Di Jiu watched was surrounded by a deserted yellow land, closed his eyes and had some enthusiasm and enthusiasm in his heart.

That’s where he crossed Bridge of Reincarnation, and then through Bridge of Reincarnation into the wheel.

Dao Rhyme aura spreads from the bottom of Di Jius, and then gradually strangles Di Jiu in it. Shortly several breaths of time, there was a black Reincarnation Wooden Bridge in void.

Di Jius landed on Bridge of Reincarnation, and suddenly he felt that Bridge of Reincarnation seemed to be somewhat different from before. Bridge of Reincarnation is becoming clearer and slowly extended to Di Jius under the foot.

Di Jiu breathed deep and raised his feet across Reincarnation Wooden Bridge.

One step, two steps…

As Di Jiu moves towards Bridge of Reincarnation, his silhouette is getting smaller and finally transforming into nothingness. Bridge of Reincarnation remains in void and falls on the crushed yellow land.

Maybe it’s been a dozen rounds, maybe just a moment, at the other end of Bridge of Reincarnation, Di Jius silhouette slowly appeared, and then a vague outline.

As Di Jiu approached the other side of Bridge of Reincarnation, his silhouette was also becoming clearer and clearer.

When Di Jius’s feet were once again on this wrecked yellow land, he was back when he entered Bridge of Reincarnation. The only difference is that his arm is finished now.

Di Jiu’s hand has risen, and there is already an additional blue cultivator suit. There has been no movement of cultivation base, which is now perfection.

Di Jiu touched the corn of his chest, and he was like having a dream, and when he came back from Bridge of Reincarnation, he was awake. But he knows very well that it’s not a dream, it’s a real turn back. Back on the road, Mr. Cao had refined his Dao Heart.

But is his Dao Heart really perfect? Cao Cao’s gone, and even one more, let him hang up with the old Diego. At least so far, he doesn’t know whether he wants to go back to the first world to perfect Dao Heart’s right or wrong. Cao, like him, doesn’t know.

Sitting, Di Jiu an open hand, Bridge of Reincarnation fell in his heart.

No, Di Jiu caught Bridge of Reincarnation and felt wrong immediately. His control and seriousness over Bridge of Reincarnation are far more lucrative than before.

He used Bridge of Reincarnation’s enemies before, and one was really strong enough for him, and he couldn’t handle Bridge of Reincarnation. The second is a general opponent, and he doesn’t have to use Bridge of Reincarnation.

However, he had previously taken control of Bridge of Reincarnation and had never felt so much about the profits now, which was definitely not the reason for the promotion of cultivation base.

Di Jiu immediately remembered the wrecked Origin Soul, who was captured from Bridge of Reincarnation, who didn’t know how many years he had been in Bridge of Reincarnation, why did he not know who he was and when he was repressed into Bridge of Reincarnation?

Di Jius’s thoughts are integrated into Bridge of Reincarnation, where’s remnant soul aura in Reincarnation? Even if so, under his first reading, Bridge of Reincarnation was completely clean, how could he be captured from Bridge of Reincarnation in a few years later?

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, he hides some clarity. He should have never had complete control over Bridge of Reincarnation, because Bridge of Origin Soul of Reincarnation.

So, Origin Soul, Bridge of Reincarnation, doesn’t know how old it is, how much terrifying can exist?

He didn’t mean to help a terrifying presence, and Di Jiu could have thought of that crumbling Origin Soul, who had been saved by him, would have come to him for the first time after he had taken back his head. Finding him naturally is not a reward, but a Bridge of Reincarnation in his hand.

Di Jiu waved, Bridge of Reincarnation fell in his Sea of Consciousness.

Take his Bridge of Reincarnation, hehe, I’m afraid that fellow has not yet gone to his Bridge of Reincarnation, and he’s not going to go to the door. He wouldn’t believe that he would not follow the whereabouts of the Tibetan. It’s just weird that fellow returns with his cocktail and doesn’t go to the door.



Di Jius had a long time of leprosy in his head, and he thought there was a very serious sense of crisis when the name could not be crossed.

The perennial sense of crisis has left Di Jiu with no half-thought, and he has no rule of the slightest hesitation, Escaping Technique, from the original report, and then has not stopped tearing void off at half a point, and then the whole person goes into void.

Almost at the next moment of Di Jiu escape, Di Jiu’s location showed up a man with a cactus bone. The man grabbed his hand in Di Jiu’s vanished position, then closed his eyes, just for a moment, and he said, “Bridge of Reincarnation? How did Bridge of Reincarnation show up? No, no.”

After two words, the man of the fairy skull shined, followed by a position where Di Jiu ripped off the void space. Then your hands ripped off void space and then crossed into it.

But he didn’t keep chasing, even if it was him, and then he completely lost Di Jius aura.

“No, you lost it?” A slow Slowly Sound passed, and with the sound and the fat walker who couldn’t afford to play before it.

Not so much nodded, “lost, but I found Bridge of Reincarnation aura. Did you say that Di Jiu got Bridge of Reincarnation and then went back with Bridge of Reincarnation instead of using my head back?”

Fat walker also wrinkled his eyebrows, shaking his head after a long time, “This should not be possible unless he recognized you as a fugitive. First Di Jiu doesn’t even know what you’re gonna do to him. How can you guess you’re on the run? Second, your penis are apparently used, and who can give them back to someone like that? And here, besides Di Jiu, no one is entitled to use your back whistle. Unless Di Jiu did not use his back here, he left the world behind.”

No, I’m sure Di Jiu used it here. “

Fat Walker laughed, “What else is so hesitant to see his wheel domain, just check it out.”

Not sighed, “Just hate that old man, and if it wasn’t that old fellow, the five Elements spacecraft in the universe was under my control. Little one of the ants can’t leave me.”

Fat Walker laughed, “That’s a good thing, and if the five Elements spacecraft is not covered, you know that old road, he knows you as well.”

Di Jiu stopped, and he felt a cold sweat behind his back, and he must have stopped staring at him. There was only one joy in his heart, and if he came out of Bridge of Reincarnation later, he would be dead and would not have stopped him.

He is now perfection, Di Jiu. He’s sure he’s not going anywhere, and he’s supposed to be a big cut. It’s a feeling, there’s no reason.

In any event, he cannot let the transition know where he is before he has entered the third step. But where is he going to prove the Dao Step 3?

Visiting the mountains? He and the ferry knew that the leaf peak went to the mountains, and it was likely that it would be for the third step. Di Jiu, however, felt that the third step of the mountain, prove the Dao, was inappropriate to him and that he even felt that the mountains were dangerous and that it was likely to be the way out of the Five Elements universe.

chaos? The tyranny was in the chaos community, and he had to save the tracks with a sealed envelope.

Yellow Heaven Beyond the Heaven should have nothing to do, and he better not go back now. It’s not a joke to be watched by such people. It’s not like that, expert. People’s lives are all ants in his view, and they say they’re crazy. Even if you do not fear him, once he’s beaten up, he’s afraid he’ll destroy the Heaven Beyond Heaven. He’s different from the journey, and the pathways are completely different, and he has too many ties.

Di Jiu sighed, he didn’t have a place to go. Shake your head, Di Jiu decided to lose Dao Realm and to lose Dao Realm and bring back the curtain of the business secret. But before he lost Dao Realm, he was going to find Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water. With his current strength, finding Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water should have little problems.

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