The other people quickly came over to help check the map.

Zhang Tiandao: "Monitoring Station No. 2, you should go left."

Huang Kai: "Brother, you are looking at number 4. Didn't you graduate from kindergarten? You don't even know the numbers."

Zhang Tian: "No, I never went to school..."

Ji Yunqing: "Follow No. 4 and check. It should not be far away."

Huang Kai: "Wait a minute... Below are No. 5 and No. 6. We should look up." ✬


Li Muxue looked at them with a confused look on her face.

I was always worried...

If this continues.

No need for reinforcements.

You can go directly to collect the corpse...


at this time.

At the No. 2 monitoring station, a monster roared.

There were more than twenty mutant spiders surrounding it.

These spiders are famous for their sharp claws and are called 'claw spiders', Class B mutants.

But these spiders seem to be controlled by someone.

They formed a circle and kept roaring.

But he was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

In the middle.

There was a young man covered in cold sweat, holding a dagger behind his back, breathing heavily and looking nervous.

He is the captain of the monitoring station guard team, Long Fei.

Behind the young man, there was a girl in a white coat standing. Her name is Zhang Xiaoman, a scientific researcher. She followed her teacher to the monitoring station to collect information on mutant monsters and take some samples such as footprints.

Take it back and analyze it.

Determine the habits and abilities of mutant monsters, and even find out their weaknesses.

The theoretical knowledge Lin Bei studied in the college.

Many of them were researched by them...

But unexpectedly, when I came here to take samples today, I was attacked.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you out!" Long Fei gritted his teeth and said.

Zhang Xiaoman was trembling all over, with tears streaming down her face. Her heart was on the verge of collapse, "But... what should I do about my teacher?"

Not far away.

There were more than ten people, entangled in spider webs like rice dumplings.

Is struggling violently.

Unfortunately to no avail.

Inside were Zhang Xiaoman's teachers, as well as other guards and staff at the monitoring station.

"I can't control them now, let's survive first." Long Fei's eyes turned sharply, feeling that his hope was very slim.

"Heh, Long Fei, I really admire you, why not join our exile organization?"

Among the mutant spiders, stood a woman in red.

She is a member of the exile organization and is known as the 'Spider Queen'. She is an A-level insect awakener who can control and raise mutant spiders.

Next to the woman.

There was also a tall, strong man with blond hair and blue eyes, who was obviously a crook.

The body is extremely strong, like a hill.

A-level insect type awakener, ant, ability: has super strength, can perform miracles with great force....

Although these two people are both A-level.

But the talent is good. If you encounter a weaker S-level, you can even kill it by leapfrogging. It is very powerful.

The old scholar who was trapped in a cobweb and turned into a rice dumpling looked full of grief and indignation.

"A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated. If you have the guts, kill me now!!"

"Hey, Dr. Li, what you think is so beautiful."

Spider Woman's tone was frivolous, "Aren't you going to study my mutant spiders? If a few of them happen to give birth, I will let them lay in your belly and use you as a breeding vessel."

As soon as these words came out.

The people who were tied up all changed their colors.

Because those spiders need to lay their eggs in human bodies in order to breed the next generation.

And this process is extremely painful.

The life of the person being spawned is worse than death!

When people hear that eggs will be laid in their own bodies, people instantly feel suicidal.

But they were bound firmly.

I can't die even if I want to...

"Very, good!"

The strong foreign man next to him gave a thumbs up with a bad smile on his face.

He likes to see people's expressions of pain or fear...

"Xiaoman, run quickly!!"

At this time, Long Fei flashed and rushed straight towards a spider.

The Horcrux dagger in his hand prompted the attack.

Cast a layer of light halo.


I saw the sharp edge piercing the air, directly opening the spider's head.

Green blood splatters.

As an A-level awakener, Long Fei had no problem killing a B-level spider.

"Let's go!! Leave me alone!!"

Long Fei yelled at Zhang Xiaoman.

Zhang Xiaoman burst into tears and ran out of the gap surrounded by spiders.

But Long Fei did not escape.

He turned around resolutely and faced the other spiders.

Countless spider webs sprayed towards him like sharp knives.

Long Fei tossed and turned.

He tried his best to avoid it and secretly looked for opportunities to continue taking action.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the lawmen of the Dragon Kingdom are indeed very good. They tried their best to protect their teammates from escaping, and even killed a little spider of mine..."

The red-clothed spider woman said with a stupefied expression, her expression not caring at all.

The strong man next to him smiled slightly, and his figure moved suddenly.

He punched Long Fei with a fist.

He is extremely powerful.

The fists were like cannonballs, making sonic boom sounds.


This punch hit Long Fei firmly in the abdomen.

He was seen vomiting blood, his body flew out upside down, and rolled on the ground several times before finally stopping.

Long Fei gritted his teeth and struggled a few times.

It's a pity that I can't stand up anymore...

"You're rubbish!"

The strong man showed a very disdainful expression.

Turning his eyes, he found that Zhang Xiaoman was still running away.


She ran too slow...

A mutated spider sprang out, its silk spewed out, and it suddenly wrapped around its calf.


Zhang Xiaoman fell directly to the ground.

Then the spider silk quickly contracted and dragged it back.

And hung in mid-air.


The strong man looked at her embarrassed appearance and smiled evilly.

And reached out to grab her collar.


Zhang Xiaoman was completely broken. She knew exactly what this man was going to do to her.

People from exile groups.

They do not abide by any order at all and have no morals at all. They will only act arbitrarily based on their own wishes.

"Hurry up, I'll give you a minute to solve it. We have other things to do." The spider woman in red urged impatiently.

The strong man frowned.

It seems that one minute is not enough...

Looks like it's time to hurry up.

But at this moment.

Suddenly there was a conversation in the distance.

"We went right, right? This should be it!!"

"It must be right, Chief Lin. If you don't believe me, look at the map again."

"Eh? Why is the map different from before?"

"You've got it backwards! You're coming over here to take a look!!"

"Oh, good!!"

"It's right here. My resentful spirit has long sensed that there are living things."

"I sensed that you didn't tell me earlier! Damn it!"


The voices of several people cursing immediately attracted attention.

People followed the news.

I found five figures walking towards this side.

And they all look young...except Huang Kai.


Lin Bei looked up.

I also found the spider here, the woman in red, the strong man, and a group of people tied into rice dumplings...

"Well, this is it. I found it."

"Who are you?"

The strong man glanced over and frowned suddenly.

"Eh? What did he say??"

Lin Bei couldn't understand it at all.

Ji Yunqing analyzed: "I think it's a foreign language!"

Zhang Tian: "What is the foreign language? How much does it cost per pound?"

Huang Kai: "Hey, can't you hear this? It must be a foreign language!!"

Although these four people are very strong.

But it is indeed a culturally limited group.

Several of them had never gone to school.

Lin Bei looked at Huang Kai.

"Then do you speak foreign languages??"

"I...of course I can. Is there anything I don't know?"

Huang Kai patted his chest and continued: "You guys keep an eye on it, I'll go communicate with him!"

Spider Woman and the others were even more confused when they saw them muttering.

Where does this come from?

What are you studying there?

Even the injured Long Fei slowly stood up from the ground.

I think some people are weird.

Since they arrived, the original solemn and solemn atmosphere has completely disappeared, and the painting style has suddenly changed...

Under the gaze of everyone.

Huang Kai walked forward swaggeringly.


He cleared his throat and said: "You foreigner opposite, listen carefully, I'm going to speak a foreign language...Wang Defar! Hou Lixie! Fake Squid!!!"


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