It may not be extreme, but when confined to the universe of the same side, the path is extremely extreme. The importance of the bloodline will be widened indefinitely when all people cultivating to the extreme, and the realm and insights are very small.

Very obviously, the bloodline of the cosmologist is the purest, and in that regard Di Jiu and the transition are far from the same. That is why Di Jiu got one, even when Ninth Dao Principle, was concerned about Di Jiu.

It was Di Jiu himself who didn’t think that Di Family still left such a pure open bloodline.

“Yes, Supreme Elder…” is extremely frightened, or he never thought of it in Immortal Territory, and there are others who can crush the clouds to Blade.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “So you’re no longer worthy.”

“No, no, I know why Supreme Elder counted Di Yue. 300 years ago, the pot Immortal World had a great genius, and he called Di to the woods. When Diego was in love with my Great Cloud Blade Qin Qin, when my Great Cloud Blade’s fantasy was very fond of the Qin, and when he knew that Qin was in love with an outer section disciple, he was angry.”

And here, Ferris swept the eye of Supreme Elder Einariev, and said, “The hallucinations are the doors of Supreme Elder Einariev, disciple, and the Great Cloud blade is naturally very spontaneous.”

Einarivof sighed, watched Faiff said, “Phil, you’re also a Sect Master, and you think that’s what you’re saying, is that people will let you go?”

Di Jiu coldly snort, lift up is a Dao Flame who lost the past.

Ernarivo made a terrible scream, but he was no longer insane or able to earn it from the flame, “senior, kill me, and I would like to say everything.”

“Isn’t your mouth hard? I’ll see if your Origin Spirit is as hard as your mouth is.” Di Jiu, lift his hands out dozens of rules Array Flag, locking Einarivo in it, and letting Einarivo roll in the flame.

Fei and the surrounding people see it all cold, and several surrounding cultivator see it, backward by consciousness, even more quickly when they find Di Jiu ignored their departure.

The Immortal Venerable and Immortal Emperor, together with several large cloudblade people, appear to have withdrawn from Di Jiu without care and to be very careful to leave. It’s just that they just dropped out of 100 feet, and a few blade glow slipped out of their bodies and turned into blood mist.

Fei was lucky to say, “The fantasy has found a ridiculous pretext for holding Qin and raping Qin. When Diego came in, Qin’s dumping had already been exhausted. The hallucinations were going to arrest Diege to Suzu again, and I didn’t expect Diego to kill the two Immortal Venerable late stage, even though it was an Immortal Venerable late stage, with great strength, directly killing the two Immortal Venerable late stage, who guarded the fantasy.

Einarivo heard his disciple was killed, when he was angry. What he didn’t think was that Diego was not a famous generation, and his parents were, likewise, Immortal Emperor expert, the privacy cultivator clan of Immortal Territory. Annaliver immediately changed his strategy when he saw Diego’s parents come, and he offered to apologize for what he said was going to do and kill him. And then he stole all of my Immortal Emperor from Blade, who attacked Divine Artifact and his parents with a low grade of Immortal Sect in the Big Cloud. “

Di Jiu killing plan is growing, and it’s simple to say, and he knows that there must be more in it. His eyes fell on Einarivo and, although Einarivo was still crying, Di Jiu was an open hand, and a drop of blood essence on Einarlifer was captured by Di Jiu.

And then Di Jiu struck out dozens of hands, and then took them into this drop of blood essence, and the entire universe was killed by the blood essence as long as anyone who had anything to do with Einarivo.

“You”, although Origin Soul fleshly body is still burned by the Di Jius fire, Analifer also understands what Di Jiu is doing. Hate in his heart can burn the entire universe. Unfortunately, he can only think about it.

Phil hit another shiver, and this expert is really too hard to see. That means killing. Without Di Jiu pushing, Ferris went on to say, “Diego’s parents were locked up by Einarivo after plot against them. I didn’t think Di Family had an Old Ancestor, called Di Yue. Di Yue came, crazy slaughter. There were 12 Immortal Emperor in the Great Cloud Blade case, after which only six Immortal Emperor remained. But Di Yue died in the clouds of Blade in order to save Di to Sue.”

“Where’s Di Jiu ice cold?”

“Di Yue is too strong to hide. He forcibly tore away void domain of Immortal Territory and let Di escape.”

Di Jiu waved his hand, covered the flame on Einariev, and said, “Come on, what you found on Di Yue, seeing me and Di Yue meet so happy.”

“I found the ancient bloodline, Di Yue had an ancient bloodline, and when he rescued Di to the woods, he transferred it to Diego. So I heard you and Di Yue were familiar, trying to find Di to Suzu through you.” Annaliver knew that there was no need for concealment at this time, to be honest.

Di Jiu understands that the Di’s ancient bloodline that you get is just one of the ten ingredients, 90 per cent of which should be Di Yue transferred to Di Yue and then let Di go to the woods. As for the reason why a far-reaching bloodline had been left, Di Jiu estimated that there were two possibilities, first, that Di Yue could not completely transfer the bloodline to Di Yue and, second, that Di Yue feared that Di would be chased to the woods, leaving a clue.

Einarivo looked everywhere for Di Yue, but he didn’t know that Di Family’s ancient bloodline was on his own, or that Di’s brother didn’t even realize it.

“Qin has a family friend in the Great Cloud Blade?” Di Jius has a bit of a whisper.

Fei heard Di Jiu whispered some tongues, but now Di Jiu asked, and he only replied, “The mother of Qin is one of my big clouds blade’s Immortal Emperor Elder’s murder, Qin has been very isolated since she was a kid, has been exam and rarely returned to Sect, so she doesn’t have any friends.”

“Good.” Di Jiu open hand punched down.

The boxing peak was transformed into a sponged wave, exploded towards a big cloud blade. The murderous aura of Immortal Territory seems to have been rolled over by Di Jiu this fist, and then joined together at the Di Jius Peak in the exploded towards the Great Cloud blade.

bang bang bang bang! The Great Cloud Blade is a barrel of explosives and blew up under Di Jius fist. The restored Sect Building has become dust, and countless Sect Disciple has no chance to escape at this moment.

under that fist, it’s true that the “palace” has become dust.

Flower opens his mouth, and he’s full of fear and panic. Not until he sees it again, Di Jiu has picked up his neck and threw him into that wild boxing wave.

Far away from the cultivator, which is still on the sidelines, is all cold. This means of action is almost the second giant cloud blade.

“You, the expert of my Great Cloud Blade will not let you go…” Analyver’s body burned by fire for a while, but he’s still in his heart with drop of blood. Patriarch inheritance, Sect inheritance or something, not now.

Di Jiu raised his feet, and Einarivo was like a shell, and was thrown into the ridges and peaks waves by Di Jiu, and suddenly became ashes.

When Di Jius this fist divine ability is dispersed, the pound of blade, which has become a ruin.

Di Jiu went out again and a giant pit appeared in the middle of the cloud blade.

Di Jiu hand one, a bunch of brilliant red irons that he refining became a giant coffin. And then Di Jiu was a belt, and Di Yue’s corpse fell in that giant coffin. Next moment, Di Jiu sent his hands, and the coffin was sent by Di Jiu into the mass graves of the Great Cloud Blade.

Shortly, Di Jiu turned the cloud blade into a grave. Before the grave, Di Jiu refined a giant cemetery, with only four characters, ‘Di Yue’s tomb’.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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