From the Immortal World entrance to the Big Cloud Blade at Immortal Territory, it was very convenient, just a transmission array, and Di Jiu followed those two Immortal Venerable to the section of the Great Cloud Blade case.

Both Immortal Venerable, who brought Di Jiu here, were still dead, but they should have a chance to return.

The Great Cloud blade Zoolaing Way is extremely ambitious, and Di Jiu just walked out of the transmission array, and saw a brand building in incomparable gigantic. This brand is hanging out there, making Di Jiu somethin ‘.

Other sections are put on the treasure of Sect Posing Way, and the brand upstairs of the Great Cloud blade is crucified by a row of corpse. This is obviously done by the Great Cloud Blade, which is extremely counterproductive to Di Jiu.

When Di Jius looked out of this platoon corpse, he was stuck. His eyes can no longer be removed until blankly stares at one of those corpses, which has been dry for so long.

Di Yue, this is definitely Di Yue.

That was also when Constant Territory Star, every year Di Family was sacrificed, and he was going to worship Di Yue’s image with the rest of Di Family’s brother.

Di Yue, that’s Old Ancestor of Di Family, and Di Family’s only expert who crossed Martial King’s level. Di Family was able to be Aristocratic Family as a soldier because Old Ancestor Di Yue was a real martial artist. Di Yue then entered Great Nirvana Mountain, who was severely injury and then again entered Great Nirvana Mountain, disappeared.

Di Jiu once thought Lesser Central World Di Feixue’s lineage was left by Di Family Old Ancestor Di Yue, just Di Feixue, a woman who was a little disgusting, Di Jiu didn’t like it, so she was lazy to go to Di Family. I didn’t think he saw Di Yue’s corpse here.

Di Jiu believed that he would never be mistaken, which was definitely not a similar issue, but that bloodline aura, and his spiritual sense was felt up there.

Di Jiu was up when Murderous aura was in the eye, Blade in the Great Cloud, killing people and nailing people in the Sect, and it was bullying.

“Who killed Bright Dawn Fairy…” a lousy voice passed along with dozens of Daoist shadows that had already struck huge plaza outside Blade.

Those two Immortal Venerable, who brought Di Jiu up, brought Di Jiu to life, hopefully only to return.

“That’s him.” Two Immortal Venerable also pointed to Di Jiu.

In the front, it was an immortal Emperor late stage expert, who looked at Di Jiu with two masks. The two Immortal Venerable were directly crushed by the Immortal Emperor, who had no room for resistance.

Di Jiu looks like he didn’t see this group of experts, and he fell by Di Yue and put Di Yue on the ground.

When Di Jius touched Di Yue’s dry arm, a warm aura rushed into Di Jius’s body.

body possession? Di Jiu frowned, to his body possession, was a big joke.

But soon Di Jiu knew that it wasn’t body possession, but Di was the purest bloodline. This is an ancient bloodline?

Di Jiu, in his heart violently shaking, he saw the expert of the open day, and naturally knew what the difference between himself and the expert of the open world was? That’s because all he’s doing is cultivating the next day, even if it’s a machine, it’s the expert left behind. Open the bloodline, that’s a natural expert, and it’s a natural advantage.

Di Jiu didn’t even think that they had an open bloodline in Di Family. He doesn’t know who Di Family starts, but whoever it is, the expert left a piece of bloodline down. Later, Di Family, this silly, bloodline was acquired by Di Yue…

That’s why Di Jiu finally understood why Di Family’s ancestors had only Di Yue at the Constant Territory Star cultivating to Martial King level lacking in Spiritual Qi, which was due to the opening of the bloodline.

Di Yue, an expert with an open bloodline, came to the real Immortal World, not to be crucified here.

Di Yue, although killed, did not bury Di’s silk out of the bloodline, but remained tired, waiting for Di Family to come.

“Your Excellency is also an Immortal Emperor, and my daughter is just at the Immortal King level, and your Excellency is an Immortal Emperor who killed me daughter. Just hope that you won’t ask to die.” When Di Jiu slowed up, he saw several Array Master spreading Array Flag, and at the same time several Immortal Emperor expert surrounded him.

Di Jiu understands that the other side did not move immediately, because he feared that he was extremely influential to Escaping Technique, so sealed the surrounding space.

Di Jiu didn’t even intend to leave, but the middle-aged man who watched this conversation said, “I just want to ask, who killed Di Yue, why did you kill him?”

“Do you know Di Yue?” “The middle-aged man across Di Jiu did not answer, but the Immortal Emperor late stage of the white hair was a vibration and even opened a hand.

But when this white outortal Emperor sees the trapping array around it that’s not finished, it’s a recovery of its own hands, but rather a more disciplined eye on Di Jiu, “Who are you Di Yue?”

Di Jiu tranquilly said, “I just want to know how Di Yue died, who was killed.”

“’Cause he did it to my woman Disciple in Blade,” and after that half-sentence, Immortal Emperor couldn’t stand the direct sacrifice of magical treasure, exploded towards Di Jiu.

Trapping Slaughter Array around this moment has been installed, and there’s nothing else to be nice about, Di Jiu, who’s caught today.

See Supreme Elder do it, and the rest of Sect Immortal Emperor do it at the same time, and the surrounding Array Master is all crazy to fall behind Array Flag.

Of the information received, Di Jiu was an Immortal Emperor expert, since it was Immortal Emperor, which naturally started with Immortal Emperor. This time, five Immortal Emperor came up because Di Jiu did too much.

Di Jiu didn’t even look at the magical treasure that five Immortal Emperor bombed simultaneously, and he just stretched his hand to the white haired old man’s neck. At the same time, blade artifact behind him became a blade screen.

the cultivator of the surrounding war was thinking that Di Jiu would be the next dead body to be crucified here, and suddenly Immortal Emperor, who attacked the five giant clouds of Di Jius Blade, was stagnated. As if space and time had stopped in general, five magical treasure moments at the same time had stopped in the air, and five giant cloudblade’s Immortal Emperor’s eyes had been frightened but frightened.

Ohh, pu… Ten blood light breaks up, and Di Jius blade screen has killed three of them Immortal Emperor into two and a half. The surrounding number of Array Master, who is also activating Trapping Slaughter Array, is also in this blade screen for death. The only one who was not killed, besides the Supreme Elder, which Di Jiu stretched his hand, and the Sect Master of the Great Cloud Blade case.

At this point, it is clear to all that not Di Jiu can’t kill, but Di Jiu has intentionally not killed. At this juncture, it is clear to all that the cloud blade is over and the cloud blade, which has always been blade, has finally met hard.

kacha! The great cloudblade Supreme Elder Einariev heard the broken voice of his neck, and he knew it was Di Jius’s hand crushed his neck.

“Senior…” Einarivo struggled to say two words.

Di Jiu ice cold’s voice passed out, “How to kill Di Yue, I’ll give you a chance to return. Otherwise, I’ll call you soul search, you don’t even have a chance to return.”

After that, Di Jiu lost his hand, Einarivo was generally thrown on the ground like garbage.

pu! “Another blade screen exploded from blood mist, and the Great Cloud Master Phil lost his legs and fell next to Einarivo.

“Don’t kill you because you’re Sect Master of the Big Cloud Blade case, maybe this old thing has something you don’t know. If you don’t have the right to enter the wheel, see how much you can answer…” Di Jius sounds like blade jumped into meat, and let Ferver hit a quiver.

Di Jius also lives, and he suddenly felt a creation of the law Aura of the World, which was the bloodline of Di’s integration. He looked up for void, and his heart was getting clearer where the real gap between himself and the transition was.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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