What's going on?

Everyone thought it was strange.

Lin Bei was also curious and felt that there was excitement again. He quickly stood up and followed a few people to the door.

"Captain Chen, what are you doing here?" Bai Qiong asked.

But Chen Xuan remained silent and raised his arms tremblingly.

Point to the yard.

Everyone took a look and their eyes also became astonished.

Because in the middle of the yard.

There stood a huge old sow, as big as a rhinoceros.

But the most surprising thing is.

This old sow was actually covered with human facial sarcomas.

Densely packed.

Each one is about the size of a fist, one next to the other, some even stacked on top of each other, and all have facial features.


Everyone gasped, their scalps felt numb, and they were almost suffering from trypophobia.

Bai Qiongxiu covered her mouth with her hands.

My stomach was churning.

I was so sick that I almost vomited.

"What a fucking crime!"


The tall sow roared, her body smelling foul, then kicked her legs and ran straight into several people.

Boom! Boom!

With its footsteps, the earth trembled.

Like a running locomotive.

"This pig is so big!"

Lin Bei was amazed in his heart, seeing this big old sow for the first time.

At the same time, he ducked to the side.

But Bai Qiong and others moved quickly and got out of the way in an instant.

Only Chen Xuan's limbs were stiff.

He stood there blankly.

Moreover, he is the primary target of this big sow.


Chen Xuan was knocked hard and his body flew back, like a kite with its string broken, and fell back into the house with a thud.

"Good guy!"

Lin Bei scratched his head.

It feels like we can have a seat...

The big sow showed off her power and ran rampant in the yard, chasing Bai Qiong and others.

In the face of absolute power, their attack methods failed and they could only flee in confusion.

Although the big sow is wide and fat.

But it's not slow yet.

This made several people complain repeatedly.


Bian Mingjun shouted.

He was awakened to the plant system, but his speed was a weakness, and he was soon overtaken by Big Sow.


Bian Mingjun was fucked by a big sow.

The big sow knocked over another person, feeling somewhat complacent.

Keep looking for the next target.

Turning around, he saw a young man squatting on the ground, staring at him curiously.

And pointed.

"One sarcoma...two sarcomas...three sarcomas...four...oh, there are too many, check them out, it's so annoying!"


The big sow glared fiercely. This human being was not afraid of him and was still checking the numbers?

It kicked the ground with its hind legs.

It seems to be full of horsepower.

Then, like an arrow from a string, he quickly rushed towards Lin Bei.

"Lin Bei! Be careful!"

Bai Qiong and others were anxious.

Because Lin Bei is not an awakened person and his physical fitness is just that of an ordinary person.

If you are hit by a sow... it is equivalent to a car accident.

On the other hand, look at Lin Bei.

Rather leisurely, Youyou stood up, pulled out a water gun from his waist, and pointed it directly at the running big sow.

【bite! The system is enhanced, and the water gun becomes an enchanted energy cannon! 】


Lin Bei pulled the trigger and saw a laser fired out.

Hit the sow with precision.

This energy cannon was so powerful that it caused the entire sow to explode, and the minced meat was directly burned into black ash under the intense high temperature.

The big sow that was originally showing off its power turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Completely disappeared...


Lin Bei blew on the muzzle of the gun which was not smoking at all.

Bai Qiong and others were stunned.

Then came a surprise.

The originally troublesome big sow was solved so easily by Lin Bei.

"Cow wow cow wow!"

"As expected of our Director Lin."


Wang Hu gave a thumbs up.

Bian Mingjun breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up limpingly. This mutant monster was too threatening to him.

And Chen Xuan also climbed up from the ruins.

And dusted himself off.

It's like nothing happened, no injuries at all.

Originally, Lin Bei thought he was going to have a meal, and felt very strange.

"Why are you okay?"

"Heh, a monster like this also wants to hurt me?"

Chen Xuan dusted himself off.

Bai Qiong stepped forward and explained.

"Captain Chen is an awakened beetle. His ability is to harden his skin and his defense is very strong. To put it simply, he can resist beatings!"

"Oh, that's a bit of a pity..."

Lin Bei spread his hands and said.

Chen Xuan continued to brag.

"Mutated monsters of this level pose no threat to me at all. I'm too lazy to take action. It's best to give me a stronger opponent."

"Captain, is this the reason why you lie on the ground and pretend to be dead until now?"

Bian Mingjun exposed his old ways.

But before Chen Xuan could boast, footsteps could be heard outside the hospital.

Apparently many villagers are approaching here.


There was a faint roar among them.

Chen Xuan's action of beating the dust immediately stopped, and his face became extremely pale again.

He obviously had something in mind.

"Team...Captain, the stronger opponent you want may be here." Bian Mingjun said.

But Chen Xuan was in no mood to joke with him.

"Will all the villagers here... turn into monsters?"

"Why don't you go out and take a look?"

Bai Qiong suggested.

Chen Xuan shook his head repeatedly.

Now the monster is approaching the yard, and it's too late to run.

"Quick, quick, let's hide first."

Several people looked around, looking for a place to hide.

Chen Xuan jumped into a large water tank and closed the lid.

Wang Hu and Bai Qiong hid in the house.

Lin Bei looked.

This is the hide-and-seek stage...

He turned and got into the straw stack next to him, very secretly.


Lin Bei had just hidden when the gate was broken open.

A fierce aura came suddenly.

I saw the door.

One by one, black-haired monsters walked in.

Sure enough.

All the villagers here were parasitized.

Not only that, there were also various livestock, chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, etc., all with tumors on their bodies, and they were obviously controlled by it.

Lin Bei even saw a mouse crawling out of the corner.

Its head was replaced by a tumor on the human face.

It made a squeaking sound from its mouth.

It made people feel sick.

A group of ferocious monsters wandered in the yard and began to search for human breath.

Lin Bei looked up.

He found that Bian Mingjun did not hide, but half-crouched in the corner.

His hands and feet turned into roots and stuck into the soil.

And he kept muttering in his mouth.

"I am a grass... I am a grass... I am a grass... I am a grass..."

This is one of his abilities, called: Plant Hiding.

It can temporarily block the human breath, and in the eyes of low-level monsters, it is no different from a plant.

Sure enough.

Several monsters passed by it.

They did not attack.

It seemed that they really regarded it as a grass.


Lin Bei exclaimed in his heart.

But not long after, a big black dog with a tumor on its neck came over leisurely.

And it seemed to be in a hurry to pee, so it walked straight towards Bian Mingjun.

Bian Mingjun's face darkened.

He had a vague sense of foreboding.....

Then, he felt his shoulders sink, and the big black dog's hind legs came up directly.

"I... I... Shit!!"


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