In fact, Di Jiu came here to find that there was no valley like his name. Void Sea is indeed one, all around void is Mountain Range, but these Mountain Range are artificially exploited into a top defensive great array.

In the middle of the void Sea, there is also an island with only one building on the island.

There’s nothing outside of this building, and when it comes to this island, it feels how large it is. Although the building was not on the island’s edge, there was little difference. Because on the edge of this building, there are also a variety of protection array.

To the edge of the island is a gateway to incomparable gigantic, even bigger than in the wilderness.

The door is also sculptured on the left, “Welcome starry sky has a rich man.” On the right, “Take the baby around the universe.”

It’s also thats all the way down, and that’s the key to that. Four characters give Di Jiu some words, ‘poor acid.’

This is typical favor of the rich and disdain the poor, but starry sky cultivator is all profitable, so open and aboveboard says it’s not hypocritical.

See Di Jiu watched, the rest of the shocking states on the side were busy saying, “Before that person comes here, this is the best place for the starry sky cultivator deal, where the children are traded, all of whom are expressly traded. And all of them were sold to him, and no resistance was allowed.”

“Since it comes, come in with your brilliant red iron.” Deep down a cold ice sound.

Di Jiu didn’t hesitate, directly crossed the door.

After entering the door, Di Jiu was more particularly impressed by the construction inside. Another stage stretched from the door to the clouds, which seemed to stop. A big building, Di Jiu came in and didn’t find silhouette. There is no complete blind saying that after the man came, all of us here were expelled. A fantastic venue for dealing now becomes a person’s residence.

Di Jiu and the others went to the top of the stage, and that was why they saw a luxury Hall built by Black Jade. Get into Hall, Hall’s empty.

Di Jiu only felt a wave of fluctuations around it, and next minute Hall’s top had a black clothed with a black clothed head of middle-aged man in black crown.

Men seem to be powerful, and Di Jiu felt different cultivating rules on him, and the man should not be Domain Realm, but go beyond Domain Realm’s presence.

Di Jiu has no sense of threat, though his cultivation base has not yet arrived at Transforming Truth.

black clothed man’s eyes were removed from Di Jiu, a little Life Tribulation Realm wasn’t worth his attention, and his eyes fell on the rest of the world and the others, and slightly frowned said, “Surprised states, you just left, and you got another brilliant red iron?”

One cup of fist in the other hand says, “It’s seen Fellow Daoist Yin, brilliant iron I didn’t get, but my friend heard you were too bad here, so I’m going to visit you.”

At this place, the amazingly state never cares about Di Jius again, and he only wants Di Jiu and this black-robed cultivator to spell you out to die, and then he’s his hegemony.

black clothed man was wrinkled, looking at Di Jiu.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “The remaining Domain Lord says you’re boring and says you have a lot of top grade spirit vein and cultivating treasure that exceeds spirit stone, and let me see the world, preferably for use.”

Di Jiu would still be lazy to ignore this fellow if he didn’t give him the drugs. When Yuzhou came here, he was drugged for the first time, hehe, so don’t blame him for borrowing blade to kill.

“You have guts.” Black clothed man on Di Jiu coldly snort, suddenly picked up his hand to the rest of the world. Surprise states are in a hurry, urgent need to run, just soon his forehead is cold sweaty. He thought he was much worse than black clothed man, and he didn’t even have the ability to return.

But now, he really doesn’t even have the ability to return. The area of each other is so strong and strong that he is desperate.

“You did it, you succeeded in letting this young man die. You failed, too, because you died early, and you had the chance to continue looking for me for brilliant iron. Unfortunately, good opportunity you don’t cherish.” Black clothed man just printed Origin Qi’s hand, blackmail the rest of the state into the air.

Xiaozhou didn’t talk, just closed his eyes. With his wisdom, it should not be so urgent to let Di Jiu and others fight. But what if he’s cool enough to let these two fight first? Finally a dead end.

Di Jiu won, definitely won’t help him unlock the restriction. This name wins, just like it will kill him first.

“ka cha!” This black clothed man is like Di Jius, even more terrifying than Di Jius. Di Jiu fell in the neck of Half-step Domain Realm with his hands, and this black clothed man was printed in Origin Qi alone, the real Domain Realm expert in the remaining shock state, and then directly slandered the remaining state.

How come the Hippu universe is different from what they feel?

Di Jiu said to Pong and the other two half Domain Realm expert, “Go ahead, I’ll be here with Suu today.”

Pong has seen that Domain Realm expert has no ability to resist even before Black Clthed Man and has long regretted it. They know Di Jius’s strength, where do you think black clothed man’s strength is stronger than Di Jiu? So when Di Jiu let them go, they almost didn’t even think about it, and they turned around.

Di Jiu watched black clothed man, black clothed man, ready to do it. It’s strange for Di Jiu that after the Pan Pong people left, black clothed man didn’t do it.

“You think I’ll kill them? They’re helping me find a brilliant red iron. Why would I kill? As for that amazed state, I’m going to kill myself when I do my job. You, I want to see how to visit me.” Seems like Di Jiu figured out what black clothed man offered to say.

Di Jiu didn’t crap, grabbed a few quick red crystals and put them in my hands, “What do you say I visit you?”

black clothed man saw Di Jiu have a brilliant red crystal, and his eyes were light, and then his hands were going to grab the brilliant red crystal in Di Jiu’s hands.

Di Jiu’s hand is in a volume, the brilliant red crystal is gone.

black clothed man’s surprising watched Di Jiu, “You’re good, you’re more powerful than Domain Realm, I’m afraid you’re sweeping the whole Cultivation World? And I think you’re familiar. What’s your name?”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “I’m here to trade, brilliant red iron and brilliant red crystal for me more. I need that kind of crystal stone that goes beyond the top grade spirit vein, and Origin Qi.”

“Hahahahahaha…” Black clothed man heard Di Jius talking haha laughing. “You don’t think you’d be able to swim 38185 in Cultivation World cultivating to Fairy realm.

speaking in between them, the swimming brains, 88699; the bull, bald, white, lying.

Di Jiu also picked up his hand slowly, just because he couldn’t even swim to 38214; a little bit of a lie. You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you’re gonna have to go to the wrong place, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, you know, like, you know, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,

“You ignored my Golden Immortal area…” 38174, and the Jealous Monopolis went to the dry clock, and the Valley returned to cure 25164, and pardon me.

Di Jiu could not only ignore his Golden Immortal area, but he was held hostage in the Di Jius area. Di Jius, in his opinion, seems to be less than Transforming Truth Realm, in a paranoid low level area, blocking him with a cruise of 38214;

kacha! It’s not bad for John. It’s bad for John. It’s good.

Cultivation World How can there be such expert?

“I know, you’re Starry Sky Immortal City Lord,” and before you die, you swim the swamp and say “screw.”

“Do you know me?” Di Jiu’s astonished watched, wandering out of the cover.


Di Jiu wrinkled his eyebrows, and he didn’t have a half impression. However, a cultivator from Immortal World came to Cultivation World to kill innocent people arbitrarily, and Di Jiu would not easily bypass. True Origin was throwing in his hand, he was crushed, he was crushed, and the earth was crushed by strong pressure, and the next moment was 38174, and suddenly abetted.

“AJiu, you see Di Jiu squeeze and slander him.”

Di Jiu is just trying to slow down the steel, and he’s got it, like, 34876, 31405, Jiu, 38185, 32498, 32498, male beans, 9515th, good drag, 38412, mystery, 9490900, and we’re spreading the mirex.

“AJiu, I can’t want these things.” Sugar is busy arguing.

Di Jiu slightly smiled, “I have an important thing that doesn’t remember, and once I remember it, it’s not even garbage in my eyes. This time, we want to see each other again, and I’m afraid it’s just Immortal World or even higher World Plane, and you take care of it yourself.”

Di Jiu estimates that this thing should be able to make him cultivating to Domain Realm, and then completely restore his memory and open his own world.

“This…” Sugar was a little late today.

Di Jiu puts things in Suzuki’s hand, “Don’t do that. Go ahead and raise power. I guess you also fled to the wilderness, didn’t have the strength, and finally got murdered. I’m going to find a place for seclusion, and we’ll be seeing each other later.”

After all, Di Jiu has disappeared from here.

“AJiu, many thanks.” Sugar is moving towards Di Jiu’s disappearance, one cup of fist in the other hand, and then swift away.

(Before I get back to power, I merged a chapter, and the rotation ends. Di Jiu will recover its memory and strength and face it again, and the circumstances need to be fixed. There’s only one chapter today, friends. Good night!

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