With Di Jiu’s current cultivation base, back to Dao Realm, just tear up a few void domain. There is absolutely no need to pass the same market as before, and then through the void Sea.

When Di Jiu ripped Dao Realm domain, under the foot was a big lake. This big lake he knew, looking for the lake. He planted a great array outside the lake when he ripped domain in accordance with his aura, and then returned to the lake.

The lake was also called lost Lake Dao Realm, and when Di Jiu cultivation base was weak, it was not fear of the lake, and it was naturally even more do not fear.

Di Jiu opened Dao Eye, looking for tens of thousands of miles across the lake in Dao Eye.

A pair of Qingyi flies from the Di Jius vision, and Di Jiu remembers the Qingyi that was saved by himself. That pair of Qingyi got his ring, and the power should be far more than the rest of Qingyi.

“Fellow Daoist Di…” a weak voice came out of the spiritual sense that Di Jiu was aware of, but when he saw the surrounding situation, he understood that it was one of his own True Spirit World.

Di Jius spiritual sense immediately fell in True Spirit World, and laughed said, “Oldman, look like you’re all right.”

The only one after another cultivator from the building door was initially forbidden by the heavens and earth law, almost crushed by Heaven and Earth Law, or Di Jiu took action to save the fellow’s life.

Now, look at the situation of 100 workers, it takes a long time to recover completely. Said he’d recovered, but only that little life had been saved. Now he’s barely able to communicate for a while, that’s a good thing.

A hundred workers, obviously, are still weak and see how terrifying the earth is forbidden. This is Di Jiu, Di Jiu just remembered a Dao Principle, otherwise there is no one in the universe who can save hundreds of workers.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I aura is too weak to talk to you about something very important.” ”After 100 workers say breathe and keep saying,” I can’t talk for a long time, so I’m anxious to say now because I’m worried you’re here for the third step of the Dao. “

Di Jiu doubted, “Did I not prove the Dao Step 3, waiting for someone else to become stronger?”

“No, you’re on the third step of the Five Elements universe prove the Dao, even stronger, but only five Elements. After entering the building door, the expert is too terrifying…”


seems that the terrifying fellow, the millionaire said that when he came here, the consciousness hit a quiver.

Di Jiu did not intervene, and he knew that the 100 workers were trying to tell something important, otherwise the hundreds of workers should now need to be restored.

“Five Elements are the strongest in the universe, but not by his disciple plot against it, but the stranger is not the same. The man is not the same. He can make the world, he’s still not enough. Five Elements, the Project Dao of the Universe, can only be called five Elements.”

Hundreds of workers have been breathing a few times, and they haven’t said it again. He had to worry that once Di Jiu was shot, he was still a dead word. He can come from the five Elements universe alive, and that’s not a simple thing to let him die right now, but he can’t.

Di Jiu has understood what a hundred workers mean, that’s Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe, all of which are as nailed as they are. Even if he was ever stronger in the five Elements universe, he couldn’t get rid of the framework of the five Elements universe.

Di Jiu also failed to explain that the first transition was not sure that it was alive, and that second his cultivation technique had already exceeded the five Elements universe, and that he cultivating was his own Grand Dao rule, and that he would build the World’s own rules after the third step.

It’s just that he didn’t find the place where the world could be built, and as long as he found the opportunity, he would build his own world in its entirety and enter the border. So the concerns of the hundreds of workers are redundant.

Who is the man who says his old demon also raised the word “demon”? When he looked at Di Jius, he knew Di Jiu didn’t care about him at all. And he said, “Fellow Daoist Di, if you have to believe me, you can only get rid of the five Elements cosmic prove the Dao, whatever you testify to, and you can’t get out of the five Elements universe, and you will be crushed. I work too low, but I understand.”

A hundred workers closed their eyes, continued cultivating therapy wounds, and the earth was forbidden to override terrifying.

Di Jiu heard that, but the eyes were jumping. He cultivating is his own Grand Dao Law, and he’s right, but even if he cultivating is his Grand Dao Law, he will not be able to get completely out of the five Elements universe as long as he crosses the third step, or if he is affected by Dao Principle of the Five Elements universe.

“Many thanks.” Di Jiu, a cup of fist in the other hand, took out a therapeutic trauma to 100 workers.

“Dao Fusion Fruit!” The crowded fruit, without the slightest hesitation, was swallowed. Even if he cultivating to today, the fruits have not been seen, and Di Jiu gave him a joint fruit. Di Jiu is not a simple person.

This fruit was also obtained by Di Jiu in the universe, when he was treated as a private item by Kiki Yu Yu, and he took some, the rest of which he feeds back to the universe.

If you’re a hundred workers, make him feel a little more vigilant. He didn’t think about where the prove was the third step of the Dao, but he didn’t want to leave the Five Elements universe to prove the Dao third step. If he wants to prove the Dao’s third step, he’d better leave the Five Elements universe.

As if it was carved white glow, from Di Jiu under the foot volume, was transformed into an empty space for exploded towards Di Jiu.

Di Jiu was surprised that even if his Escaping Technique was already the universe, he was still sweeping through the white glow and rolling a blood mist.

Great, Di Jiu secretly exclaimed. If it was carved space in the lake, I’m afraid it was terrifying, when he didn’t see it, and if it was carved when he crossed the lake, would he live today?

With his power now, if it wasn’t a quick escape, I’m afraid it would have been torn apart by the carved space.

as if it was carved space tore apart, thousands of feet of giant waves came over, Di Jiu fell in a wave of flowers, and then Dao Eye opened it completely. When he was at his breeding avenue, he was looking for the lake, and now he’s perfection, and he wants to swallow his Di Jiu, as if it’s carved space.

Under Dao Eye, Di Jiu was surprised to see a black palace at the bottom of the lake. The palace is sealed by a great array of water, and it looks like the imposing way is a pound.

Di Jius Dao Eye crossed the puddle and surprised him to nail a Qingyi outside this palace. This Qingyi doesn’t know how long it took to be nailed, but Di Jiu recognised that this Qingyi was one of the ones he saved.

Di Jiu also knew for the first time that there was a palace at the bottom of the lake. He almost didn’t think about it, and went directly into the bottom of the lake.

Qingyi is in the opposite direction, and this one is killed, and the other is supposed to be killed in theory. And Qingyi is precious, and if cultivator captures Qingyi, it will never be crucified outside the Black Palace in this way.

bang! Di Jiu’s feet fell outside the palace, and one punch went down.

“ka cha!” The great array of water outside was torn apart by Di Jiu this fist, and the lake was rolled out of Hall, Di Jiu an open hand, and this crucified Qingyi fell in his heart.

Is it Origin Qi who was deprived of his soul? Di Jiu snort, sent Qingyi into Ninth World, and his eyes fell in black Hall. He wanted to see which pervert cultivator had deprived the soul of Qingyi, Origin Qi cultivating, and nailed Qingyi outside cave mansion.

When that group of Qingyi became friends, he discovered today that one was crucified and that the other must be bode ill rather than well.

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