No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 593 Countermeasures

In the research institute, there is another person who pays special attention to this matter.

That is Yang Bowen, who is watching the TV report over and over again.

‘Wuwuwuwuwu~~~ Teacher Lu, you are so young, how can you just die like this? What will your students do~~~ Wuwuwuwu’

On the TV screen, a girl is crying, sobbing and complaining, extremely sad.

Yang Bowen is getting angrier and angrier, his fists clenched, and veins on the back of his hands are bulging.

Isn’t this too fake?

It’s ten thousand times faker than the cat crying over the mouse! ! !

Also, Lu Dong said that this matter would be left to him to handle, and let him wait and see, is this the result of waiting and seeing? ✺

“Since Lu Dong is dead, he can’t die in vain...”

Yang Bowen pinched his chin and began to calculate in his mind how to find evidence of Lin Bei’s fraud.

The brain that once developed technology now starts to calculate people....


In the cafeteria of the Supernatural Bureau, Lin Bei ordered a large table of dishes, delicious and drinkable, and he ate wherever he went.

During this time, Xia Xingguo kept observing the two people, but he didn't find any flaws.

At this time, several law enforcement officers at the door hurried in with an old man.

"Captain Xia, Professor Wang said he must see his students. We said we would eat in the cafeteria... He didn't believe it, so we brought him here."

Hearing the voice, several people turned their heads to look.

Found that Professor Wang's old eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

Lin Bei picked his teeth and leaned back in the chair.

"Teacher Wang, we all finished eating before you came, it's a bit late to eat."

"No, you..."

Professor Wang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Originally thought that the two were tortured, so despite the law enforcement officers' obstruction, they also came here to see, but... they were eating and drinking here.

Moreover, it looked like they had eaten a lot.

"Professor Wang, I didn't expect you to come in person." Xia Xingguo smiled and stood up to greet him.

"Oh, Captain Xia, are these two children... okay?" Professor Wang asked.

"No, no, no."

Xia Xingguo shook his head repeatedly, "They performed well and accurately recounted what happened. I have to thank them both."

"That's good, that's good. If everything is fine, I will take them back."

"No problem, please."

Xia Xingguo said politely.

Lin Bei had eaten and drunk enough, so he and Gu Anran were taken away by Professor Wang.

Xia Xingguo returned to the office and sorted out the information just now.

Looking at the name on it, he suddenly showed a thoughtful look.

"Lin Bei... Lin Bei... This name, why does it feel a little familiar? It seems that I have heard it somewhere, it can't be..."

He vaguely remembered that during a meeting, the angels said that the totem-level strongman they were chasing was named Lin Bei.

But he was not sure.

What if it was a duplicate name?

During these years of work, he has seen more than one or two people named Lin Bei.

And by observing his performance today, he doesn't look like a totem-level strongman.

"Forget it, I'll ask him some other day..."


Lin Bei and the other two returned to the research institute and came to a private laboratory. Professor Wang looked outside the door furtively, and after confirming that no one was there, he locked the door.

Then he asked with a heavy face.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Woo woo woo woo woo woo ~~~"

Back in the teacher's laboratory, Gu Anran burst into tears. This time it was true emotion. Just now outside, she had been holding on all the time.

After all, it was the first time for a little girl to experience such a thing.

It was not easy to force herself to stay calm.

"Wow~~ Teacher, Lu Dong killed the salesgirl and wanted to frame me, but Lin Bei shot him to death. Later... we had no choice but to say it was an explosion. What do you think we should do? If we are discovered, we are finished!!!"


Professor Wang's eyes turned quickly. Although he had already guessed it.

But now he heard the truth.

He was still shocked.

Lin Bei spread his hands.

"It wasn't me who said the explosion, it was those people who said it, and... that guy named Xia said I was a witness as soon as he came over, so we had to be witnesses."


Professor Wang nodded.

"It's not your fault. Lu Dong obviously went there with the intention of killing people on the spot. Now we should be thankful that Teacher Lin has the ability to defend himself, otherwise... the bodies lying there would be you."

Gu Anran heard it and felt it made sense.

Only then did he realize it.

Thanks to Lin Bei, otherwise the consequences would be even more serious.

"Then what should we do now? If someone continues to investigate, this matter will definitely not be concealed, and... Yang Bowen is here, he will definitely not give up this time!"

"Then let's go all out and kill Yang Bowen as well!"

Lin Bei clenched his fist with one hand and said excitedly.


The two people next to him looked at him and couldn't help but take a breath.

Is this a gangster?

In order to cover up the truth, constantly killing people is often the beginning of a murderer falling into the abyss.

"No, this will only make you sink deeper and deeper, and you will eventually be unable to extricate yourself."

Professor Wang shook his head, "And even if we kill Yang Bowen, what about his family and friends? Do we have to kill them all?"

"Not impossible."

Lin Bei pinched his chin and thought seriously.

"............" Gu Anran and the others were all frowning, thinking that he had a strange way of thinking and was just joking.

Professor Wang thought for a moment and seemed to have an idea.

"How about this, you go out of the city and hide first, and leave this place of trouble."

"What? Run away directly? Isn't that a disguised admission?"

Gu Anran asked.

Professor Wang shook his head, "No, the institute just has a task of going out for scientific research, I will assign it to you directly, you take the opportunity to go out of the city and hide, see what the situation is, and wait until the storm is over before talking about it."

"Well, this is a good idea, thank you teacher."

Gu Anran is very guilty now, and he really doesn't dare to stay in the city.

Lin Bei muttered.

"I just played in the city for a day, and there are still many places I haven't visited."

"...You're still thinking about playing?"

Gu Anran was ashamed, thinking that he was really generous.

"Teacher Lin, don't you have a companion? With his appearance, he can't get into the city at all. Let's just go out of the city to pick him up, and come back after the matter is over."

"Oh, that's right..."

Lin Bei nodded.

Remembering that he made a video call to Da Huang in the morning, it might not be long before they should arrive at Tianshu Star.

When the time comes, just say that you went to pick up Da Huang specially.

I guess he will be very happy.

Of course.

The premise is that he doesn't know the reason for this matter...


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