jiu knew only that he was in cultivating, that the abject extinction was stagnant, and that Di Jiu cultivating had spent 10 days from Transforming Truth 2nd layer advancing to Transforming Truth 3rd layer. Moreover, the strong Spiritual Qi in Di Jiu cultivating just made him feel like he was in Spirit Marrow Pond, who hasn’t been opened for years.

“Pongqing, I really didn’t think your guts were so fat. Not only do you dare kill my son, but even my cave mansion will break directly, but come here to smoke top grade spirit vein, hahaha…” A funny voice.

Potential shock hit a shiver, and his consciousness turned back, and he saw a light with a man with a great kill plan on his face. Even though he was laughing, he had only killed intent in his eyes.

The Di Jius gang has not arrived yet, and the landscape has returned two days in advance.

Not just a few people standing next to the landscape, Pong knows that the wild Domain Lord’s amazed states, but also the fanatical Half-step Domain Realm Springs, Transforming Truth perfection expert dining.

“Pon Deacon, you really disappointed me.” Pong Pong is sometimes a little bit angry, but it’s actually very creepy, and what flies into a rage has to be slowed down, and he knows better than anyone. It was also not for one drop of water can leak out of the world, and it was not possible to think that today it had done such a big thing.

Who is he? Even if he was the last shock state, Pong would have been guilty, and then he’d come to rob Cave mansion, which was so unpleasant?

Pong Pong is already calm, and he slowed his breath and said, “I didn’t kill him, but I know that even if I hadn’t killed him, it would have killed me.”

The last shocked state’s face is blue, and he snorted that a Life Tribulation Realm cultivator behind him had caught a long-haired youth in the face of a huge extinction. This Life Tribulation Realm cultivator lost his hand, and this long-haired youth has been thrown on the ground by Life Tribulation Realm cultivator.

“Is that you?” The Pong Eye sees this long-haired young man, the fellow who was with Di Jiu, seems to be Sugar today.

“I think you’re a human being, and I’m going to beg your brother to forgive you once, but you don’t fight yourself, even if your brother’s fanatic cabinet chops, you have guts, and the rest of me can’t afford to be such an expert.”

Pong Pong has come to know that he didn’t think he was expecting some mistakes. Xiaozhou will also speak to him in front of the landscape, knowing that he won’t have to…

Pong thought of it as soon as he came here, and he was wrong. Surprise states are just saying pretty things, and if he really grabs Di Jiu here waiting for a great picture, then he’ll still be killed by the remaining shocked states. This beautiful thing in Yuzhou is not about giving him a big hearing, but about being heard. The disappointment of the remaining Surprise states is true, but that disappointment is only because he has done too much to influence the relationship between the remaining shocked states and the landscape, and, after all, he is a soldier of the amazed states.

Fellow Daoist Di.

“Pompelow Daoist, don’t scream. So many people grab my friend and come to my seclusion place and smash my scene, and I’m not blind.” Di Jius’s voice passed, followed out.

The moment Di Jius was seen, his eyes were immediately shrinked, his eyes were staring at Di Jius’s chest, and his eyes were flashing out of fanatics.

Di Jiu immediately understood what was going on, and the father and son must be very sensitive to him. Otherwise, no one else noticed that the father and son were different.

Di Jiu’s eyes are extremely hot for Di Jiu’s chest, and Di Jiu’s heart is not at all, but towards Sugar’s joy.

“AJiu, I’m embarrassed, and I didn’t go away, and I’d rather stay with you.” Sugar said a few blood foams, and obviously he received less torturing after he was caught.

“Who did it to you?” Di Jiu asked a question.

The life Tribulation Realm cultivator angry shouted, and Di Jiu was just like him a Life Tribulation Realm thats all.

If he knew a dozen days ago, Di Jiu was Origin Soul Realm, maybe he wouldn’t have said that.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation open hand grabbed the past, and the Life Tribulation Realm cultivator showed irony in his eyes, trifling a Life Tribulation Realm, like his basin, dared to use his hand to arrest him. Is this a Qi Condensation?

He spiritual sense, trying to sacrifice himself, magical treasure, and then slashed Di Jius’s hands. But the next moment he’s got a shock in his eyes. His whole body seems to be held hostage by Di Jiu, and there is no half-incapacity to move.

Follow Di Jius’s hand already grabbed his neck and put him up like a little chicken. And then Di Jius, the expert of Life Tribulation Realm was directly uprooted by Di Jiu and smashed on the far dark rock ground.

“bang!” Everyone is stagnant, and a Life Tribulation Realm late stage expert was wrecked up by another Life Tribulation Realm cultivator.

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