This is why Di Jiu is already Life Tribulation Realm cultivation base. At this point, Di Jiu concealed strength, Di Jiu was at least a Domain Realm perfection expert, and it was the top Domain Realm perfection. What backyard, Di Jius behind is himself.

Understand that, under the extreme excitement, without the slightest hesitation to save Suu today.

As soon as Sullivan is rescued, Ponzhou grabs one of the best medicinal pills into the mouth of Successive. He was already on the side of Di Jiu, and what he had to do was make Di Jiu happy at this time.

The scene was silent, and even the amazing states found themselves mistaken. Di Jiu, this power, not to say that it’s too big to deal with the rest of his shocked states, even if there’s nothing left to do with it. As to the fact that cultivation base is weaker than some of the fountains and Dibai, it’s more silent.

Before thought Di Jiu was a mirex, that naturally did not prevent them from standing on the side of the landscape. Now Di Jius is less powerful than the rest of the world, and they will continue to be very impressive unless their minds are broken.

If Di Jiu was known to be so strong, he would never have been standing on the front side of the landscape.

He felt throat choking, and he was calm at the moment when he was eager for that corn on Di Jiu.

Di Jiu looked up for something. “Your son killed me. By the way, your dog harbor was crushed by me, and my opinion could be mentioned to me.”

“Fellow Daoist should also be Domain Realm expert, why would he compare with my son’s cultivator, with Void God? And killed my son?” The landscape didn’t dare to start with Di Jiu, and he even hoped he didn’t even come here. Now Di Jiu offered to talk about his son, and he had to answer.

Di Jius is 100 per cent more powerful than he is, and if he joins the amaze states, like Springs and Di Jiu, he should be able to pressure restrain Di Jiu.

Imagine here, the landscape is unbearable, looking for the rest of the surprised states. When he sees the rest of the world, like Springs, and Dibai, it’s like he sees another landscape, he knows that the rest of the world will not stand by him anymore.

Surprise states will not, naturally, stand on the sidelines of the landscape, until it was because of the high value and strength of the landscape, and he chose to abandon the vast Extreme thats all. It is now found that the backyard is so strong that he will not be able to do anything more than join hands with those under his own hands, and it is crucial that it be lost after joining hands.

“So your son wants my stuff, I should have taken my own hands? It’s like you wanted me to have something, and I should put my hands on it?” Di Jiu is a bit cold.

“I really don’t know what dog son is so rude to want from him. This son of a bitch is dead. I apologize to my friend.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, the one who hurt your friend Sugar today, is the one you just killed.”

“Like Springs, you” are in a great hurry, and he can’t imagine the fellow, usually called Brother Doo, giving him blade at this time.

Like the fountain indifferently said, “Your son fought with your wind, and didn’t know how many starry sky wandering cultivator had been maimed at the door. There’s no 1,000 dead in his hand, and there’s 800 more. Anyone who has a little good stuff will have to take it out to your son. Now Diego killed your son, precisely for the wilderness.”

Di Jiu doesn’t even wait to say anything about it, it’s open.

I saw Di Jiu laughing at him, too, and he knew it was hard today, and sophisticated spelling hurt Di Jiu. He wouldn’t believe that after Di Jiu had been injured, the remaining astonishing states and the others would not be there.

A Dao Flame blew up from the splendid chest, and the next moment the whole man was like a flame, and the gravity of the landscape seemed to rise dramatically. A red, purple hammer was also sacrificed, and iron hammer became a hammer, exploded towards Di Jius’s eyes.

Even the Surprise State watched Di Jiu, Di Jiu should be Domain Realm perfection, but Domain Realm perfection, and not be eligible to use his hand to strangle. You know, the landscape is real Half-step Domain Realm expert. Now, Forbidden Technique, Di Jiu, is more incapable of seizing them directly with his hands.

But it is shocking to everyone that the rampant hammer is suddenly in void, as if it was blocked by more powerful forces. Surprise states and the others are well aware of what this is, the power of the region.

The astonishing watched Di Jius printed him, who was held hostage in the Di Jius field. He dignified a Half-step Domain Realm expert, and under Forbidden Technique, he didn’t even have the ability to move in front of Di Jius, which was insane.

Don’t say he’s terrified, the rest of the state and the others are even more frightened. Even Di Jiu is Domain Realm perfection, nor can it be domestically restrained.

“ka cha!” Di Jius’s hand has been pinned on the neck of the landscape, and everyone can hear the sound of the broken neck of the landscape.

“Senior Di, spare life…” has pushed a few words out of the throat sewer, all of which is panic in his eyes. Half-step Domain Realm, another top Array Great Master and Toorefining Grandmaster, even received envied inheritance from all, whose future could be described as flourishing. To let him die in the wilderness, he had 10,000 unhappiness in his heart.

“Want me to wife and children, too, to spare the life?” Di Jiu has once again wrapped up the landscape and fell with strength.

bang! Poor dignified a Half-step Domain Realm expert, or a tool refining Grandmaster, was also killed by Di Jiu’s light.

Even after Di Jiu had concealed cultivation base, he should have been more ambitious than he thought Di Jiu would have killed a Half-step Domain Realm expert.

Sugar, who was rescued by Pong, was even more stupid until this moment, he understood why Di Jiu went into the wilderness. If I knew Di Jiu was so strong, then he was worried about shit.

Di Jiu told him that even if he was working with him and the others, that Di Jiu was not close enough. He even suspected that Di Jiu was not a Cultivation World figure, but, like that fellow, from Upper Realm.

Di Jiu swept the rest of the shock state, indifferently said, “You don’t deserve to be my friend, get lost.”

Once again, brace oneself said to Di Jiu a cup of fist in the other hand, “Before I offended Diego and Diego’s friend, Diego had any blasphemy and disregard, and that Yu was alive. Just one thing I asked Diego…”

Seems to know that he has to say this as soon as possible, otherwise he may not have the opportunity to say it, and the remaining astonishing states say at the fastest rate, “There is a void sea, called Kawakawa, 10 days away from the wild area. Kawakawa came a very mysterious cultivator a few months ago, and he was afraid not to fall short of Diego. When that person came to the Valley, he was dedicated to collecting brilliant irons and ordered Domain Realm expert around Cultivation World to give him how many red irons each person must regularly give him, and if not, dead end one.”

Di Jiu coldly said, “So you want me to help you kill him, and you get out of here.”

“Yes, but Diego, if he needs top grade spirit vein, he can only look for the person. The man has a lot of top grade spirit vein, even a high level of spirit stone than top grade spirit stone, and I suspect it’s Immortal Stone.”

“Take the way.” Di Jiu heard top grade spirit vein, and something higher than top grade spirit stone stone, where there’s a mind to stay here.


only purpose of his visit to the wilderness was to upgrade his strength, and he knew that the high grade spirit stone would be useless when he had used millions of high grade spirit stone. Now he knows where top grade spirit vein is, and even if he’s used by the amazed states, he can’t take care of it.

“Yes, Diego, every one of us has his restriction in order to make us look for a brilliant red iron for him.”

Di Jiu didn’t want to help the rest of the shocked states break the idea of restriction, just to say to Sue today, “Brother Su, I’m going to go to Kawakawa, you?”

“Di Jiu, this is what we got before, you might use it, I’ll…”

Di Jiu is aware that Sulu’s joy has given him brilliant red iron and brilliant crystal, which is a fear that he can’t fight, so let him exchange these things.

Listen to Sugar’s meaning is to leave, and he sends two men killed by him to cultivators ring, and then he says, “Brother Su, come with me.”

This time Di Jiu doubted that he would recover cultivation base and memory, and since that was the case, that would give some benefits to Suu today.

Hear Di Jius, Sugar is happy, and say, “Many thanks to Diet, I’m going to meet Diego.”

With an expert like Di Jiu to meet the world, the joy of Suu is naturally halfway away.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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