The moment he said that, everyone present was shocked.

"What?" This is a fake? But just now, didn't that master say that this was the royal enamel that was offered as tribute abroad? How could it be a fake? "

"That's right, could the master have seen wrongly?"

"When I first saw this enamel, I felt that it was a little strange. Think about it, this should be something from hundreds of years ago. How could it be of such good quality? It doesn't look like something from the past at all."

Everyone was discussing below.

Lin Jing hurried over to check the enameled porcelain bottles.

He knew that there was absolutely no problem with his porcelain vase. He could still tell if it was real or fake.

And if one said that the porcelain bottle was fake, then there were only two possibilities. One was that these masters were blind and had misjudged it, and the other was that the porcelain bottle had been swapped with someone else.

Lin Jing shuddered at the thought of the latter.

Originally, Lin Ming only had three things that he could take out from the Treasure House. If this item were to be taken over by someone, it would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to him.

"Let me see. The enamel I brought couldn't possibly be a fake." Lin Jing walked up to the viewing platform to examine the enamel decorations that he had personally brought over. At this time, Feng Yuqing also walked over.

"What's going on, how could our enamel colors be fakes?!" Feng Yuqing couldn't believe it either.

After all, they had never received a fake before, and this porcelain bottle was chosen by them personally, so naturally, there shouldn't be any problems.

"I'm not sure either." As Lin Jing spoke, he carefully examined the enameled porcelain bottle, hoping that there were problems with the eyes of those masters. However, the more he looked, the more he lost his confidence.

This porcelain bottle was indeed a fake!

"Boss, say something! Is this bottle for real? Did these people see it wrongly?" Feng Yuqing actually knew the answer from Lin Jing's expression. However, he hoped that Lin Jing was lying to him. Holding onto that last sliver of hope, he asked again and again.

"No, this porcelain bottle is fake." Lin Qing seemed to have been drained of all of his strength in just a split-second. He didn't even have the slightest bit of strength to speak.

"What?" Is this fake? Impossible?! "

Feng Yuqing did not dare believe it. [What do you mean like he doesn't believe it] as he grabbed the bottle and started examining it.

Even though they were a bit short on money, they would absolutely not take out a fake bottle at this kind of occasion. If it really was like this, then this kind of behavior would be akin to slapping themselves in the face no matter who it was.

"Manager Feng, this porcelain bottle... It's indeed fake. " Lin Jing couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Feng Yuqing.

"Lin Jing!" Feng Yuqing did not know what else he could say.

This matter of the porcelain vase being a fake didn't seem too serious in itself. Although Lin Ming really didn't have anything he could take out, it didn't matter if he only lost this bottle.

However, things were not as simple as it seemed. They were currently participating in the Treasure Convention, and many pairs of eyes were staring at their Treasure House. Many people wanted to see it fall.

"Is the porcelain bottle Mr. Lin brought with him a fake? Is there some kind of misunderstanding? " Jiang Yun, who had been standing off to the side watching the commotion, suddenly reacted and asked Lin Jing in a hypocritical manner.

"There was indeed a misunderstanding, but I still haven't figured it out, so I might not be able to answer you right now." Lin Jing also stared at Jiang Yuncai as he spoke, his face expressionless.

In truth, Jiang Yuncai and Lin Qing were both well aware of what had happened today. However, Lin Jing didn't have any evidence. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been so happy to hear his misfortune.

"If that's really the case, then it would be better to quickly resolve this misunderstanding. Now that so many people have come to the Treasure Convention, it would not be good for everyone to misunderstand." Jiang Yuncai reminded him 'kindly'.

"Mister Jiang doesn't need to say so much to this Mr. Lin. I want to see if there's any misunderstanding. Mr. Jiang is just acting." Today is the Treasure Convention, but Mister Lin took out this fake. Do you take us all to be fools? "

An antique player said excitedly.

"That's right, I think that Lin Jing came here empty-handed because he didn't take anything. No, no, no, he took something fake to fool people, and then he wanted to see just what we had in order to get a better understanding of our families."

"Sir Wang is really joking. I think that you really think too highly of Baolinzhai. You think too highly of Lin Jing." "Although we still don't know the specifics of this matter, but I think that in the future, we will no longer dare to cooperate with Mister Lin Jing."

"Ugh …" This might just be a misunderstanding, so let's not make our decision too early. " Jiang Yun suddenly said.

"Just a misunderstanding? Mister Jiang, your words are a bit unfair. You are the only one who is righteous. No matter who you are to, you will properly mediate this matter. "It's just that this time, Lin Jing used a fake to deceive everyone. In the future, who among us will dare to cooperate with the Precious Forest Temple?"

Lin Jing looked at the people below and then looked at Jiang Yuncai. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

At that moment, he even felt that this stage was actually so high that it was so high that he felt a little dizzy.

"Boss, say something!" When Feng Yuqing saw Lin Jing's soulless appearance, he couldn't help but remind him.

"The Precious Forest Temple doesn't have any counterfeits, so Lin Jing will naturally give everyone an explanation." Lin Jing took a deep breath and said with a firm tone.

If it was the Jiang family that wanted to destroy him and Paulinus through this matter, then they were completely wrong.

Jiang Yun suddenly retracted his smile. Although he had looked concerned for Lin Jing, his complexion was no longer as pleasant as it was before.

"Mister Jiang, I hope Mister Jiang can keep this thing safe."

After discovering that it was a fake, Lin Jing knew that his enameled porcelain bottle had been swapped out by the Jiang Clan.

However, he was not sure if the person who had switched out was Jiang Yuncai. However, it was Jiang Yun who was presiding over the Treasure Convention. Therefore, he could only listen to Jiang Yun.

"That's only natural. If you find out the truth, or if you find evidence, we won't slander you." Jiang Yuncai said with a half-smile.

"Thank you, Mister Jiang." Lin Jing walked off the stage as soon as he finished speaking.

"Is Mr. Lin going back?" Shall we send someone to take you back to Paulinus? " Jiang Yun suddenly said.

"No, because I had no intention of leaving at all." As Lin Jing said this, he actually found a seat under the gazes of everyone and sat down. It was as if nothing had happened just now.

"Alright then. Come here, let's continue with the Treasure Convention. " Jiang Yuncai hadn't expected Lin Jing's endurance to be so strong.

The situation had already developed to this point, but Lin Jing was still able to sit off the stage with a straight face.

"I never thought that Lin Jing would have such thick skin. It has already been discovered that he was a fake, yet he can still sit here shamelessly."

"That's right. If my item had been found to be a fake and in such a big situation, it would have definitely left Eastsea City and never seen me again."

Lin Qing's expression didn't change as he listened to everyone's ridicule. He didn't say anything, as if he had taken the initiative to block out the surrounding sound.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" In this situation, why don't we leave first? In this situation, there's no point in staying here. "

When Feng Yuqing heard the ridicule from these people, he felt somewhat uncomfortable. He wanted to bring Lin Jing away, but Lin Jing did not move or speak. He did not know what he was thinking.

"I know it won't go so smoothly this time. I just didn't expect the Jiang family to be so impatient. But for them, it might be the best time to destroy me."

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Feng Yuqing could not understand and could not help but ask.

"It's nothing. I just want to wait and see." Now that I'm here, I'm sure it's out of their expectations, so even if I don't do anything, I think they won't be able to hold it in. " Lin Jing lightly said.

"I understand, the Jiang family wants us to pass this fake incident so that we won't have the ability to contend with them. Heh, dream on."

On the third floor of Jiang's restaurant.

"Uncle, do you know where father is?" Jiang Qianxue rushed out of the room and asked Jiang Yunmao, who was running towards the staircase.

As the Treasure Convention was approaching, other than the old granny, all of the younger generation members of the Jiang Clan had been staying over at the restaurant for the past few days.

"Oh, the Treasure Convention will begin today. This matter is presided over by your father. The Treasure Convention will be held in the guest hall on the west side. Of course your father is over there." Jiang Yunmao put on a caring expression and said.

Jiang Qianxue nodded and was about to leave.

"Qianxue, did you need your father for something?" After so many years of observation, Jiang Yunmao naturally had an extremely unique vision. Seeing how anxious Jiang Qianxue was, he knew that [where did the latter come from?] 'Can't I just use her as a substitute? 'She definitely had something urgent to take care of.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Jiang Qianxue said evasively.

However, according to Jiang Yunmao, the more Jiang Qianxue acted this way, the more she was hiding something from him. She might even be related to Lin Jing.

"Qianxue, what is it that you need to talk to Eldest Uncle about?" If you say it out loud, maybe Uncle can help you solve it. " Jiang Yunmao said sincerely and sincerely.

"Ugh …" There were some things I was afraid my father would be unhappy about, so I didn't tell him about them. But now that I felt things were going to go wrong, I had to stop him. "Is this a riddle?" The more Jiang Qianxue spoke, the more excited she became.

When Jiang Yunmao saw Jiang Qianxue's expression, he was even more certain of his guess. This little girl was doing this for Lin Jing. However, Jiang Qianxue had never thought that Lin Jing would have such a deep status in her heart.

This was not a good thing for the Jiang Clan, but it couldn't be better for him.

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