Lin Bei was like a hero riding on a colorful cloud, easily killing the perverted monster and saving the girl from despair.

The words ‘I’m here to save you’…

make people feel safe. As long as they are by his side, they will never be in danger.

The girl lowered her head shyly. ✫❋

“Can we… add each other on QQ?”

But for a long while.

No one responded.

Because when the girl raised her head again, there was nothing in front of her.


Where are the people?


Zhao Jiufeng took a sip of wine alone, and his expression was still very enjoyable.

Lin Bei walked into the house slowly.

He sat back in his chair.

In fact, from the time he left to the time he came back, the total time was no more than ten minutes.


Zhao Jiufeng smiled with a mouthful of alcohol, “You came back pretty fast.”


Lin Bei nodded, but his eyes were distracted and his body shook again.

After a moment, he fell asleep on the table with a snap.

Lin Bei slept very soundly and had a dream.

In the dream, there was a beautiful woman who gently stroked his forehead and handed him a bag of spicy strips.

Lin Bei was very happy and started to eat the spicy strips, but they were very hard and he couldn't chew them.

So he chewed them hard.

When he woke up from the dream, he found that half of his grandpa's mat was almost eaten away...

"Puh, puh, puh!!"

Lin Bei spit a few times.

"Grandson, wake up, come and drink some water, you drank too much yesterday." Zhao Jiufeng brought a big teacup.

Lin Bei scratched his head.

There was still a strong smell of white wine in his nose.

But he couldn't remember what happened.

He only remembered that he drank three glasses of wine, and then he had no impression.

He looked at the sky.

It was already morning.

He had been sleeping since yesterday evening until now.

A full fifteen or sixteen hours.

"Grandpa, I have to go back. I haven't caught all the bugs in the city yet. I'll come back to see you when I'm free."

Lin Bei gulped down a few sips of water, put down the teacup, and turned to leave.

Zhao Jiufeng waved his hand.

"Hehehe, let's go, I won't see you off!"


Lin Bei drove back to the city alone.

I found that the major blockades had been lifted, and everyone was busy cleaning the streets, picking up scrapped vehicles, and reinstalling street shops.

"Huh? The bugs are gone?"

"How come everything is fine?"

Lin Bei looked at the convenience store on the street, and the owner had returned.

This means.

He can't go in and take it directly...

So, he had to stop the car, take out a one-dollar coin, and buy two bags of fifty-cent spicy strips.

Open the package and eat.

At this moment.

His dream came true!

So happy....

Later, Lin Bei came to the Supernatural Bureau and found a large group of people gathered at the entrance, including many reporters, who were taking pictures with their cameras.

"Excuse me, Director Zhao, how did you eliminate the parasites?"

"Uh... this is... anyway... through everyone's concerted efforts."

Director Zhao hesitated.

How did he know how the parasites disappeared?

But he was still very happy, as a major issue that he had no clue about was solved so easily.

"Hello, Director Zhao, I heard from the rescued people that there was a heroic lawful person who killed the terrifying monster. Who is it?"

"Well, this... is... everyone involved in this matter has worked very hard. Everyone is a hero, and it can be regarded as a concerted effort."


Zhao Hong was blocked at the door and stuttered during the interview.

The reporters were confused and felt that his answer was irrelevant.

Because the rescued survivors said that there was only one hero, who was extremely handsome, and it was easy for him to kill monsters, and he also killed two members of the exile organization.

He was extremely powerful!

Lin Bei didn't intend to pay attention to them. He carried his spicy noodles and walked to the supernatural power bureau alone.

"Wait a minute, it's him! He is the hero who saved us!" Suddenly a girl shouted.

In an instant.

Everyone looked at him.

I saw a young man with spicy noodles in his mouth, messy hair, just got up and didn't wash his hair, and there were mat fragments in his hair...

In terms of appearance, he was quite handsome.

But there was no trace of a strong man on him.

"Did he kill the monster?"

"I don't think so."

"Queshi! Why does he eat spicy noodles? And it's 50 cents..."


Everyone talked about it.

Even the girl was slightly stunned.

Because it was not like this yesterday....

The clear eyes and warm smile made her unforgettable in her life.


The girl still picked up a bunch of flowers and a banner, ran over hurriedly, and said with hope in her eyes.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me yesterday."

"Who are you?"

Lin Bei did not take the flowers and banner, and replied inexplicably.


The girl was stunned and stood there in a daze.

Don't you recognize me?

At this moment, she began to doubt herself, whether she recognized the wrong person.

"Hey? By the way, you are not twins? Do you have an older brother or a younger brother?"

"I don't have an older brother or a younger brother, but I have Xiao Latiao."

Lin Mei shook the spicy stick in his hand, showed off, and then walked into the supernatural bureau without looking back.


Everyone was left at the door, messy in the wind.

" doesn't look like the monster he killed."

"Yes, yes, there is another hero."

"I think the girl was frightened and her brain hasn't recovered yet."


Lin Bei returned to the Superpower Bureau and took a shower first, feeling refreshed.

Dahuang is waiting for him in the lounge.

"Hey, Director Lin, you're back. You must have killed that monster, right?"


Lin Bei shook his head and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Because we heard from the rescued people that the person who killed the monster was very handsome. I thought about it carefully. If it's not me, then it must be you." Huang Kai spread his hands.

Not only did he lick Zhang Xiaoman, he even licked himself...

Maybe this is the highest state of dog licking...

Lin Bei didn't care.

"I went to my grandpa's house yesterday and drank too much. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until this morning."


Huang Kai's old face was very surprised.

It seems that the invincible Director Lin also has a weak point. His drinking capacity is not very good... I'd like to ask him for a drink if I have time...

After the parasite was eliminated, Jiangbei City began reconstruction work, counting the number of casualties and the amount of damage.

The most important thing is.

There was also a group of awakened people who took advantage of the chaos to commit violence. After order was restored, they hid and fled.

This is a major safety hazard and is a sequelae of monster disasters.

It must be dealt with as soon as possible.

As for the people, one after another, they continued to send banners and flowers to the Superpower Bureau, and they almost piled up into a hill.

It's approaching noon.

A pair of twin sisters also came to give banners to Lin Bei and others, and even said... that they would treat them to dinner...


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