No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 592 Recording a Statement

"Oh, it seems that it was indeed an accident."

"Oh~~ It's so tragic, how could such a thing happen?"

The people sighed and expressed deep regret.

Gu Anran's pretty face was stunned, and she turned to look at Lin Bei, and found that he lied without blinking....

At this time.

There was a roar in the sky, and several aircraft landed, and law enforcement officers in uniform walked out.

The leader was a fat man named Xia Xingguo. Although he had not solved a case in ten years, he was still known as the most famous crime-solving expert.

He had just received a report from the public, so he rushed here immediately.

Behind them, there was a group of reporters, holding cameras and taking pictures.

"What happened?" Xia Xingguo walked up and asked.

"Officer Xia, you are finally here. The mechanical guard of the mall exploded and killed two people." An enthusiastic citizen said.

Xia Xingguo walked up and the scene was indeed horrible.

He looked up at Lin Bei and the dusty Gu Anran.

"Are you two witnesses?"

"Witnesses? Yes, we are witnesses."

Lin Bei replied.

Xia Xingguo nodded.

"Okay, don't be afraid, can you briefly tell me what happened?"

"Yes, you can, the story is..."

Lin Bei pondered for a moment, his eyes showing a thoughtful look, "Lv Donglai came to repair the robot, but his skills were not good enough, and the robot blew up, he was killed, and a shopping guide was implicated."

"It blew up???"

Xia Xingguo's face was full of question marks, repairing a robot can also make it explode? It feels outrageous.

Gu Anran took out his internship certificate from the research institute and said, "I... We are also from the research institute. We happened to see Mr. Lu repairing a robot, so we wanted to learn from him. Unexpectedly, he blew up the robot after repairing it. Yes... That's it."

"So, you are Professor Lu's students? Then he had an accident, you should be very sad, right?"

Xia Xingguo looked at the two of them and felt that their expressions were not right.

"We are very sad."

Lin Bei turned his head and looked at Gu Anran, "You said you were sad, cry quickly."

"Wuwuwuwuwu~~~ Mr. Lu, you are so young, how could you just die like this? What should your students do! Wuwuwuwuwu~~~"

After experiencing this kind of thing, Gu Anran wanted to cry a long time ago, but she had been holding back, and took this opportunity to cry.

She was very sad with snot and tears.


Xia Xingguo was speechless, always feeling that something was wrong, and this incident was very strange.

Why were Lu Dong and the shopping guide killed in the explosion, but these two people were safe and sound?

In addition... the location of the explosion is also very strange.

Why is it in the fitting room? Did the robot change clothes? ? ?

However, he hoped more than anyone that this was just an accident. If a vicious incident occurred in his jurisdiction, he would be dismissed.

"Okay, please come back to the bureau with me and take notes of what you just said."

"Do you provide meals?"

Lin Bei asked.

"Well... yes, you can provide them."

Xia Xingguo was slightly stunned.

Hearing this, Lin Bei agreed.

Then, they boarded the aircraft and followed Xia Xingguo to the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Since Tianshu City has good public security, it is not busy here. It is well organized and mostly civilian workers.

Xia Xingguo brought the two people to his office. There was a robot next to them to take notes for them.

"Okay, tell me what happened before again, don't leave out any details."

"Oh... OK."

Gu Anran recalled, but she must not say it differently than before...

In fact, she is very guilty now, but as a scientific researcher, she is rigorous in work and thoughtful in thinking, so it is not difficult to deal with this matter.

Then, she began to repeat it clearly and orderly.

Lin Bei looked around and found two portraits of wanted criminals hanging on the wall of the office.

One of them is a rock giant, tall and imposing, even the photo makes people feel oppressive.

The other one is a young man with a handsome face and short hair standing up, but the most eye-catching thing is that his right hand is a mechanical arm.

The young man sat on the shoulder of the rock giant, exuding a sense of ruffian.

The more Lin Bei looked, the more he felt that the mechanical arm was a little familiar.

"Hey, who is that disabled person?"

"Disabled person?"

Xia Xingguo raised his head, his eyes showing surprise.

"How dare you say that! They are the famous wanted criminals, the interstellar hunter Lolank, and the giant, Eric, and you actually call them disabled?"

"They have lost their arms, so they are disabled, right?"

Lin Bei was just stating a fact.

"......." Xia Xingguo was full of black lines on his face. If they insisted on saying that, he couldn't refute it.

"These two people are very cruel. They have been wandering around the planets for years, burning, killing and looting. As long as they are paid, they can do anything. Moreover, they were once imprisoned in the sealed land. Guess what happened in the end?"

"Escaped?" Lin Bei said.


Xia Xingguo slapped his thigh and said with an exaggerated expression: "They can escape from the sealed land. They are serious criminals who have escaped from prison. Just think about it... How terrifying is that?"

"It's really amazing to be able to escape from the sealed land."

Lin Bei agreed very much.

Listening to his words, Xia Xingguo suddenly realized that something was wrong.

How did he know that Lolank had escaped? He guessed so accurately?

But he didn't think much about it, just a reminder.

"It is said that the Lolank gang has fled to the vicinity of Tianshu Star. Anyway, we have to be careful."

"Oh, when will the meal be served?"

Lin Bei changed the subject.

Xia Xingguo scratched his forehead. The record was done, so it was no problem to provide a meal.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the cafeteria."

"Another cafeteria?"

Lin Bei thought about it. Although it was a cafeteria, the chefs and dishes in the cafeteria were different.

You can try it.

Gu Anran was sweating profusely. After all, he knew the truth of the matter and lied just now, so he was always guilty.

I didn't expect Lin Bei to dare to eat in the cafeteria of the Law Enforcement Bureau...

He was really brave!

As a scientific researcher, Gu Anran's IQ was absolutely top-notch. She knew very well that there were loopholes in her words, and as long as she told a lie, she would have to make up for it with countless lies, and the loopholes would become bigger and bigger in the end.

The truth will come out sooner or later.


In the research institute, Lv Dong was killed in an explosion, which caused a huge sensation. According to reporters, it was because of a robot failure.

As researchers, they were all robot makers, so they knew very well that the probability of such a thing happening was almost zero.

In addition, it was heard that Lin Bei and Gu Anran were taken away by the law enforcement bureau.

The relationship between them seemed to be self-evident.

When Professor Wang learned about this, he immediately couldn't sit still. With his IQ and understanding of Lv Dong, it was not difficult to guess what happened.

What worried him most was that his students were taken away by the law enforcement bureau and had not come out for such a long time...

Will they be tortured and interrogated? ? ?

The more Professor Wang thought about it, the more worried he became.

"No! I have to go and see!"


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